This is Poland

. . . on a related note, I have dinner at an authentic Polish restaurant planned with the family later this week.

Homemade Polish sausage and kraut, stuffed cabbage rolls, homemade perogies, goulash, etc.

I may be wrong, but I believe Poland is the only (or one of the very few) European nations that hasn't allowed Muslims to overrun their cities and taint their culture. If true ... they should be the envy of the entire world.
Yes - and why? - simply because those migrants (no matter what religion) prefer RICH countries with solid social welfare packages as their haven.
Poland got fucked worse by the Soviets than they did the Nazis.

That's pretty fucking bad when the Nazis treated you better than Stalin did.
This is part true, and part false.

If you were a native polish citizen, but weren't a communist or Jew? You were better off with the Nazis.

If you were a Jew or a communist? Then no, this would be incorrect.
We would not be in the pickle we are now in, and hundreds of thousands of young men would still be alive, if we had just kept our promises to Russia & Gorbechev about the expansion of NATO in the late eighties.

Newly Declassified Documents: Gorbachev Told NATO Wouldn't Move Past East German Border​

". . .Gorbachev only accepted German reunification—over which the Soviet Union had a legal right to veto under treaty—because he received assurances that NATO would not expand after he withdrew his forces from Eastern Europe from James Baker, President George H.W. Bush, West German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher, West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, the CIA Director Robert Gates, French President Francois Mitterrand, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, British foreign minister Douglas Hurd, British Prime Minister John Major, and NATO secretary-general Manfred Woerner.

Indeed, as late as March 1991, the British were reassuring Gorbachev that they could not foresee circumstances under which NATO might expand into Eastern and Central Europe. As former British Ambassador to the Soviet Union recounted in March 5, 1991, Rodric Braithwaite, both British foreign minister Douglas Hurd and British Prime Minister John Major told the Soviet that NATO would not expand eastwards.

“I believe that your thoughts about the role of NATO in the current situation are the result of misunderstanding,” Major had told Gorbachev. We are not talking about strengthening of NATO. We are talking about the coordination of efforts that is already happening in Europe between NATO and the West European Union, which, as it is envisioned, would allow all members of the European Community to contribute to enhance [our] security.”

". . The 2+4 negotiations were talks in 1990 that allowed for the reunification of Germany, featuring capitalist West Germany and socialist East Germany (the 2) along with the United States, Soviet Union, Britain, and France (the 4).

Chrobog’s comments in the notes, therefore, confirm that the Western powers had promised the USSR in 1990 that they would not expand NATO eastward after German reunification.

Further clarifying this fact, the document adds that there was a “general agreement that membership of NATO and security guarantees [are] unacceptable” for countries east of Germany.. . ."

Yes, but then the MIC and the two crime families wouldn’t have gain fabulous wealth.
Poland got fucked worse by the Soviets than they did the Nazis.

That's pretty fucking bad when the Nazis treated you better than Stalin did.

Not better, the Germans just weren't there as long as the Russians.

And the Polish Jews would beg to differ, if they had survived.
So, the bottom line here is that we ended-up setting aside an agreement with Imperialist ex-Communists who had wrongfully occupied Eastern Europe for decades and kept them under the Soviet thumb through State violence and threats of violence?

Russian Imperialism... reborn... is being strongly and effectively resisted by those who know just how bad the Russians are.

Those valiant souls are worthy of our respect and support.
Nope. You have made a worthless propaganda post.

The facts are? The west lied, and this conflict is on them.

It does not matter how we view the situation. We had agreements with Stalin during WWII.

Russia lost more of their nation and citizens than all of the west combined. That was legally their sphere of influence.

If a nation does not keep its word? War is the inevitable outcome.
So, the bottom line here is that we ended-up setting aside an agreement with Imperialist ex-Communists who had wrongfully occupied Eastern Europe for decades and kept them under the Soviet thumb through State violence and threats of violence?

Russian Imperialism... reborn... is being strongly and effectively resisted by those who know just how bad the Russians are.

Those valiant souls are worthy of our respect and support.
It really amazes me how ignorant some people can be. It’s as if you reside in an alternative universe.
What they have done is increased the profits of the industrial military complex.
In case of fire break glass.

If the glass is never broken did I waste money???

Dont break the glass Russia...


Nope. You have made a worthless propaganda post.
Au contraire... supporting the Poles is a worthwhile effort in order to counterpoint unfriendly voices.
The facts are? The west lied, and this conflict is on them.
Wrong... the West merely changed its collective mind as the decades passed and circumstances changed.
It does not matter how we view the situation. We had agreements with Stalin during WWII.
That same Stalin (and Soviet Union) that made a greedy bloodthirsty pact with Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and then proceeded to invade Poland and divide it up alongside their Nazi allies? Pacts with dictators and Soviet scum can (and should) be set aside.
Russia lost more of their nation and citizens than all of the west combined.
That's what they get for trusting the Nazis in the first place and for alienating the Ukrainians by starving them in the 1930s.
That was legally their sphere of influence.
People have the right to autonomy and self-determination... the Age of European Colonialism and that mindset are history.
If a nation does not keep its word? War is the inevitable outcome.
Having fun in your mother's basement in Moscow, tvaritch? How's the view from inside Putin's arse?
Largest Arms Build-Up In Europe – Poland To Boost Military With F-35s, Abrams & Patriots To Check Russiap

Defence Spending

Poland was already spending 2.4 percent of its GDP on defense by 2022. It is expected to be 4.6 percent of GDP in 2024 and 5.1 percent in 2025. Nearly 50 percent will be on capital acquisitions.

In September 2023, Poland received a record $2 billion Foreign Military Financing (FMF) direct loan to accelerate and backfill its defense modernization. The U.S. government also provided up to $60 million in FMF grants to cover the cost of the loan.
Poland's GDP is at 811 Billion US$ and e.g. Germany is at 5.8 Trillion US$ - so who actually cares about Poland spending 2.4% or 4.2% in 2024??? with Germany spending around 2%.

Furthermore NATO (only Europe incl. Canada) has out-spent Russia in the past 20 years, continuously by a ratio of 8:1 - via an average budget allocation of 1.5% of GDP.

The USA - starting off with Bush and reborn during the previous Trump stint - simply brought in these 2% and more - NOT in view of Russia but to support the USA to maintain it's global hegemonic policy - that has brought China into the picture. ( a country that hasn't kicked off or was involved in any war since 1980). - but due to it's massive defense Budget to counter US global hegemony has endangered the US financial capability towards it's own military ambitions.

That Poland's geographic location - immediate proximity of the NATO Eastward expansion, and now the USA's most forward bastion in their expansionist drive towards Russia, has vastly contributed to Poland's military expenditure is understood. - therefore they are also stuffed with US foreign military aid since 2003 worth around 8 Billion US$ (something that Trump rejects-right?). And have received around 250 Billion US$ from the EU.
Poland got fucked by the US before during and after WWII by the US government. They’re likely to get fucked again.
The U.S. was Isolationist before the War and had to be attacked to enter.

Europes mess was Europes mess.

But that doesnt stop these Russia bots from Lying about it.
The U.S. was Isolationist before the War and had to be attacked to enter.

True. America's 19th-century Isolationism didn't translate well in the run-up to WWI and WWII in the 20th, did it?

Insanity is loosely defined as doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting a different result each time.

We have learned that Isolationism and Appeasement do not work.
Poland's GDP is at 811 Billion US$ and e.g. Germany is at 5.8 Trillion US$ - so who actually cares about Poland spending 2.4% or 4.2% in 2024??? with Germany spending around 2%.

Furthermore NATO (only Europe incl. Canada) has out-spent Russia in the past 20 years, continuously by a ratio of 8:1 - via an average budget allocation of 1.5% of GDP.

The USA - starting off with Bush and reborn during the previous Trump stint - simply brought in these 2% and more - NOT in view of Russia but to support the USA to maintain it's global hegemonic policy - that has brought China into the picture. ( a country that hasn't kicked off or was involved in any war since 1980). - but due to it's massive defense Budget to counter US global hegemony has endangered the US financial capability towards it's own military ambitions.

That Poland's geographic location - immediate proximity of the NATO Eastward expansion, and now the USA's most forward bastion in their expansionist drive towards Russia, has vastly contributed to Poland's military expenditure is understood. - therefore they are also stuffed with US foreign military aid since 2003 worth around 8 Billion US$ (something that Trump rejects-right?). And have received around 250 Billion US$ from the EU.
They Honored their word to NATO and are currently building a standing army of 300,000.

Poland has NATO's third largest military, new figures show.
True. America's 19th-century Isolationism didn't translate well in the run-up to WWI and WWII in the 20th, did it?

Insanity is loosely defined as doing the same thing over-and-over again and expecting a different result each time.

We have learned that Isolationism and Appeasement do not work.
And yet the post I replied to was saying it was our fault when we werent even there.

Sorry. That dog dont hunt. Europe caused both world wars not us.
You had no sane option .
It was simple simple self defense given Poland's history.
Zero bravery.

Until recently you had a bottom line fear of being swallowed by Germany ( recently retired due to self abuse ) and/or Russia .
NATO seemed your only option to ensure identity and longer term preservation .

Poland is somewhat like the Khazarians were -- they became Fake Jews to solve being swallowed by the Romans on one side of them , or , the Ottoman Empire on the other side .
Why do you always post nonsense and it always comes back to Jews. Get a life, you loser.
The U.S. was Isolationist before the War and had to be attacked to enter.

Europes mess was Europes mess.

But that doesnt stop these Russia bots from Lying about it.
No. Read up on FDR deceptions toward Poland prior to WWII, in an effort to instigate war.

Certainly you must know GB and France declared war after Germany invaded Poland, though they didn’t do this to the USSR who also invaded Poland. Then after the war, the allies did nothing about the USSR occupying Poland.

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