This is new territory': Trump's address proves newsworthy, but networks see risks


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
In case this post doesn't get torpedoed, how can something that is highly risky be newsworthy? I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason. Hopefully the menacing trolls will see the error of their worthless way and give that devil love up. Also as a result of their so-called president's unconstitutional act of obstructing matters to put the government back at work in its entirety, which effects tRump's butt lickers, they might see the reality of it all. This reality is that their Fuhrer's shutdown with the help of his few remaining partners in treason GOPer that are cluttering up Congress does not pay the bills or put food on their tables.

'This is new territory': Trump's address proves newsworthy, but networks see risks
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I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

Trump's been stealin' cattle, I tells ya! He's been a poisoning the wells! He's had his way with the school marm and a'working on Sundays, dag nabbit!

String 'im up!

OMG, another troll thread. Keep badmouthing Trump until 2020, and then the MSM and polls will say he can't win, there is absolutely no way to get to 270 EVs.

When it comes to being in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the majority at not being legally elected in 2016, technically speaking the bum and fraud is not technically qualified to terrorize and go on another rampage in 2020 as a fake so-called president again. Yet at being beyond my control, tRump still has his kissers who insist on hacking, rigging and dumping this worthless POS tRump on society, and even if it means tRump's kissers gong to hell with their Fuhrer too.
OMG, another troll thread. Keep badmouthing Trump until 2020, and then the MSM and polls will say he can't win, there is absolutely no way to get to 270 EVs.

When it comes to being in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the majority at not being legally elected in 2016, technically speaking the bum and fraud is not technically qualified to terrorize and go on another rampage in 2020 as a fake so-called president again. Yet at being beyond my control, tRump still has his kissers who insist on hacking, rigging and dumping this worthless POS tRump on society, and even if it means tRump's kissers gong to hell with their Fuhrer too.

Take a civics class. Most learn how the government works starting in about fifth grade.
I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

Trump's been stealin' cattle, I tells ya! He's been a poisoning the wells! He's had his way with the school marm and a'working on Sundays, dag nabbit!

String 'im up!


The Ox-Bow Incident, starring Henry Fonda. A great movie about jumping to conclusions based on circumstantial evidence.
I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

Trump's been stealin' cattle, I tells ya! He's been a poisoning the wells! He's had his way with the school marm and a'working on Sundays, dag nabbit!

String 'im up!


The Ox-Bow Incident, starring Henry Fonda. A great movie about jumping to conclusions based on circumstantial evidence.

That was the sub-textual reference, yes.
In case this post doesn't get torpedoed, how can something that is highly risky be newsworthy? I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason. Hopefully the menacing trolls will see the error of their worthless way and give that devil love up. Also as a result of their so-called president's unconstitutional act of obstructing matters to put the government back at work in its entirety, which effects tRump's butt lickers, they might see the reality of it all. This reality is that their Fuhrer's shutdown with the help of his few remaining partners in treason GOPer that are cluttering up Congress does not pay the bills or put food on their tables.

'This is new territory': Trump's address proves newsworthy, but networks see risks
------------------------------------------------ happy to see it but you are cwazy for what you typed William 104 !!
In case this post doesn't get torpedoed, how can something that is highly risky be newsworthy? I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

In your own words, can you tell us what the President has done to make you comfortable enough to say that he is a "...tyrant?"
In your own words, can you tell us what the President has done to make you comfortable enough to say that he is a "...tyrant?"

LOL... You had to put the qualifier "in your own words"....

You must not be familiar with that parrot, it has yet to post anything someone else didn't program it to repeat.
OMG, another troll thread. Keep badmouthing Trump until 2020, and then the MSM and polls will say he can't win, there is absolutely no way to get to 270 EVs.

When it comes to being in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the majority at not being legally elected in 2016, technically speaking the bum and fraud is not technically qualified to terrorize and go on another rampage in 2020 as a fake so-called president again. Yet at being beyond my control, tRump still has his kissers who insist on hacking, rigging and dumping this worthless POS tRump on society, and even if it means tRump's kissers gong to hell with their Fuhrer too.

You are not American.

Therefore, your insults are without worth or credibility.
OMG, another troll thread. Keep badmouthing Trump until 2020, and then the MSM and polls will say he can't win, there is absolutely no way to get to 270 EVs.

When it comes to being in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the majority at not being legally elected in 2016, technically speaking the bum and fraud is not technically qualified to terrorize and go on another rampage in 2020 as a fake so-called president again. Yet at being beyond my control, tRump still has his kissers who insist on hacking, rigging and dumping this worthless POS tRump on society, and even if it means tRump's kissers gong to hell with their Fuhrer too.

Take a civics class. Most learn how the government works starting in about fifth grade.

I though the three branches of Congress select the President
I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

Trump's been stealin' cattle, I tells ya! He's been a poisoning the wells! He's had his way with the school marm and a'working on Sundays, dag nabbit!

String 'im up!


Are you really anti-Trump?

In case this post doesn't get torpedoed, how can something that is highly risky be newsworthy? I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

In your own words, can you tell us what the President has done to make you comfortable enough to say that he is a "...tyrant?"
How about shutting down the government over a wall that will take years to build?

If Trump gets his wall funding tomorrow does that mean illegal immigration ends the day after? :banghead:
In case this post doesn't get torpedoed, how can something that is highly risky be newsworthy? I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason. Hopefully the menacing trolls will see the error of their worthless way and give that devil love up. Also as a result of their so-called president's unconstitutional act of obstructing matters to put the government back at work in its entirety, which effects tRump's butt lickers, they might see the reality of it all. This reality is that their Fuhrer's shutdown with the help of his few remaining partners in treason GOPer that are cluttering up Congress does not pay the bills or put food on their tables.

'This is new territory': Trump's address proves newsworthy, but networks see risks
Trump found agendas when running for office. One of them defined us as a sovereign nation with borders. Now most people that are middle age or older were taught this. Their politics might be different but we were taught that we are a country with borders, language and culture. It allows us all to travel throughout the fifty states. And it created the greatest nation in history. So now the globalism agendas are part and parcel the movement now. The United States must be taken down a few pegs to be absorbed into the North American Union and many people will become impoverished when complete. We are already part of the way there.
I realize this fake so-called president, tyrant and idiot has many kissers who are willing to go to hell at running with the 45 devil as partners in treason.

Trump's been stealin' cattle, I tells ya! He's been a poisoning the wells! He's had his way with the school marm and a'working on Sundays, dag nabbit!

String 'im up!


Are you really anti-Trump?

When it comes to being anti Treason, anti antigovernment conspiring and anti criminal against humanity, I certainly am anti tRump.
OMG, another troll thread. Keep badmouthing Trump until 2020, and then the MSM and polls will say he can't win, there is absolutely no way to get to 270 EVs.

When it comes to being in violation of U.S. Constitutional law and the will of the majority at not being legally elected in 2016, technically speaking the bum and fraud is not technically qualified to terrorize and go on another rampage in 2020 as a fake so-called president again. Yet at being beyond my control, tRump still has his kissers who insist on hacking, rigging and dumping this worthless POS tRump on society, and even if it means tRump's kissers gong to hell with their Fuhrer too.

Take a civics class. Most learn how the government works starting in about fifth grade.

I though the three branches of Congress select the President

Every school child knows that the American President is elected by a panel of representatives from all the alien races who have been secretly controlling the US since our founding.


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