This is how he weakens us.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.
I implore supporters of babblecrap to get out of your collective TDS
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.

BTW, Trump has shown time and time again that he is spot on in his analysis of advisors' loyalty. Bolton's book shows that the man was righteously fired. Comey and McCabe were shown the door when they couldn't be counted on. Its not the "knowledge" that an advisor has to have, but his willingness to help out the President in accomplishing his goals.
Did you hear they got that atlanta cops step mother fired?

I saw that. If someone isn't an orphan with no family, he probably shouldn't work for the Atlanta PD if he cares about them. The libs are pretty rabid lately.
President Trump is likely concerned about Ms. Wheelbarger's loyalty and whether she seeks to undermine the office of the Presidency. What good is any advisor if they aren't trusted?
If he is acting in the best interests of the country why would he be worried about her undermining him? She is respected by members of both parties. Trump's only concern should be whether she is competent to do her job for the nation she serves. She serves us, not him.

The fact that he doesn't look at things that way is exactly the problem.
Did you hear they got that atlanta cops step mother fired?
Her mouth got her fired. She had a position of authority and used her position for spreading her opinions on a sensitive topic which made her underlings feel pressured and uncomfortable.
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.

Right after you stop the fucking blind hate.
I implore supporters of the President to get out of your collective defense crouch for just a moment.

Not that it isn't understandable for you to be in one. I have no doubt you feel besieged by the constant need to defend Trump from criticism. And in so doing to defend your judgement as to who is best suited to lead the country.

I'm asking that you set aside the reflexive impulse to chalk this post up to another attack on the man you chose to fill that leadership role. In other words, don't take it personally. Just slowly read the article without prejudice. That is, without looking to immediately punch holes in it. Please consider the possibility that it is not fake news. That the subject of the article is not a player in a deep state conspiracy to undermine Trump. That what you are reading is a representation of the simple facts.

"Kathryn Wheelbarger, one of the Pentagon’s most prominent and respected policy officials, is resigning after three years in the job after President Donald Trump dropped plans to nominate her for an intelligence post, sources tell Reuters.
Wheelbarger, who is highly regarded by national security experts in Trump’s Republican Party and among Democrats, had been named by the White House on Feb. 13 to a senior intelligence position at the Department of Defense.
But in a surprise move last week, the White House instead announced plans to nominate Bradley Hansell, a former special assistant to Trump, to the position of deputy under secretary of defense for intelligence."
A story like this tends to get lost in the shuffle in the wake of Supreme Court decisions and the release of excerpts from controversial books like Bolton's. Nonetheless, it deserves our attention.

By all accounts, Wheelbarger is a highly qualified official who the US has lost the serves of because she's been passed over for a job she was well suited to fill. It's not the first time something similar to this has happened.

The question I'm asking that you ponder is whether this story fits a pattern of what you have heard in the past. Namely, a qualified person not getting a job because “It looks like she failed the loyalty test somehow,” said one former U.S. official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
The article continues.........................

"Her departure will come as Trump attempts to overcome stiff Senate opposition among Democrats to his nomination of retired Army General Anthony Tata, a strong defender of Trump on Fox News, to the Pentagon’s most senior policy position.
Tata has misportrayed former President Barack Obama as a Muslim and accused him of being a “terrorist leader” working to benefit Iran, according to now-deleted Tweets seen by Reuters."

Here we have another example of the President prioritizing fidelity to himself over the dubious character of someone who has made outrageously false allegations about former prez Obama.

Just as important as the implications of these actions are for compromising our national defense, they weaken the country too by sowing division among us. They create mistrust. They bring the President's motivations for personnel decisions in to question.

This story fits seamlessly with what Bolton has observed as revealed in his book. A President consumed with his own interests to the exclusion of the country's. Which in turn fits seamlessly with dozens of other examples that have been reported for the last 3 1/2 years. It's how he makes us weaker when his obligation is to make us stronger.
So after 3 years when she did not get the promotion she quit. BFD
Did you hear they got that atlanta cops step mother fired?
Her mouth got her fired. She had a position of authority and used her position for spreading her opinions on a sensitive topic which made her underlings feel pressured and uncomfortable. There are plenty of things xhree xalk
No scum like you got her fired.
President Trump is likely concerned about Ms. Wheelbarger's loyalty and whether she seeks to undermine the office of the Presidency. What good is any advisor if they aren't trusted?
If he is acting in the best interests of the country why would he be worried about her undermining him? She is respected by members of both parties. Trump's only concern should be whether she is competent to do her job for the nation she serves. She serves us, not him.

The fact that he doesn't look at things that way is exactly the problem.

Her job would have been to advise the President and nothing else. If she is incapable of giving the President advice that he is confident of, she isn't able to do the job.

The President's Trust is the most important factor.
BTW, Trump has shown time and time again that he is spot on in his analysis of advisors' loyalty.
Loyalty to him should not be the overriding criteria for whether a staff member is hired or is retained.

The criticism from people like Mattis and Bolton (though both can be rightly criticized for not going public earlier) is exactly what the country needs to hear. If it makes us stronger by making Trump weaker that is a good thing.

You Trump supporters need to remember the goal is making sure the country succeeds. It's not about Trump.
Someone quit because they didn't get the job they wanted. Wow, that never happens.

And the headline is misleading as it misquotes her, of course. If you'd like your audience to be "Just slowly read the article without prejudice" you should too. If you had, you would have noticed that.
BTW, Trump has shown time and time again that he is spot on in his analysis of advisors' loyalty.
Loyalty to him should not be the overriding criteria for whether a staff member is hired or is retained.

The criticism from people like Mattis and Bolton (though both can be rightly criticized for not going public earlier) is exactly what the country needs to hear. If it makes us stronger by making Trump weaker that is a good thing.

You Trump supporters need to remember the goal is making sure the country succeeds. It's not about Trump.

How does criticism from Bolton and Mattis help America in negotiating tremendous new agreements with Russia and Red China?
BTW, Trump has shown time and time again that he is spot on in his analysis of advisors' loyalty.
Loyalty to him should not be the overriding criteria for whether a staff member is hired or is retained.

The criticism from people like Mattis and Bolton (though both can be rightly criticized for not going public earlier) is exactly what the country needs to hear. If it makes us stronger by making Trump weaker that is a good thing.

You Trump supporters need to remember the goal is making sure the country succeeds. It's not about Trump.
Yeah you filthy vile scum are out there succeeding it real good aren't you? with your peaceful rioting and looting and your peaceful arson.

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