This is an outrage!

Well the whole world has turned its back on space travel unfortunately. We should have had nuclear powered spaceships going to Mars decades ago. It's an interest we haven't fostered since the moon landings and it's very sad.
Obama made it clear promoting Islamic self-esteem was the mission on NASA, not space exploration.

Probably his only success.
Obama's rape of NASA was a terrible thing. Unfortunately barely anyone in this country gave a damn.

Obama didn't rape anything, much less NASA. Under Obama's watch, the NASA budget has actually increased, not decreased. And it wasn't Obama that axed the shuttles. Their design and age did that for them. The Orion/SLS will put us back in the exploration business. And that is something you can "blame" Obama for. If you want more out of NASA, contact your congressional representatives and demand that NASA be given more money to achieve our space goals.

It was closer to 20 billion when Obama came to power? Should be 40 billion if we wish to get to those asteroids and onto mars! Most importantly a respectable asteroid defense network is necessary.

Space policy of the Barack Obama administration - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The space policy of the Barack Obama administration was announced by U.S. President Barack Obama on April 15, 2010, at a major space policy speech at Kennedy Space Center.[1] He committed to increasing NASA funding by $6 billion over five years and completing the design of a new heavy-lift launch vehicle by 2015 and to begin construction thereafter. He also predicted a U.S.-crewed orbital Mars mission by the mid-2030s, preceded by an asteroid mission by 2025. In response to concerns over job losses, Obama promised a $40 million effort to help Space Coast workers affected by the cancellation of the Space Shuttle program and Constellation program.

The Obama administration's space policy was made subsequent to the final report of the Review of United States Human Space Flight Plans Committee, which it had instituted to review the human spaceflight plans of the United States in the post-Space Shuttle era. The NASA Authorization Act of 2010, passed on October 11, 2010, enacted many of the Obama administration's space policy goals.

I agree it should be more. But Obama doesn't set the budget for NASA. Congress does. By the way, the SLS is in the initial construction phase as we speak. The final testing of the solid rocket booster is completed. The core tanks are being built. The first live test of Orion is complete. The first launch of the combines SLS/Orion will take place in 2018. It will be the largest launch vehicle ever built and flown.
The 3rd, 7th and 11th highest rated ESL rated planets are within 25 light years!
List of potentially habitable exoplanets - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And for all intents and purposes, out of reach to us lowly humans. On the other hand, there is evidence that there may be two Earth-sized planets orbiting Alpha Centauri, just 4 light years and change away. And that star is similar to our own, and only about a billion years older, which means that it is a mature star system like our own.
Well the whole world has turned its back on space travel unfortunately. We should have had nuclear powered spaceships going to Mars decades ago. It's an interest we haven't fostered since the moon landings and it's very sad.
Obama made it clear promoting Islamic self-esteem was the mission on NASA, not space exploration.

Probably his only success.
Obama's rape of NASA was a terrible thing. Unfortunately barely anyone in this country gave a damn.

Obama didn't rape anything, much less NASA. Under Obama's watch, the NASA budget has actually increased, not decreased. And it wasn't Obama that axed the shuttles. Their design and age did that for them. The Orion/SLS will put us back in the exploration business. And that is something you can "blame" Obama for. If you want more out of NASA, contact your congressional representatives and demand that NASA be given more money to achieve our space goals.
Obama AXED Orion. It exists in spite of him. Remember the constellation program? Few do thanks to Obama.

Mark my words when we make it back to the moon and eventually make it to Mars it won't be NASA's doing. And that's a damn shame because they are the best we have and the funding we send them is pathetic.

He axed Constellation at the recommendation of nearly the entire space community. It was way too expensive, and a terrible design. Orion was not axed. They just tested it in space this year. dude.
It's normal that generations prefer shows reflective of their leaders and the values they espouse.

The generation that grew up right after World War II loved movies with heroes like Audie Murphy.

Only logical, therefore, that the current generation fixate upon zombies.
Well the whole world has turned its back on space travel unfortunately. We should have had nuclear powered spaceships going to Mars decades ago. It's an interest we haven't fostered since the moon landings and it's very sad.
Obama made it clear promoting Islamic self-esteem was the mission on NASA, not space exploration.

Probably his only success.
Obama's rape of NASA was a terrible thing. Unfortunately barely anyone in this country gave a damn.

Obama didn't rape anything, much less NASA. Under Obama's watch, the NASA budget has actually increased, not decreased. And it wasn't Obama that axed the shuttles. Their design and age did that for them. The Orion/SLS will put us back in the exploration business. And that is something you can "blame" Obama for. If you want more out of NASA, contact your congressional representatives and demand that NASA be given more money to achieve our space goals.
Obama AXED Orion. It exists in spite of him. Remember the constellation program? Few do thanks to Obama.

Mark my words when we make it back to the moon and eventually make it to Mars it won't be NASA's doing. And that's a damn shame because they are the best we have and the funding we send them is pathetic.

He axed Constellation at the recommendation of nearly the entire space community. It was way too expensive, and a terrible design. Orion was not axed. They just tested it in space this year. dude.
Now back on topic why has the space sci fi TV show died?

Same reason so many people want to kill science and only think about sex all the time. People of this generation are very stupid and short sighted.

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