This is an example of why people need to vote!

People did vote. They voted against you. Funny how you are never concerned about the voter turnout when you win.

And if you are so concerned about nutjobs in the Senate, why did the Democrats run Al Franken again?

Lame. Can you please comment on the subject of the thread, MOD??????

What do you think of the guy? You think he's a good choice?

Just try to NOT DEFLECT once.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
I agree with you. To exorcise Obamas demons what you need is an oversized flush toilet

My sense is that the demons, if they exist at all, are strictly in the minds of men like Klingenschmitt. They're the ones who need an exorcism.
The real question here is how bad are Democrats in power when they lose to people like this? Given a choice to the same people that helped get Dems elected in the past, now they either knowingly sit the election out or vote the other way.

So once again, how bad are Democrats in power that they lose to full on nutters?
People did vote. They voted against you. Funny how you are never concerned about the voter turnout when you win.

And if you are so concerned about nutjobs in the Senate, why did the Democrats run Al Franken again?

Lame. Can you please comment on the subject of the thread, MOD??????

What do you think of the guy? You think he's a good choice?

Just try to NOT DEFLECT once.

Their both bad choices, what idiots did you vote for to represent you this election?
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
Says a lot about you dimwits when people vote nut cases in over your heroes. Thanks for admitting we were right.
People did vote. They voted against you. Funny how you are never concerned about the voter turnout when you win.

And if you are so concerned about nutjobs in the Senate, why did the Democrats run Al Franken again?
Mostly republicans voted, they voted against democrats. With only a 36.6 percent voter turnout, there's no way republicans can claim conservative dogma was 'endorsed,' or that policies advocated by democrats were 'rejected.' Democrats lost because they once again failed to get out the vote, and they deserved to lose accordingly. But don't fool yourself by believing this was some sort of 'mandate' for republicans, because it wasn't.
and dimwit voter chose not to vote, says volumes like "you are on your own". Their lack of support is a message in itself.
so you don't care about another states senator that has an effect on national legislation, but for some reason we should all be scared of someone who was elected to the state legislature of another state who has no effect on us whatsoever?

your ideas were on the ballot. As well as your candidates and policies. The policies you elected Obama for were on the ballot and people overwhelmingly voted to stop them.

Actually, no. They didn't.

"In Red and Blue States, Good Ideas Prevail
From Marijuana to Gun Control, Liberal Initiatives Passed"
But Republican Said Yes to Liberal Initiatives US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Gordon Klingenschmitt sounds like a certifiable lunatic.

YouTube him. He's a very sick man. He's fairly obsessed with pedophilia and gay men. Sounds to me like he's trying desperately to suppress some of his own feelings. And yep, the Republicans elected him to the Colorado House.
so you don't care about another states senator that has an effect on national legislation, but for some reason we should all be scared of someone who was elected to the state legislature of another state who has no effect on us whatsoever?

your ideas were on the ballot. As well as your candidates and policies. The policies you elected Obama for were on the ballot and people overwhelmingly voted to stop them.

Actually, no. They didn't.

"In Red and Blue States, Good Ideas Prevail
From Marijuana to Gun Control, Liberal Initiatives Passed"
But Republican Said Yes to Liberal Initiatives US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Just not the politicians lol.
Gordon Klingenschmitt sounds like a certifiable lunatic.

YouTube him. He's a very sick man. He's fairly obsessed with pedophilia and gay men. Sounds to me like he's trying desperately to suppress some of his own feelings. And yep, the Republicans elected him to the Colorado House.

Couldn't be any worse than President elected because he was black.... That only destroyed the economy, gave us more wars, more debt and everyone spied on. Thanks Dems for that one.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
Says a lot about you dimwits when people vote nut cases in over your heroes. Thanks for admitting we were right.

It's not where I live. That's Northeastern Colorado Springs where all those out of state Christian fundamentalist organizations, like James Dobson's Focus on the Family, decided to settle years ago. No doubt Dobson supported his candidacy with plenty of healthy campaign contributions from people within his organization.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
Says a lot about you dimwits when people vote nut cases in over your heroes. Thanks for admitting we were right.

It's not where I live. That's Northeastern Colorado Springs where all those out of state Christian fundamentalist organizations, like James Dobson's Focus on the Family, decided to settle years ago. No doubt Dobson supported his candidacy with plenty of healthy campaign contributions from people within his organization.

I think it's great all the racist religious nutter blacks who go to church together so openly supported Obama in 2008..... It proves only white Republicans do it... Wait...
oh brother. cherry pick pick pick and never point out the nut jobs in the Democrat party

gotta get some haten on though
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch

Yes, you live in wonderful Colorado. A place so wonderful you have spawned multiple school shooters, multiple jihadists who wish to travel to foreign lands and kill the people who live there etc.

Based on the people you create that is one fucked up area.

We don't elect them to office. At least not yet. And we don't elevate men who kill unarmed teenagers to hero status like conservatives did with George Zimmerman.

That's funny. I never heard GZ and the term "hero" in the same sentence. Ever. I heard moron, and dumbass, but never hero. I understood that the cons were against his prosecution because it was ultimately a political endeavor and had nothing to do with the law, but hero????

Nope. That's you blowing smoke out your butt again.

I have. Always by progressives trying to pretend that wanting justice for an innocent man makes him our hero.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
I saw Rachel's coverage of this nutcase. :laugh2:
People did vote. They voted against you. Funny how you are never concerned about the voter turnout when you win.

And if you are so concerned about nutjobs in the Senate, why did the Democrats run Al Franken again?

Lame. Can you please comment on the subject of the thread, MOD??????

What do you think of the guy? You think he's a good choice?

Just try to NOT DEFLECT once.

I did comment on the subject of the thread. You just quoted it.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch
I saw Rachel's coverage of this nutcase. :laugh2:

Yeah, I just kept shaking my head and saying no, please, not here.
I live in Colorado. Mercifully, we usually seem to avoid the embarrassment (not to mention the horror) of having nut cases in positions of power. I should qualify that statement to say that we usually don't have nut cases in power in an official gov't postion like an elective office. Private organizations are another matter entirely since any flake can plant a flag and look for like-minded loons who share their delusions.

Well, with the Republican electoral wave of 2014, I guess it was too much to hope that nut cases wouldn't sweep in like some kind of political flotsam and jetsam with the otherwise normal people who just have a more conservative view of governance. IMHO, this is the natural result of too many sane people not voting and giving over the electoral process to highly motivated partisans, many of whom have a highly questionable grip on reality.

Well, I guess when you've dodged the bullet for such a long time, it's only a question of time until that good fortune will come to an end if and when most people don't vote and hand the process over to people who realized that voter apathy can work in their favor.

Meet Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD (aka “Dr. Chaps”) who is one of our new State Representatives in the Colorado General Assembly, representing House District 15.

By the way, this thread is also meant to put people on the right on notice as well as people on the left. Why? Because fruit loops like this guy just makes everyone on the right look a little nutty if this is the kind of person who can actually win a nomination in a Republican Party primary let alone win a seat in a State assembly.

Exorcist elected to Colorado State House
11/07/14 11:26PM

Rachel Maddow shares video of newly elected Republican Colorado state representative Gordon Klingenschmitt performing an exorcism of the demons in President Obama, and reports on a few midterm races that are not yet resolved since Tuesday's election. watch

Colorado GOPer Gordon Klingenschmitt s 10 Craziest Moments Homophobia Exorcisms And More Right Wing Watch

Yes, you live in wonderful Colorado. A place so wonderful you have spawned multiple school shooters, multiple jihadists who wish to travel to foreign lands and kill the people who live there etc.

Based on the people you create that is one fucked up area.

We don't elect them to office. At least not yet. And we don't elevate men who kill unarmed teenagers to hero status like conservatives did with George Zimmerman.

That's funny. I never heard GZ and the term "hero" in the same sentence. Ever. I heard moron, and dumbass, but never hero. I understood that the cons were against his prosecution because it was ultimately a political endeavor and had nothing to do with the law, but hero????

Nope. That's you blowing smoke out your butt again.

I have. Always by progressives trying to pretend that wanting justice for an innocent man makes him our hero.

In prison, every man is innocent. Didn't you know that? Don't believe me? Ask them!

The point is that virtually EVERY person who commits a crime will manufacture a story about how he's innocent and was just defending himself.

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