This going to consist of several Current Events


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
What’s the Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals?

I've been saying for years. Nothing. For me it started when Romney campaigned against the anointed one- Obama.

I saw a side by side comparison, in their own words, of their policy beliefs/differences. There were none. I started reviewing the past and guess what? Results speak louder than rhetoric, or, lip service, or 30 second sound bites, or the presstitute corps.

let’s just list some of the things that both conservatives and liberals agree on:

  1. Social Security.
  2. Medicare.
  3. Medicaid.
  4. Public schooling.
  5. Immigration controls.
  6. Trade restrictions.
  7. Drug laws.
  8. Economic regulations.
  9. Minimum-wage laws.
  10. Gun-control restrictions.
  11. Licensure laws.
  12. Zoning laws.
  13. The military-industrial complex.
  14. The Pentagon.
  15. The CIA.
  16. The NSA.
  17. The FBI.
  18. The IRS.
  19. The Federal Reserve.
  20. Fiat (i.e., paper) currency.
  21. Foreign interventionism.
  22. Foreign aid.
  23. Foreign military bases.
  24. Foreign alliances.
  25. Foreign wars.
  26. Military tribunals.
  27. Torture.
  28. The war on terrorism.
  29. Denial of due process.
  30. Mass secret surveillance.
  31. Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Agriculture, and many others.
  32. Amtrak.
  33. The Postal Service.
  34. Farm subsidies.
  35. Stimulus spending.
  36. The welfare state.
  37. The national-security state.

In other words, both conservatives and liberals favor an omnipotent welfare-warfare state — that is, a governmental structure whose primary purpose is to tax people in order (1) to provide people with welfare largess and (2) to keep them “safe” from scary monsters around the world, many of which are produced by the warfare state itself.

The only difference of opinion is who can best manage the Country. It appears neither side is familiar with the Constitution.
I don't recall seeing that in the rules. If someone would point it out, I'd be eternally grateful.
It also appears they don't know the definition of servant (unless it's someone in their direct employ). Hmmm -
How did servants morph into dictators?
Answer: PPE (piss poor education) brought to you by those who are improperly educated in the Public Education System. A "system" both agree to fund, with borrow and spend policy, which they also agree on. Public Mandates (used as coercion through ill gained funding with holding of) to create a Piss Poor Public Education system which is UNconstitutional. Imagine that. And the sheep follow meekly along.

And let's dig a wee bit deeper with the dictator theme- by what authority can a Public SERVANT determine that one (person or business) is more essential than another?

I prefer to err on the side of Liberty- and Justice for all.
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I see a mod I got a PM fromwho didn't like my signature color (after a few moths of it asking me ti change it decided to eliminate it. Thanks! Your check is in the mail.
What’s the Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals?

I've been saying for years. Nothing. For me it started when Romney campaigned against the anointed one- Obama.

I saw a side by side comparison, in their own words, of their policy beliefs/differences. There were none. I started reviewing the past and guess what? Results speak louder than rhetoric, or, lip service, or 30 second sound bites, or the presstitute corps.

let’s just list some of the things that both conservatives and liberals agree on:

  1. Social Security.
  2. Medicare.
  3. Medicaid.
  4. Public schooling.
  5. Immigration controls.
  6. Trade restrictions.
  7. Drug laws.
  8. Economic regulations.
  9. Minimum-wage laws.
  10. Gun-control restrictions.
  11. Licensure laws.
  12. Zoning laws.
  13. The military-industrial complex.
  14. The Pentagon.
  15. The CIA.
  16. The NSA.
  17. The FBI.
  18. The IRS.
  19. The Federal Reserve.
  20. Fiat (i.e., paper) currency.
  21. Foreign interventionism.
  22. Foreign aid.
  23. Foreign military bases.
  24. Foreign alliances.
  25. Foreign wars.
  26. Military tribunals.
  27. Torture.
  28. The war on terrorism.
  29. Denial of due process.
  30. Mass secret surveillance.
  31. Departments of Education, Commerce, Labor, Agriculture, and many others.
  32. Amtrak.
  33. The Postal Service.
  34. Farm subsidies.
  35. Stimulus spending.
  36. The welfare state.
  37. The national-security state.

In other words, both conservatives and liberals favor an omnipotent welfare-warfare state — that is, a governmental structure whose primary purpose is to tax people in order (1) to provide people with welfare largess and (2) to keep them “safe” from scary monsters around the world, many of which are produced by the warfare state itself.

The only difference of opinion is who can best manage the Country. It appears neither side is familiar with the Constitution.
I don't recall seeing that in the rules. If someone would point it out, I'd be eternally grateful.
It also appears they don't know the definition of servant (unless it's someone in their direct employ). Hmmm -
How did servants morph into dictators?
Answer: PPE (piss poor education) brought to you by those who are improperly educated in the Public Education System. A "system" both agree to fund, with borrow and spend policy, which they also agree on. Public Mandates (used as coercion through ill gained funding with holding of) to create a Piss Poor Public Education system which is UNconstitutional. Imagine that. And the sheep follow meekly along.

And let's dig a wee bit deeper with the dictator theme- by what authority can a Public SERVANT determine that one (person or business) is more essential than another?

I prefer to err on the side of Liberty- and Justice for all.
thats exactly why both repubes and dems are left wing partys,,,
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Now, we have this to add to the above. Fear not snowflakes- I'm trying to attack both sides.

Engineering a Race War

Watch and see: this debate over police brutality and accountability is about to get politicized into an election-year referendum on who should occupy the White House.

Don’t fall for it.

The Deep State, the powers-that-be, want us to turn this into a race war, but this is about so much more than systemic racism. This is the oldest con game in the books, the magician’s sleight of hand that keeps you focused on the shell game in front of you while your wallet is being picked clean by ruffians in your midst.

It’s the Reichstag Fire all over again.
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At this point, it behooves us to review the thesis set forth by Michael J. Glennon in his book National Security and Double Government.

Take a glance at Glennon’s Wikipedia page. He is professor of international law at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He previously served as counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Glennon’s thesis is an ominous one, one that many Americans would rather not think about. He holds that the real power of the federal government lies not with the president, Congress, or the Supreme Court, as every American schoolchild is taught. Instead, as Glennon carefully explains and analyzes, the real power lies with the national-security establishment, specifically the Pentagon, the CIA, and the NSA, which is the entity that Glennon holds is actually in charge of running the federal government.

If such is the case, then why would Milley, as the top official in the military, be apologizing for his role in recent events in Washington?

Find out here.
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Wow. None of the erudite from the Duopoly acolytes have nothing to say.

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.

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