This First-Grader’s Father Says He Was Beaten For Being Muslim

Blaming the beating of a Muslim child on Trump is nothing more than political chicanery at its worst.

Before Trump, every liberal failure was blamed on the Reagan tax cuts, George Bush, global warming and The Second Amendment. Now it's Trump's turn in the barrel. He will continue to be jeered and smeared by the MSM to the delight of the Clinton worshiping horde. That is the is the nature and essence of the ultra-liberal political strategy.

All Trump did was call for a temporary ban on immigrants from certain countries until a way could be found to properly vet them. Unlike Hillary, Trump didn't want criminals and terrorists to infiltrate our country. Trump did talk about Radical Islamic terrorists whereas Hillary has refused to use the word “terrorist”; however Trump's words did not cause a climate of hatred against Muslims in general. In fact, it appears that many more Americans are killed and beaten by radical Islamists than there are Muslims killed and beaten by non-Muslims. Any residual dislike of Muslims is the result of 9-11 and continuous threats made against Americans by …. Radical Islamists.

But you can't discuss “creating the most hostile climate we've had in decades” without discussing Hillary's support of the group that chants, “What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? Now!” This anti-cop hostility promoted by Hillary Clinton and her accomplices in the MSM is directly responsible for the murders of men and women in the police force.

Wait, I'm sorry. The cops weren't ambushed because of the anti-cop hysteria encouraged by Clinton and her cohorts; it was the fault of the Reagan tax cuts and global warming. My bad.
Let's all take this time to thank conservative scumbags and Donald Trump for creating the most hostile climate we've had in decades.

Perhaps you weren't around yet, but people have been hostile to Muslims in this country ever since 9-11. It didn't start with Trump, but hey, don't let me get in the way of your childish partisan attack

lol, shut the fuck up you ridiculous hack.

First you say, "Perhaps you weren't around yet," then follow with "but hey, don't let me get in the way of your childish partisan attack."

I guess only the moderating trolls are allowed to engage in "childish attacks?"

When you have evidence that a bunch of first-graders took their cue from Donald Trump let us know. Otherwise you can STFU.

And you have the nerve to call me the hack

You aren't very aware of the world around you, are you?

Here you go, hack.

The Trump Effect: The Impact of the Presidential Campaign on Our Nation's Schools
No, they get them from their parents ...
That's all I'm saying.

... who get them from..... politicians like Trump.
You can't blame Trump for that. I mean, you can't blame Trump if Duh-Wliliker parents teach their children to be racists/haters/what-evers. Stupid parents teach their children such things and/or speak among themselves within earshot of their children. BAD PARENTS.

Actually a lot of what is happening is that Trump is taking ideas that already exist and making them more widespread and more vocal and giving those people who did say them before more belief in their views.
Probably. But isn't that what all politicians do? I'm not excusing it. BAD POLITICIANS, ALL OF THEM. I just don't see how the US (or any nation) can move forward out of the shit-hole if the population keep running the tread-mill .... round and around and around ... by thinking in "with us or against us" terms. "Them" and "Us." You and I need to teach our children that prejudices are OK if it helps to avoid trouble .... but racism (particularly aggressive racism) is bad. That is OUR JOB, not the politician's job. They suck at everything they do.
No, they get them from their parents ...
That's all I'm saying.

... who get them from..... politicians like Trump.
You can't blame Trump for that. I mean, you can't blame Trump if Duh-Wliliker parents teach their children to be racists/haters/what-evers. Stupid parents teach their children such things and/or speak among themselves within earshot of their children. BAD PARENTS.

Actually a lot of what is happening is that Trump is taking ideas that already exist and making them more widespread and more vocal and giving those people who did say them before more belief in their views.
Probably. But isn't that what all politicians do? I'm not excusing it. BAD POLITICIANS, ALL OF THEM. I just don't see how the US (or any nation) can move forward out of the shit-hole if the population keep running the tread-mill .... round and around and around ... by thinking in "with us or against us" terms. "Them" and "Us." You and I need to teach our children that prejudices are OK if it helps to avoid trouble .... but racism (particularly aggressive racism) is bad. That is OUR JOB, not the politician's job. They suck at everything they do.

Yes I can blame Trump, because he's the one whipping it all up into a frenzy for his own personal gratification.

Good politicians will make a country be a place where people want to live. Bad politicians make a country where only people can change things, and struggle in the face of the corruption they face.

The parents of a 7-year-old boy say he was beaten by five students on a school bus, allegedly while they made references to Muslims and the boy’s Pakistani heritage.

Abdul Usmani’s father, Dr. Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, told BuzzFeed News that his wife and three sons have left the US for Pakistan after this latest incident in a long history of discrimination towards his children and family.

“These are six and seven year old kids calling him names, with one kid punching him in the face, while two other kids attacked him, kicked him, and held his arms back,” Usmani said of his son.

He described his son “as American as you can get.”

“They keep beating him all the way from school to home on the bus,” Usmani said of the ride home from Weatherstone Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, last Friday. Abdul, his father said, is traumatized by the attack and has a sprained arm.

This First-Grader's Father Says He Was Beaten For Being Muslim

Let's all take this time to thank conservative scumbags and Donald Trump for creating the most hostile climate we've had in decades.
or, we could thank the filthy goat humping muslims for bringing this on themselves, or we could thank the Kenyan for forcing these unvetted filthy goat humping muslims into our communities.
so many people to thank, so little time.
At least the neighborhood pets are safe from rape now.
Good politicians will make a country be a place where people want to live. Bad politicians make a country where only people can change things, and struggle in the face of the corruption they face.
I agree with all of that. Unfortunately for the reasons you've just given, that is why the US (and wherever the US has left its' stamp) is deep in shit ... and has been for a very, very long time. You can blame it on Trump if you want, but Obama, Baby Bush, Billy C, Reagan, Bushy Senior, etc. are ALL TO BLAME.
Good politicians will make a country be a place where people want to live. Bad politicians make a country where only people can change things, and struggle in the face of the corruption they face.
I agree with all of that. Unfortunately for the reasons you've just given, that is why the US (and wherever the US has left its' stamp) is deep in shit ... and has been for a very, very long time. You can blame it on Trump if you want, but Obama, Baby Bush, Billy C, Reagan, Bushy Senior, etc. are ALL TO BLAME.

I personally don't blame Trump for most of it. The problem with countries that rise is that their fall starts before they've even reached the top. The US has been falling for 50 years or more, even while rising to its pinnacle in the 1990s where it was the undisputed world Superpower.
I personally don't blame Trump for most of it. The problem with countries that rise is that their fall starts before they've even reached the top. The US has been falling for 50 years or more, even while rising to its pinnacle in the 1990s where it was the undisputed world Superpower.
I agree with you completely, although I never thought of it as 'falling'. If I were asked to pinpoint the moment when Democracy was decidedly unwanted in the US (I'm talking about the government, not the people) it was in 1953 when the US sent the CIA to Iran to intentionally destroy the Democratic government with "Operation TP Ajax". It was kept a secret for several decades, until the Islamic Revolution overran the American embassy and managed to salvage written documents proving everything. It's too bad about the hostages but if that's what it took .......... what can you say?
I personally don't blame Trump for most of it. The problem with countries that rise is that their fall starts before they've even reached the top. The US has been falling for 50 years or more, even while rising to its pinnacle in the 1990s where it was the undisputed world Superpower.
I agree with you completely, although I never thought of it as 'falling'. If I were asked to pinpoint the moment when Democracy was decidedly unwanted in the US (I'm talking about the government, not the people) it was in 1953 when the US sent the CIA to Iran to intentionally destroy the Democratic government with "Operation TP Ajax". It was kept a secret for several decades, until the Islamic Revolution overran the American embassy and managed to salvage written documents proving everything. It's too bad about the hostages but if that's what it took .......... what can you say?

Well I'd say the US was ignoring democracy in Latin America in the 1800s, nothing new really for the US at all. Democracy hasn't existed for them, nor for those they support, like Pol Pot, Pinochet and many African dictators.
I personally don't blame Trump for most of it. The problem with countries that rise is that their fall starts before they've even reached the top. The US has been falling for 50 years or more, even while rising to its pinnacle in the 1990s where it was the undisputed world Superpower.
I agree with you completely, although I never thought of it as 'falling'. If I were asked to pinpoint the moment when Democracy was decidedly unwanted in the US (I'm talking about the government, not the people) it was in 1953 when the US sent the CIA to Iran to intentionally destroy the Democratic government with "Operation TP Ajax". It was kept a secret for several decades, until the Islamic Revolution overran the American embassy and managed to salvage written documents proving everything. It's too bad about the hostages but if that's what it took .......... what can you say?

Well I'd say the US was ignoring democracy in Latin America in the 1800s, nothing new really for the US at all. Democracy hasn't existed for them, nor for those they support, like Pol Pot, Pinochet and many African dictators.
You said a mouthful. So what do you think is necessary to save the US .... short of an armed revolution?
I personally don't blame Trump for most of it. The problem with countries that rise is that their fall starts before they've even reached the top. The US has been falling for 50 years or more, even while rising to its pinnacle in the 1990s where it was the undisputed world Superpower.
I agree with you completely, although I never thought of it as 'falling'. If I were asked to pinpoint the moment when Democracy was decidedly unwanted in the US (I'm talking about the government, not the people) it was in 1953 when the US sent the CIA to Iran to intentionally destroy the Democratic government with "Operation TP Ajax". It was kept a secret for several decades, until the Islamic Revolution overran the American embassy and managed to salvage written documents proving everything. It's too bad about the hostages but if that's what it took .......... what can you say?

Well I'd say the US was ignoring democracy in Latin America in the 1800s, nothing new really for the US at all. Democracy hasn't existed for them, nor for those they support, like Pol Pot, Pinochet and many African dictators.
You said a mouthful. So what do you think is necessary to save the US .... short of an armed revolution?

Well, mostly a change in the way people vote. An improvement in education. A change in society for the better. I think the almost rise of Sanders was a point in the direction that some people see the need, but Sanders offers some kind of false hope more than anything else.
..... So what do you think is necessary to save the US .... short of an armed revolution?

Well, mostly a change in the way people vote. An improvement in education. A change in society for the better. I think the almost rise of Sanders was a point in the direction that some people see the need, but Sanders offers some kind of false hope more than anything else.
Yes! An improvement in education! It's even possible that a decent education could (slowly) encourage the other needed changes 'all on its own'. I mean, the more the population understands about the world and about its' own nation the more it (they) will be eager to move forward as quickly as possible. What do you think?
And we've seen innocent people murdered by Muslims for being non-Muslim. No criticism of radicals or the effort to allow more to sneak in among refugees.

I've seen more footage in the last year than I care to where blacks were ganging up on whites. No criticism of BLM.

Some people are mean and it's wrong but the left only cares when a victim is a black or Muslim. You guys act like everyone else is fair game. Insult Islam and expect to be attacked. Your own fault if you offend them.

99% of American Muslims are every day people like the rest of us and the actions of those abroad do not reflect upon them. There is no excuse for people to be treating them any differently.
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The parents of a 7-year-old boy say he was beaten by five students on a school bus, allegedly while they made references to Muslims and the boy’s Pakistani heritage.

Abdul Usmani’s father, Dr. Zeeshan-ul-hassan Usmani, told BuzzFeed News that his wife and three sons have left the US for Pakistan after this latest incident in a long history of discrimination towards his children and family.

“These are six and seven year old kids calling him names, with one kid punching him in the face, while two other kids attacked him, kicked him, and held his arms back,” Usmani said of his son.

He described his son “as American as you can get.”

“They keep beating him all the way from school to home on the bus,” Usmani said of the ride home from Weatherstone Elementary School in Cary, North Carolina, last Friday. Abdul, his father said, is traumatized by the attack and has a sprained arm.

This First-Grader's Father Says He Was Beaten For Being Muslim

Let's all take this time to thank conservative scumbags and Donald Trump for creating the most hostile climate we've had in decades.

And Trayvon Martin was slaughtered because he was black.

These people believe anything... without any credible evidence being presented. Also, Trump is not for beating innocent muslims, but somehow the mental masturbation of these regressive people just always takes over.
From the OPs link:

...Lisa Luten, a spokesperson for the Wake County Public School System, told BuzzFeed News that the principal of the school immediately began investigating the alleged incident after the family told them about it.

“[The principal] interviewed seven students sitting near this child, and none of the students, nor the bus driver, witnessed any type of altercation or incident,” Luten said, adding that the principal has one more child to interview and has not been able to get in contact with the Usmani family since Friday.

Speaking about allegation of discrimination based on religion or race, Luten said, “When [the family] originally shared the information, they didn’t share any info about religion or race, and just that their child was bullied.” .....

...Usmani said his family will stay in Pakistan until after the election to see if Donald Trump is elected to determine if his family feels safe enough to return....

Whilst he's there, I hope he does something to help Pakistans Christians, Amadiyya and women and girls feel safer.
The fathers killed bY Radical Islamists and the mothers held as sex slaves by Radical Islamists don't have the ability to speak out on how they've been treated.

Just sayin'.

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