This Election Was Not Stolen, Do You Accept That Fact?

The alternative is that just over half those whom voted were equally mindless pedophiles like the groper-molestor of girls and women now in the office of POTUS.

or the one they believe should be in office
Ok, so we can say the same about 2016, right?
Sure, if anyone wants to do that. I didn't realize there were that many people who believe the 2016 election was stolen, but whatever. Anyway, the results of the 2020 election have been in doubt since that election day. Hundreds of questions and allegations have been made that cast the validity of that election outcome into some doubt; some of those questions and assertions were addressed but many have not, at least to the satisfaction of quite few people. Therefore, the assertion that that election was not stolen is itself questionable because the data upon which that assertion has been made has been questioned quite a bit. IOW, we don't know, one way or the other.

What is a fact is that the election results were validated by law and Joe Biden was sworn in as our president. However, that fact does not mean the election wasn't stolen. Circumstances required that we swear in the election winner on Jan 20th and there wasn't really time to make sure the complaints and allegations had any truth to them because it takes time to review each case. Our entire justice system is premised on the principle of innocent until proven guilty, and so it is with the 2020 election results. At the time we didn't have the evidence of sufficient fraud that will stand up in a court of law, and still don't. But that does not mean the election wasn't stolen.
I find it particularly troubling that when it came to the 2016 election, the very people whom we now know engineered the fake Steele Dossier and other fiction took questioning the election to a two year long 30 million dollar special prosecutor led investigation. Hillary even wrote a book on "what really happened."

In 2000 when there were a few hanging chads, Gore brought in 300 or 500 lawyers to turn the whole place upside down and challenge every tiny detail.

But now in 2021 when there is literally a MOUNTAIN of illegal actions and unexplained particulars which BEG closer investigation, if only to prove the election SOUND for the good of the country, no one is even allowed to ASK THE QUESTION!
  • The media claim 10,000 times it has all been "debunked" (often, right after the election!) but then run from explaining HOW.
  • Anyone bridging the topic on social media is deplatformed, account closed, rather than simply been shown the "proof."
  • Anyone actually pursuing the question with audits and investigation is mocked, attacked and doxxed.
  • Any time you corner a lib into explaining the debunking, rather than sharing why or how they believe this, run away claiming: "well, you can't prove a negative!" But then, how do they know the election really WAS debunked?! He said she said?
It is for all these reasons and the great disparity in how democrats question everything freely at will while denying the GOP even the right to just ASK the question that, even if I had no other proof, I KNOW the election must have been stolen. Democrats are trying too hard in not even allowing the election to be examined, kicking and clawing every inch of the way. They are way too eager to just bury the matter and move on. Even with the bogus 1/6 commission, they are steering wide and clear of even exploring the matter as the reason why those people rioted at the Capitol that day!

Democrats can NEVER offer up a simple, logical explanation to any of this. When they try, it always ends up just some crass excuse like: "I know because you are a braindead functional moron."

“BIDEN WAS NOT ELECTED?????” :uhoh3:

Thank you for proving my point.
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Sure, if anyone wants to do that. I didn't realize there were that many people who believe the 2016 election was stolen, but whatever. Anyway, the results of the 2020 election have been in doubt since that election day. Hundreds of questions and allegations have been made that cast the validity of that election outcome into some doubt; some of those questions and assertions were addressed but many have not, at least to the satisfaction of quite few people. Therefore, the assertion that that election was not stolen is itself questionable because the data upon which that assertion has been made has been questioned quite a bit. IOW, we don't know, one way or the other.

What is a fact is that the election results were validated by law and Joe Biden was sworn in as our president. However, that fact does not mean the election wasn't stolen. Circumstances required that we swear in the election winner on Jan 20th and there wasn't really time to make sure the complaints and allegations had any truth to them because it takes time to review each case. Our entire justice system is premised on the principle of innocent until proven guilty, and so it is with the 2020 election results. At the time we didn't have the evidence of sufficient fraud that will stand up in a court of law, and still don't. But that does not mean the election wasn't stolen.
I disagree. Every claim of fraud has been debunked or shown to be an innocent activity misinterpreted or based on a snippet of video. If there is not enough evidence to even make a charge, you can’t simply claim massive fraud anyway. At what point do say, ok, no fraud?

I brought up 2016 because, like 2020, it had narrow margins and it too was an upset. AND like 2020, one candidate, when down in tbe polls, began laying the groundwork for allegations of fraud. Since he won, he never needed to play that card. His opponent didn’t claim massive fraud because, regardless of any flaws she respected our institutions, the process of addressing contested elections and the importance to our democracy of adhering to those unspoken rules. 2020, no evidence of fraud, but a completely different loser. If we have no evidence to stand up to a charge of massive fraud, not just fraud, BUT MASSIVE fraud, then we have no evidence, just wishful thinking that is damnably dangerous to our entire form of government.
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Conservatives will never accept that Trump lost in 2020.
Conservatives will. Trumpers won't. The trumpers lost rationality a long time ago. Without rationality there cannot be conservative thought, as thought itself, becomes pointless and non-productive to goals. Chasing irrational, non-productive goals is the antithesis of conservatism.
Thank you for proving my point.

You had a point, Slaw? Stop wearing a hat so we can see it. Just produce how you and all the MSM KNOW the election fraud was DEBUNKED (claims going back to just a few days after Nov. 3 before any of the cases had yet even gone to court) and I will gladly change my mind!

There ya go, Pointy! :21:
How about: Just a dad hugging and kissing his daughter on the back of the head? If you consider THAT pedophilia, then that makes Joe Biddum a serial degenerate predator.

View attachment 579883
I really had a good belly laugh when I read the above post.

That post has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, election fraud or to whom Toob was responding.

It is so illogical that it caused Mr. Spock’s head to explode.

Every claim of fraud has been debunked or shown to be an innocent activity misinterpreted or based on a snippet of video

I do not believe that is true.

It ain't over yet. And this is just Wisconsin.

You had a point, Slaw? Stop wearing a hat so we can see it. Just produce how you and all the MSM KNOW the election fraud was DEBUNKED (claims going back to just a few days after Nov. 3 before any of the cases had yet even gone to court) and I will gladly change my mind!

There ya go, Pointy! :21:
The burden of proof has always been on those citing election fraud to prove it. You conspiracy bozos have lost nearly every case, have been laughed out of court and are now being sued for hundreds of millions by those you defamed and slandered. I needn’t say more.
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