This election cycle has been a huge turn off and a major disappointment

Our top 3 candidates have lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in a presidential race. It literally feels like a school yard playground pissing match.
I'm actually quite disgusted. We had talented viable candidates but because they ran a traditional race rather than a Jerry Springer candidates race they were quickly pushed to the sideline.
The media has done a great job of pushing celebrity presidents & WWE 2016 to the forefront for all the dumbfuck uneducated voters. As a result those dumbfucks are driving the GOP & the conservative movement into the ground.
Yes it's true that the GOP screwed the pooch for the last two decades but this CIRCUS is not the solution.
First we had Obama divide the nation & now it appears we're prepared to let the dumbest among us drive national policy by electing someone like Trump or Sanders. Both of whom appeal to the uneducated voters.
We have made a mockery of our own system.
I agree it's a circus. I agree that the poorest educate are piping the tune to which the rest of your party is dancing to. While i hate schadenfreude, I do take some delight in the funeral pyre of the GOP.

But I disagree that it's the media to blame. Poor old media whipping boy of the GOP zincs Nixon's day. It ain't the media, it's ineffective and inept party leadership to blame for the rise of the Tea Party and the advent of the Donald. You have no one but yourselves to blame for the civil war in the GOP and the carnival of Donald Trump.
Our top 3 candidates have lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in a presidential race. It literally feels like a school yard playground pissing match.
I'm actually quite disgusted. We had talented viable candidates but because they ran a traditional race rather than a Jerry Springer candidates race they were quickly pushed to the sideline.
The media has done a great job of pushing celebrity presidents & WWE 2016 to the forefront for all the dumbfuck uneducated voters. As a result those dumbfucks are driving the GOP & the conservative movement into the ground.
Yes it's true that the GOP screwed the pooch for the last two decades but this CIRCUS is not the solution.
First we had Obama divide the nation & now it appears we're prepared to let the dumbest among us drive national policy by electing someone like Trump or Sanders. Both of whom appeal to the uneducated voters.
We have made a mockery of our own system.

At some point the GOP voter has to look himself in the mirror and stop blaming everyone else.
Starting with 'the media.'
Our top 3 candidates have lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in a presidential race. It literally feels like a school yard playground pissing match.
I'm actually quite disgusted. We had talented viable candidates but because they ran a traditional race rather than a Jerry Springer candidates race they were quickly pushed to the sideline.
The media has done a great job of pushing celebrity presidents & WWE 2016 to the forefront for all the dumbfuck uneducated voters. As a result those dumbfucks are driving the GOP & the conservative movement into the ground.
Yes it's true that the GOP screwed the pooch for the last two decades but this CIRCUS is not the solution.
First we had Obama divide the nation & now it appears we're prepared to let the dumbest among us drive national policy by electing someone like Trump or Sanders. Both of whom appeal to the uneducated voters.
We have made a mockery of our own system.
I agree it's a circus. I agree that the poorest educate are piping the tune to which the rest of your party is dancing to. While i hate schadenfreude, I do take some delight in the funeral pyre of the GOP.

But I disagree that it's the media to blame. Poor old media whipping boy of the GOP zincs Nixon's day. It ain't the media, it's ineffective and inept party leadership to blame for the rise of the Tea Party and the advent of the Donald. You have no one but yourselves to blame for the civil war in the GOP and the carnival of Donald Trump.
What is it with you people? NOWHERE in my op did I place the blame at the feet of the media. I simply pointed out that the media ARE part of the problem.
Our top 3 candidates have lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in a presidential race. It literally feels like a school yard playground pissing match.
I'm actually quite disgusted. We had talented viable candidates but because they ran a traditional race rather than a Jerry Springer candidates race they were quickly pushed to the sideline.
The media has done a great job of pushing celebrity presidents & WWE 2016 to the forefront for all the dumbfuck uneducated voters. As a result those dumbfucks are driving the GOP & the conservative movement into the ground.
Yes it's true that the GOP screwed the pooch for the last two decades but this CIRCUS is not the solution.
First we had Obama divide the nation & now it appears we're prepared to let the dumbest among us drive national policy by electing someone like Trump or Sanders. Both of whom appeal to the uneducated voters.
We have made a mockery of our own system.

Is that why record numbers are showing up to the polls?
Our top 3 candidates have lowered the bar for acceptable behavior in a presidential race. It literally feels like a school yard playground pissing match.
I'm actually quite disgusted. We had talented viable candidates but because they ran a traditional race rather than a Jerry Springer candidates race they were quickly pushed to the sideline.
The media has done a great job of pushing celebrity presidents & WWE 2016 to the forefront for all the dumbfuck uneducated voters. As a result those dumbfucks are driving the GOP & the conservative movement into the ground.
Yes it's true that the GOP screwed the pooch for the last two decades but this CIRCUS is not the solution.
First we had Obama divide the nation & now it appears we're prepared to let the dumbest among us drive national policy by electing someone like Trump or Sanders. Both of whom appeal to the uneducated voters.
We have made a mockery of our own system.

Is that why record numbers are showing up to the polls?
Republicans have caused the division amongst themselves, the Tea Party came along and hi-jacked the republican party.
Sometimes it takes a lot of pain in order to change.
This may bring the true conservative party back for the 2020 run, and let go of this Tea Party crazy shit

You're a simpleton.
The Tea Party did NOT just come along. THINK!!!!!
Every Tea Party politician has one thing in common. THEIR CONSTITUENTS!!!!!!! voted them in!!!! The voters didn't vote for some politician only to find out later that politician was a supporter of the Tea Party. Their voters sent them to Washington explicitly to do what the politician promised to do. Which is what happened.
If Trump becomes the next President it will be because the majority to voters want him there to keep the promises he made to them.
Don't worry. Trump WILL keep his promises.
Republicans have caused the division amongst themselves, the Tea Party came along and hi-jacked the republican party.
Sometimes it takes a lot of pain in order to change.
This may bring the true conservative party back for the 2020 run, and let go of this Tea Party crazy shit

You're a simpleton.
The Tea Party did NOT just come along. THINK!!!!!
Every Tea Party politician has one thing in common. THEIR CONSTITUENTS!!!!!!! voted them in!!!! The voters didn't vote for some politician only to find out later that politician was a supporter of the Tea Party. Their voters sent them to Washington explicitly to do what the politician promised to do. Which is what happened.
If Trump becomes the next President it will be because the majority to voters want him there to keep the promises he made to them.
Don't worry. Trump WILL keep his promises.

he can't deport 15 million people without ignoring the Constitution. Not in your lifetime OR his.
Founding Fathers' dirty campaign -

Negative campaigning in America was sired by two lifelong friends, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Back in 1776, the dynamic duo combined powers to help claim America's independence, and they had nothing but love and respect for one another. But by 1800, party politics had so distanced the pair that, for the first and last time in U.S. history, a president found himself running against his vice president.

Things got ugly fast. Jefferson's camp accused President Adams of having a "hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman."

In return, Adams' men called Vice President Jefferson "a mean-spirited, low-lived fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father."

As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward.
See 8 great campaign slogans »

Even Martha Washington succumbed to the propaganda, telling a clergyman that Jefferson was "one of the most detestable of mankind."Mental Floss: Jefferson: The sensitive writer type

Jefferson hires a hatchet man

Back then, presidential candidates didn't actively campaign. In fact, Adams and Jefferson spent much of the election season at their respective homes in Massachusetts and Virginia.

But the key difference between the two politicians was that Jefferson hired a hatchet man named James Callendar to do his smearing for him. Adams, on the other hand, considered himself above such tactics. To Jefferson's credit, Callendar proved incredibly effective, convincing many Americans that Adams desperately wanted to attack France. Although the claim was completely untrue, voters bought it, and Jefferson stole the election.

Jefferson paid a price for his dirty campaign tactics, though. Callendar served jail time for the slander he wrote about Adams, and when he emerged from prison in 1801, he felt Jefferson still owed him.

After Jefferson did little to appease him, Callendar broke a story in 1802 that had only been a rumor until then -- that the President was having an affair with one of his slaves, Sally Hemings. In a series of articles, Callendar claimed that Jefferson had lived with Hemings in France and that she had given birth to five of his children.
Things have gotten ugly over history in regards to politics.............before the Civil War they carried guns because people were so pissed at each other. Threatened duels............................

I watched both of the last 2 debates, the later as a rerun............and was thinking the same thing as the OP. It ticked me off, but it has been this way before.

I still approve of CARSON...............someone PLEASE ATTACK ME.............Pun intended.............He is calm cool collect and I like his policy statements...........even though it is lost cause I'll vote for him tomorrow..............

It's not too late to Join me.

VOTE CARSON........and have a nice day.:eusa_hand:
Republicans have caused the division amongst themselves, the Tea Party came along and hi-jacked the republican party.
Sometimes it takes a lot of pain in order to change.
This may bring the true conservative party back for the 2020 run, and let go of this Tea Party crazy shit

You're a simpleton.
The Tea Party did NOT just come along. THINK!!!!!
Every Tea Party politician has one thing in common. THEIR CONSTITUENTS!!!!!!! voted them in!!!! The voters didn't vote for some politician only to find out later that politician was a supporter of the Tea Party. Their voters sent them to Washington explicitly to do what the politician promised to do. Which is what happened.
If Trump becomes the next President it will be because the majority to voters want him there to keep the promises he made to them.
Don't worry. Trump WILL keep his promises.

Ah yes it did.....the founding fathers of the tea party are the Koch brothers...they could care less about anyone. It looks good on the outside. but what the party secretly reveals is the brothers want candidates in power for them..

The people joining the Tea party are good people , but behind the curtain running Oz are the Koch brothers.

Republicans are smart to want The Tea Party separate, away from their party.
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