This election and the obvious moral imperative.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Has anyone noticed that getting pandemic relief money to the people does not seem to have the urgency it deserves among those who believe government should provide for the citizens? The reason is clear. The suffering of the people is useful to those who claim they want to grow government to alleviate the suffering of the people. They want the people to suffer because suffering angers victims and makes them more likely to hold an opposition White House responsible for their suffering.

They also know that in the tradition of Saul Alinsky, verbalized by Rahm Emanuel, that a crisis should not be wasted when it can deliver power to movements that want to undermine a functioning status quo. Why would speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, purposely delay aid to citizens struggling financially due to shutdowns of industries and businesses? People cannot work to pay for mortgages, rent or car payments and they fall behind because the crisis is real and widespread. For some it reaches Depression standards.

Pelosi and her minions regard the pandemic crisis as a gift from the heavens and they see a possible bonanza coming their way if they can prolong the suffering to affect the election. Americans have seen the moral and criminal destruction of blue cites and they witness the exodus of urban populations as they flee the carnage. The see the pandemic as a cornucopia of new taxes to bail out unfunded benefits of bad government and they make demands to browbeat the current administration to include protection money like Mafia bosses.

Those who resist face accusations of denying the poor during a crisis when it is really the rich and powerful putting the bite on the people to pay that protection money. The government mob is not wasting this opportunity and suffering is the glue that holds their plan together. They want to lead from behind as usual and use the weakest and most vulnerable as human shields. The more suffering, the better, in this scenario so it is doubtful relief help will appear before the election.

It may not work because fact that they withhold desperately needed aid to advance a political platform demonstrates to the people the evilness of their ideology and the extent to which they will go to sacrifice the innocent for their own ends.

There is a moral imperative in this election and hopefully right will triumph over wrong.
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Has anyone noticed that getting pandemic relief money to the people does not seem to have the urgency it deserves among those who believe government should provide for the citizens? The reason is clear. The suffering of the people is useful to those who claim they want to grow government to alleviate the suffering of the people. They want the people to suffer because suffering angers victims and makes them more likely to hold an opposition White House responsible for their suffering.

They also know that in the tradition of Saul Alinsky, verbalized by Rahm Emanuel, that a crisis should not be wasted when it can deliver power to movements that want to undermine a functioning status quo. Why would speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, purposely delay aid to citizens struggling financially due to shutdowns of industries and businesses? People cannot work to pay for mortgages, rent or car payments and they fall behind because the crisis is real and widespread. For some it reaches Depression standards.

Pelosi and her minions regard the pandemic crisis as a gift from the heavens and they see a possible bonanza coming their way if they can prolong the suffering to affect the election. Americans have seen the moral and criminal destruction of blue cites and they witness the exodus of populations as they flee the carnage. The see the pandemic as a cornucopia of new taxes to bail out unfunded benefits of bad government and they make demands to browbeat the current administration to include protection money like Mafia bosses.

Those who resist face accusations of denying the poor during a crisis when it is really the rich and powerful putting the bite on the people to pay that protection money. The government mob is not wasting this opportunity and suffering is the glue that holds their plan together. They want to lead from behind as usual and use the weakest and most vulnerable as human shields. The more suffering, the better, in this scenario so it is doubtful relief help will appear before the election.

It may not work because fact that they withhold desperately needed aid to advance a political platform demonstrates to the people the evilness of their ideology and the extent to which they will go to sacrifice the innocent for their own ends.

There is a moral imperative in this election and hopefully right will triumph over wrong.

People—even we, the American people—are nothing more than resources to be USED by the thousands and millions for the direct life improving benefit of the so-called temporary politicians we have elected and shall elect. Our lives, through the eyes of those occupying the high halls of power, are currency to be spent as they see fit. As a proud American; as a veteran and son of generations of proud American veterans, farmers and teachers, I wish this hard truth was not the case.

However, what we are facing today—26 October in the year of our Lord 2020AD—is not just an across the spectrum attack on our individual freedoms and God given rights by our own nation's leaders, but also by a global conspiracy whose aim is to catalogue and weigh and find the "best" use for each of our minds and bodies. We are a crop and they are the harvesters. Harvest time has arrived.

Look, you are an intelligent, well articulated fellow who obviously spends time carefully thinking about issues at the national level. So you must have also arrived at the conclusion, perhaps only recently, that our civilizational system of governance and sustenance no longer functions as intended and has not functioned properly for some decades, perhaps even longer than that. Americans have been harvested by their "elected" officials for some time now. Where the power was supposed to be held solely in the hands of We The People, it has been hoarded successfully by those so-called elected officials who use that power to reduce every last day our already dwindling freedoms as if our rights and freedoms were a shrinking island in a sea of authoritarianism.

Frankly and without mincing words, we have arrived at yet another point in time when the people must rise with swords in hand against tyranny. Yes, Donald J. Trump is a good man. And even though I and others like me still believe in his rectitude, he is but ONE man imprisoned by a now ancient system re-engineered to enslave and deprive, not liberate or promote personal freedoms. This election 2020 is a sham—a farce. Regardless of who wins, of who becomes our next President or our next Senator(s) or our next member(s) of the House . . . nothing will change for the common man for the better. In fact, our daily lives will only continue to worsen—perhaps drastically overnight.

THEY, the "people" behind Agenda 21 and the Great Reset and global warming communism have embedded themselves too thoroughly in the deep flesh of our civilization, in every aspect of it imaginable. Donald Trump is a good, perhaps even great man—a leader comparable to the best kings of the old world ages. But he is not enough on his own to save us. He has done many great things for our nation, our people and the world at large, however, the one vital thing he lacks to bring it all together is a people willing to take up arms and fight for his vision of what America could be. We the cowards of this world will stand idly by and watch him go not so quietly into the dust of history, when we could have stood up and actually fought for him, for the survival of our families and of our once glorious nation. And it is a damnable shame.
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Has anyone noticed that getting pandemic relief money to the people does not seem to have the urgency it deserves among those who believe government should provide for the citizens? The reason is clear. The suffering of the people is useful to those who claim they want to grow government to alleviate the suffering of the people. They want the people to suffer because suffering angers victims and makes them more likely to hold an opposition White House responsible for their suffering.

They also know that in the tradition of Saul Alinsky, verbalized by Rahm Emanuel, that a crisis should not be wasted when it can deliver power to movements that want to undermine a functioning status quo. Why would speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, purposely delay aid to citizens struggling financially due to shutdowns of industries and businesses? People cannot work to pay for mortgages, rent or car payments and they fall behind because the crisis is real and widespread. For some it reaches Depression standards.

Pelosi and her minions regard the pandemic crisis as a gift from the heavens and they see a possible bonanza coming their way if they can prolong the suffering to affect the election. Americans have seen the moral and criminal destruction of blue cites and they witness the exodus of populations as they flee the carnage. The see the pandemic as a cornucopia of new taxes to bail out unfunded benefits of bad government and they make demands to browbeat the current administration to include protection money like Mafia bosses.

Those who resist face accusations of denying the poor during a crisis when it is really the rich and powerful putting the bite on the people to pay that protection money. The government mob is not wasting this opportunity and suffering is the glue that holds their plan together. They want to lead from behind as usual and use the weakest and most vulnerable as human shields. The more suffering, the better, in this scenario so it is doubtful relief help will appear before the election.

It may not work because fact that they withhold desperately needed aid to advance a political platform demonstrates to the people the evilness of their ideology and the extent to which they will go to sacrifice the innocent for their own ends.

There is a moral imperative in this election and hopefully right will triumph over wrong.

People—even we, the American people—are nothing more than resources to be USED by the thousands and millions for the direct life improving benefit of the so-called temporary politicians we have elected and shall elect. Our lives, through the eyes of those occupying the high halls of power, are currency to be spent as they see fit. As a proud American; as a veteran and son of generations of proud American veterans, farmers and teachers, I wish this hard truth was not the case.

However, what we are facing today—26 October in the year of our Lord 2020AD—is not just an across the spectrum attack on our individual freedoms and God given rights by our own nation's leaders, but also by a global conspiracy whose aim is to catalogue and weigh and find the "best" use for each of our minds and bodies. We are a crop and they are the harvesters. Harvest time has arrived.

Look, you are an intelligent, well articulated fellow who obviously spends time carefully thinking about issues at the national level. So you must have also arrived at the conclusion, perhaps only recently, that our civilizational system of governance and sustenance no longer functions as intended and has not functioned properly for some decades, perhaps even longer than that. Americans have been harvested by their "elected" officials for some time now. Where the power was supposed to be held solely in the hands of We The People, it has been hoarded successfully by those so-called elected officials who use that power to reduce every last day our already dwindling freedoms as if our rights and freedoms were a shrinking island in a sea of authoritarianism.

Frankly and without mincing words, we have arrived at yet another point in time when the people must rise with swords in hand against tyranny. Yes, Donald J. Trump is a good man. And even though I and others like me still believe in his rectitude, he is but ONE man imprisoned by a now ancient system re-engineered to enslave and deprive, not liberate or promote personal freedoms. This election 2020 is a sham—a farce. Regardless of who wins, of who becomes our next President or our next Senator(s) or our next member(s) of the House . . . nothing will change for the common man for the better. In fact, our daily lives will only continue to worsen—perhaps drastically overnight.

THEY, the "people" behind Agenda 21 and the Great Reset and global warming communism have embedded themselves too thoroughly in the deep flesh of our civilization, in every aspect of it imaginable. Donald Trump is a good, perhaps even great man—a leader comparable to the best kings of the old world ages. But he is not enough on his own to save us. He has done many great things for our nation, our people and the world at large, however, the one vital thing he lacks to bring it all together is a people willing to take up arms and fight for his vision of what America could be. We the cowards of this world will stand idly by and watch him go not so quietly into the dust of history, when we could have stood up and actually fought for him, for the survival of our families and of our once glorious nation. And it is a damnable shame.
You sound like my brother who is a college professor. He is not alone and he makes many of the same points you do but he does not share his concerns publicly for obvious reasons. I think right will win over wrong in this election. The information we get from media is highly suspect.
We already had one disaster of a relief bill no need to follow it up with another. In its place, because of the many who lost insurance coverage, it's long past time to roll out Trump's healthcare insurance plan we'll all love.
“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force.”

~ George Orwell

Political stripes aren't partial to liberty- group think is group think- moral, is, apparently a relative term- wars of aggression (foreign and domestic) theft and corruption funded by a Central Bank that has issued an unlimited credit card doesn't seem to bother Republicans or Democrats and BOTH use it to manipulate their own brand of tyranny- same shit, different rhetoric is still same shit- hitting a brick wall at 90mph will leave you as dead as hitting a brick wall at 100mph- same destination, different rate of descent-

Ray, I continue to admire your eloquence- you should apply for a job at the National Review- hopefully though, at some point, and the sooner the better, you'll start thinking beyond your nose and prejudices and realize, evil is evil - the Devil Wears a Suit and Tie and his politics are questionable at best- there is NO moral high ground in demagoguing- hypocrisy is hypocrisy-
We already had one disaster of a relief bill no need to follow it up with another. In its place, because of the many who lost insurance coverage, it's long past time to roll out Trump's healthcare insurance plan we'll all love.
Yeah, it’s only been 5 years since he said he’d release it.

Trump can’t leave office soon enough
Has anyone noticed that getting pandemic relief money to the people does not seem to have the urgency it deserves among those who believe government should provide for the citizens? The reason is clear. The suffering of the people is useful to those who claim they want to grow government to alleviate the suffering of the people. They want the people to suffer because suffering angers victims and makes them more likely to hold an opposition White House responsible for their suffering.

They also know that in the tradition of Saul Alinsky, verbalized by Rahm Emanuel, that a crisis should not be wasted when it can deliver power to movements that want to undermine a functioning status quo. Why would speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, purposely delay aid to citizens struggling financially due to shutdowns of industries and businesses? People cannot work to pay for mortgages, rent or car payments and they fall behind because the crisis is real and widespread. For some it reaches Depression standards.

Pelosi and her minions regard the pandemic crisis as a gift from the heavens and they see a possible bonanza coming their way if they can prolong the suffering to affect the election. Americans have seen the moral and criminal destruction of blue cites and they witness the exodus of urban populations as they flee the carnage. The see the pandemic as a cornucopia of new taxes to bail out unfunded benefits of bad government and they make demands to browbeat the current administration to include protection money like Mafia bosses.

Those who resist face accusations of denying the poor during a crisis when it is really the rich and powerful putting the bite on the people to pay that protection money. The government mob is not wasting this opportunity and suffering is the glue that holds their plan together. They want to lead from behind as usual and use the weakest and most vulnerable as human shields. The more suffering, the better, in this scenario so it is doubtful relief help will appear before the election.

It may not work because fact that they withhold desperately needed aid to advance a political platform demonstrates to the people the evilness of their ideology and the extent to which they will go to sacrifice the innocent for their own ends.

There is a moral imperative in this election and hopefully right will triumph over wrong.
Meanwhile back in reality, your blob has added about $7T in debt. And created a new branch of the military.
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It should be obvious that no one is this election is voting for Joe Biden, many are voting against Donald Trump. The deciding factor will be if there are enough Trump haters willing to throw away the future of US to satiate their hatred.

Biden is just a body thrown into the fray because Trump's opposition has no one else. When hatred is a decisive function in change, good outcomes seldom occur.

Biden's baggage of corruption is irrelevant to many voters and that should raise concerns but it is what is. We can only hope there is enough wisdom in the population to overcome the horrible prospects of Biden stooge presidency.
What *should* be obvious is that Democrats AND Republicans (politicians and voters) don't give a flying fuck about liberty just as long as the other guy doesn't win the world is a rainbow- bunch of dumb fucks- BOTH sides.
With the amount of information readily available it remains a "wonder of the world" how so many can be so gullible- good godalmighty-
What *should* be obvious is that Democrats AND Republicans (politicians and voters) don't give a flying fuck about liberty just as long as the other guy doesn't win the world is a rainbow- bunch of dumb fucks- BOTH sides.
With the amount of information readily available it remains a "wonder of the world" how so many can be so gullible- good godalmighty-
You can say "a pox on both their houses" but life is about choices. It is like the physics of motion. Nothing happens unless something moves. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This is axiomatic. If you do nothing, it will be automatic. If you believe you have no control then you will have no control. You have to make a choice grasshopper, it is what it is.
You have to make a choice grasshopper, it is what it is.
I'm not a grasshopper- so you're prognosis is wrong from the get-go- you're correct in that I do have a choice- and it is mine to make, not a Republicans and not a Democrats- there are alternatives but both sides (voters) cry "you'll be taking away a vote from their guy"- well, duh- IF enough people would use their available choices vs the you have to choose D or R we might not be in the fix we find ourselves in, sensei-
It should be obvious that no one is this election is voting for Joe Biden, many are voting against Donald Trump. The deciding factor will be if there are enough Trump haters willing to throw away the future of US to satiate their hatred.

Biden is just a body thrown into the fray because Trump's opposition has no one else. When hatred is a decisive function in change, good outcomes seldom occur.

Biden's baggage of corruption is irrelevant to many voters and that should raise concerns but it is what is. We can only hope there is enough wisdom in the population to overcome the horrible prospects of Biden stooge presidency.

That's how you see us. On issues I see Trump as an inch deep and a mile wide. COVID-19 is just a forewarning of his lack of leadership and what trouble this nation is in when it comes to facing a more serious crisis. I can just as easily claim Trump backers have irresponsibly fallen for style over substance. Note this thread:


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