This Dick Just Can't Learn

Funny. Gun control is dead in most of America. Where it is not are the most dangerous regions in the country.

Sen. Durbin: Make Criminal Justice System Fair For Minorities– Start With Gun Control
Gun control is dead in most of America? What stores can I go to that sell RPG's?
Glad you asked! Lets see, you are on a budget right? How about here.
rpg For Sale – Buy rpg Online at

Anything else?
Well isn't that something! What does "inert" mean? Why are they all labeled "inert?"
Funny. Gun control is dead in most of America. Where it is not are the most dangerous regions in the country.

Sen. Durbin: Make Criminal Justice System Fair For Minorities– Start With Gun Control
Gun control is dead in most of America? What stores can I go to that sell RPG's?
ask and you shall receive --LOL

Wow! With Islamic writing on them? And they're functional? Whoa! Don't let criminals figure out they can order those!
Funny. Gun control is dead in most of America. Where it is not are the most dangerous regions in the country.

Sen. Durbin: Make Criminal Justice System Fair For Minorities– Start With Gun Control
Gun control is dead in most of America? What stores can I go to that sell RPG's?
ask and you shall receive --LOL

Wow! With Islamic writing on them? And they're functional? Whoa! Don't let criminals figure out they can order those!
yes they are functional

unlikely criminals will be able to get one all NFA rules apply

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