This bullshit with Iran is escalating too fast.

The report shows Iran is abiding by restrictions under the agreement and inspectors have been able to access certain Iranian sites using complimentary access visits.

Certain sites?

IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit.

What about US inspectors?
What about locations on military sites?

I didn't see anything in your link about Senate votes to ratify a treaty.

if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access. i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it. it was not an EO like some dumbfuck tried peddling AND the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access.

You need to read up more.

i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it.

If it wasn't a treaty, and wasn't ratified by the Senate, it can be overturned without Senate input.

the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

How many Senators "signed onto the agreement"?

you think the IAEA would lie about iran? hmmmmm sounds just W's reasoning. are you saying obama did this all on his own & donny getting out was the best thing to do?

wow wow wow. you go boy. you go.

you think the IAEA would lie about iran?

You think the IAEA inspected any military sites?

are you saying obama did this all on his own

Of course not. He got a bunch of votes in the Senate.

How many exactly?

don't know what votes he got. oh but a 10 year pause vs a few months really was a win for donny 'eh?

don't know what votes he got.

It's right there in your link.

September 8, 2015: Four additional Senators announce that they will support the nuclear deal with Iran, bringing the total number to 42. This important milestone will prevent the Senate from reaching the 60 vote threshold required for ending debate and moving to vote on a resolution of disapproval.

oh but a 10 year pause vs a few months really was a win for donny

If you think Iran was going to pause for 10 years, you're dumber than you first appeared.
Enriched Iranian uranium serves no peaceful purpose.

You mean other than medical and energy applications, which is what everyone else uses it for?

They can thrive after they oust the mullahs.

Tell you what, let's take every cocksucker like you and put you in a military unit and send you over there.

You mean other than medical

List all the medical applications for enriched uranium.

and energy applications

Only stupid twats think Iran needs nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
List all the medical applications for enriched uranium.

Here you go, buddy. Educate yourself.

Radioisotopes in Medicine | Nuclear Medicine - World Nuclear Association

Only stupid twats think Iran needs nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.

Why not? Frankly, I'm all for everyone converting to nuclear energy, it's a lot cleaner than fossil fuels.

Educate yourself.

Right back at ya.

Why not?

Because they have massive reserves of hydrocarbons and they're a terror state.
if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access. i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it. it was not an EO like some dumbfuck tried peddling AND the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access.

You need to read up more.

i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it.

If it wasn't a treaty, and wasn't ratified by the Senate, it can be overturned without Senate input.

the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

How many Senators "signed onto the agreement"?

you think the IAEA would lie about iran? hmmmmm sounds just W's reasoning. are you saying obama did this all on his own & donny getting out was the best thing to do?

wow wow wow. you go boy. you go.

you think the IAEA would lie about iran?

You think the IAEA inspected any military sites?

are you saying obama did this all on his own

Of course not. He got a bunch of votes in the Senate.

How many exactly?

don't know what votes he got. oh but a 10 year pause vs a few months really was a win for donny 'eh?

don't know what votes he got.

It's right there in your link.

September 8, 2015: Four additional Senators announce that they will support the nuclear deal with Iran, bringing the total number to 42. This important milestone will prevent the Senate from reaching the 60 vote threshold required for ending debate and moving to vote on a resolution of disapproval.

oh but a 10 year pause vs a few months really was a win for donny

If you think Iran was going to pause for 10 years, you're dumber than you first appeared.

i read that. i thought you were talking about further in the timeline that wasn't what c/p. what are you whining about then re: senators signing on?

well - whether that 10 yr pause ever was a fact or not - - - doing what donny did sure made it impossible, 'eh? how'z this all working out for us?

you think we are safer NOW after his actions? i bet you do, despite it all. i bet you also believe that we paid iran for the deal too.

Wow, you realize that this article is about a recent development to substitute it, which is great if you can afford it. A third world country can't...

Because they have massive reserves of hydrocarbons and they're a terror state.

1) We don't want anyone burning hydrocarbons if they don't have to.
2) How do you define a "Terror State"? I go back to my statement that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

We armed the Kurds. The Turks consider them terrorists. We armed Bin Laden. That guy turned on us. We armed the Contras, who smuggled drugs into the US and committed acts of terror in Central America.

Maybe we're the "Terror State".
I'm curious about something...

Are we simply to allow threats around the world to fester until they become threats to us?

Good question you should direct to your kind.

Iran is a threat especially when they acquire the ambition of nuclear arms. Then Trump came in without any solution NOTHING to offer to solve this problem except made it worse. Except we go to war.

Trump is a danger to Americans. He should be remove from the office.

Then Trump came in without any solution NOTHING to offer to solve this problem except made it worse.

Sounds like the sanctions have a chance of toppling the mullahs.

If Obama hadn't been such a weak twat the last time protests broke out, this might have been resolved before Trump.

There’s always anti American protest in the Middle East.

1. You cannot topple the mullah just because of sanctions. You only hurt ordinary people that are against the ( old hard liners) mullahs.

I already explained this. The younger generations doesn’t like the existing regime. It took generations for the young generations to come to that level. Then stupid dumb sanctions changed all of that effecting peoples live, financially, food, medicine, jobs and regular daily need.

2. Obama did a very good job slowing down the Iran nuclear program. Obama doesn’t want to go to war............. Trump STUPIDITY made the mullahs restart their nuclear program. In less than 2 years they have their toys. The only way to stop that now is we go to war.

America is not ready for another war in ME. If we go to war. WARMONGER people like you would be responsible and who voted for this president.
Well the whole world knew Iran signed a treaty with US allies. I’m not surprised you don’t shit.

And only ignorant assholes believed Iran would ever honor a treaty.

Really? I MEAN REALLY? Trump violated the treaty. How can you be so stupid and ignorant?
It wasn't a treaty, Moron.

It was an Executive Order. The next President can shitcan EOs, which is what Trump did.

Get an education.

That’s the best you can give me?

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An education on the difference between a treaty and an executive order? Not the best I can give you, but I need to go slow with your limited intellect.

You are stuck stupid with treaty.......
Okay it’s an agreement.
Is that mean you know anything at all?

Is that mean Trump idiot did not violate the agreement? Is that changed anything?
For lack of a better metaphor, Gramps, we got explosive diarrhea. We f**king destroyed the pot yesterday when we killed Soleimani.

For lack of a better metaphor

Man, I could make such a nasty joke here....

Okay, the problem with this metaphor. Solemani's death doesn't change the problem. The problem is we took out Saddam, we loosed all the ethnic strife in Iraq that gave the Iranians the opporunity to do what we couldn't do- restore order.

If anything, yesterday's attack has made the Iranians and Iraqis closer. (We also killed Iraqis in that attack).

President of Iraq is very upset because it violated Iraq sovereignty and totally disrespected Iraq territory.
the Iranians were not complying with the agreement, they were enriching uranium and proceeding with their plans to develop nuclear bombs.

Then Congress should declare war.

by the time the dems debated that, the guy would have been long gone and probably would have killed some more americans. We don't need to go to war with Iran, just make sure they know that they will suffer severe consequences if they attack or kill americans.
For lack of a better metaphor, Gramps, we got explosive diarrhea. We f**king destroyed the pot yesterday when we killed Soleimani.

For lack of a better metaphor

Man, I could make such a nasty joke here....

Okay, the problem with this metaphor. Solemani's death doesn't change the problem. The problem is we took out Saddam, we loosed all the ethnic strife in Iraq that gave the Iranians the opportunity to do what we couldn't do- restore order.

If anything, yesterday's attack has made the Iranians and Iraqis closer. (We also killed Iraqis in that attack).

There was a 2nd drone attack late last night. The Iraqi congress is meeting soon to ask the US to leave Iraq.
I heard an ex-general say that we should just leave Iraq and bring troops home. I like that idea, just get out of Iraq, period. I doubt Joe Biden would object.

We wasted trillion $ in Iraq to bring home our troops just like that.
We wasted trillion $ in Iraq to just kick us out because of poor US leadership.

So Putin can take over just like he cowardly abandoned northern Syria.

I can see Xi and Putin eyeing $ and high fives.

That’s dumb.
the Iranians were not complying with the agreement, they were enriching uranium and proceeding with their plans to develop nuclear bombs.

Then Congress should declare war.

by the time the dems debated that, the guy would have been long gone and probably would have killed some more americans. We don't need to go to war with Iran, just make sure they know that they will suffer severe consequences if they attack or kill americans.

You good with other nations implementing the same policy? Perhaps against us?
For lack of a better metaphor, Gramps, we got explosive diarrhea. We f**king destroyed the pot yesterday when we killed Soleimani.

For lack of a better metaphor

Man, I could make such a nasty joke here....

Okay, the problem with this metaphor. Solemani's death doesn't change the problem. The problem is we took out Saddam, we loosed all the ethnic strife in Iraq that gave the Iranians the opporunity to do what we couldn't do- restore order.

If anything, yesterday's attack has made the Iranians and Iraqis closer. (We also killed Iraqis in that attack).

President of Iraq is very upset because it violated Iraq sovereignty and totally disrespected Iraq territory.

and what did you say when Obozo sent troops into Pakistan to take out OBL? Was that an illegal invasion of a sovereign country?
the Iranians were not complying with the agreement, they were enriching uranium and proceeding with their plans to develop nuclear bombs.

Then Congress should declare war.

by the time the dems debated that, the guy would have been long gone and probably would have killed some more americans. We don't need to go to war with Iran, just make sure they know that they will suffer severe consequences if they attack or kill americans.

You good with other nations implementing the same policy? Perhaps against us?

WTF do you think 9/11 was? We didn't start this shit, the radical muslims did. Bur rest assured, we will finish it.
the Iranians were not complying with the agreement, they were enriching uranium and proceeding with their plans to develop nuclear bombs.

Then Congress should declare war.

by the time the dems debated that, the guy would have been long gone and probably would have killed some more americans. We don't need to go to war with Iran, just make sure they know that they will suffer severe consequences if they attack or kill americans.

You good with other nations implementing the same policy? Perhaps against us?

WTF do you think 9/11 was?

Are you ok with nations using assassination as a means of resolving international disputes?
Last edited:
Well the whole world knew Iran signed a treaty with US allies. I’m not surprised you don’t shit.

And only ignorant assholes believed Iran would ever honor a treaty.

Really? I MEAN REALLY? Trump violated the treaty. How can you be so stupid and ignorant?
It wasn't a treaty, Moron.

It was an Executive Order. The next President can shitcan EOs, which is what Trump did.

Get an education.

uh - wrong. it was a multi nation agreement that demanded inspections to make sure iran was complying. they were. now your dotard president reneged, making 'america's word' the same as 'shit' & that there 10 yr pause - , that would give iran the opportunity to NOT create a nuke & turn into a once again thriving nation - has now turned it into a few mere months away path to nuclear weapons.

the Iranians were not complying with the agreement, they were enriching uranium and proceeding with their plans to develop nuclear bombs. They were using the money Obozo gave them to fund muslim terrorists around the world. they hoodwinked obama and he was too dumb to realize it. The only thing those sand rats understand is massive force. Fortunately the Iranian people are fed up with the radical mullahs and are protesting i the streets.

That is not true Dude. Totally incorrect. That’s what Trump ( or Bibi) told you which he has no single evidence NADA nothing.
This guy is a total pathological liar. How can you even believe what he is saying? We have not heard any complaints from IAEA inspectors or other countries that sigh with the agreement about any violations......... Except from Trump.

Iranians has NOT enriched or advanced their nuclear program since Obama told them to STOP.

This is way too long to explain but I will make it short and easy for you. Okay? And I don’t fucking lie.

Iran started their nuclear ambitions a long time ago like in 50s. Fast forward. Then start enriching uranium in 2012. They are very close in making a nuclear weapons including the hard water facilities in Arak but it was on hold as part of Obama wonderful deal and can be completed in less than 6 months. And it will be completed this (at the courtesy of our president Trump) year.

Now to prove that you are incorrect and TOTALLY WRONG......... From 2012. If Iran was able to cheat or violate or enrich uranium.

Don’t you think they could have the bomb by now?
Really? I MEAN REALLY? Trump violated the treaty. How can you be so stupid and ignorant?
It wasn't a treaty, Moron.

It was an Executive Order. The next President can shitcan EOs, which is what Trump did.

Get an education.

uh - wrong. it was a multi nation agreement that demanded inspections to make sure iran was complying. they were. now your dotard president reneged, making 'america's word' the same as 'shit' & that there 10 yr pause - , that would give iran the opportunity to NOT create a nuke & turn into a once again thriving nation - has now turned it into a few mere months away path to nuclear weapons.

it was a multi nation agreement

Cool story bro.

How many votes did it get in the US Senate?

that demanded inspections to make sure iran was complying.

Inspections by Iranians? Or by Americans?
Inspections everywhere, with no notice?

that there 10 yr pause - , that would give iran the opportunity to NOT create a nuke & turn into a once again thriving nation

They can thrive after they oust the mullahs.

it's not a story bruh, but facts. read them & learn something.

Timeline of Nuclear Diplomacy With Iran

Last Reviewed:
November 2019
Contact: Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy, (202) 463-8270 x102

Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) reached a historic nuclear deal on July 14, 2015 that limited Iran's nuclear program and enhanced monitoring in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.

April 14, 2015: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously passes legislation authored by Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that will require the President to submit the deal to Congress for a vote of approval or disapproval. According to the legislation, the President will not be able to waive sanctions during the 30 day Congressional review period.

March 9, 2015: Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other senators sign an open letter to the Parliament of Iran. The letter warns that any deal reached without legislative approval could be revised by the next president “with the stroke of a pen.”

May 27, 2016: The IAEA issues its quarterly report on Iran's implementation of the nuclear deal. The report shows Iran is abiding by restrictions under the agreement and inspectors have been able to access certain Iranian sites using complimentary access visits.

July 19, 2015: The Obama administration sends the comprehensive deal and supporting documents to Congress, beginning the 60 day review period mandated by the Iran Nuclear Deal Review Act.

July 20, 2015: The UN Security Council unanimously passes a resolution endorsing the nuclear deal and the lifting of UN Security Council nuclear sanctions once key steps are taken in the deal.

August 15, 2015: The IAEA confirms that Iran submitted documents and explanations to answer the agency's unresolved concerns about past activities that could be related to nuclear weapons development.

September 2, 2015: The 34th Senator announces support for the nuclear deal with Iran, meaning that Congress will not have the support to override a presidential veto on a resolution disapproving of the deal.

September 8, 2015: Four additional Senators announce that they will support the nuclear deal with Iran, bringing the total number to 42. This important milestone will prevent the Senate from reaching the 60 vote threshold required for ending debate and moving to vote on a resolution of disapproval.

September 8, 2016: The IAEA releases its third quarterly report since JCPOA implementation day, showing Iran continues to abide by its restrictions under the JCPOA. The report notes that Iran removed 96 IR-1 centrifuges from the storage area at Natanz to replace damaged centrifuges that were enriching uranium.

November 8, 2016: Donald Trump is elected as the 45th President of the United States. During the presidential campaign, Trump referred to the JCPOA as the worst deal ever negotiated and pledged to renegotiate it. The U.S.’s European allies in the P5+1 previously signaled they would resist efforts to renegotiate the deal.

November 20, 2016: IAEA releases its fourth quarterly report on Iranian nuclear program since JCPOA implementation day. The report notes that Iran had 130.1 metric tons of heavy water, slightly over the 130 metric tons permitted under the deal. The IAEA report says Iran plans to transfer heavy water out of the country.

December 1, 2016: Congress passes a 10-year extension of the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), which becomes law on December 15th. Extension of the ISA is consistent with U.S. obligations under the JCPOA, although many of the ISA’s provisions are being waived under Washington’s commitments under the agreement.

December 6, 2016: IAEA verifies that all 11 metric tons of heavy water shipped out of Iran have reached their destination and are in storage, bringing Iran back within the limit on heavy water of 130 metric tons established by the JCPOA.

January 12, 2017: In his confirmation hearing for the position of Secretary of Defense, General Jim Mattis tells Congress that, while he believes the JCPOA is an imperfect agreement, “when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.” His remarks echo a previous statement in April, when he noted there is “no going back” on the deal absent a clear violation of the agreement.

Iran receives the first shipment in an order of 100 planes purchased from Airbus. Sanctions waived as part of the nuclear deal allow Iran to purchase new commercial aircraft.

January 15, 2017: IAEA verifies that Tehran has taken certain steps to remove infrastructure and excess centrifuges from Fordow within the necessary timeframe required by the JCPOA (one year after Implementation Day). Secretary of Energy Moniz releases a statement noting “Iran successfully met the milestone of removing excess centrifuges and infrastructure from Fordow, demonstrating that the deal continues to limit Iran’s nuclear program so as to provide confidence that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon and maintain at least a one year breakout time.”

August 31, 2017: In its third quarterly report, the IAEA finds that as of Aug. 21, Iran’s stock of low-enriched uranium was 88.4 kg (194.89 pounds), well below a 202.8-kg limit, and the level of enrichment did not exceed a 3.67 percent cap. Iran’s stock of heavy water, stood at 111 tons, below the 130 ton limit.

November 13, 2017: The IAEA issues its fourth quarterly report for 2017 on Iran's implementation of the JCPOA. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano tells the agency's Board of Governors that the nuclear-related commitments are being implemented and that IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit.

February 22, 2018: The IAEA issues its first quarterly report for 2018 on Iran's implementation of the JCPOA. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano tells the agency's Board of Governors that the nuclear-related commitments are being implemented and that IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit. As of Feb. 12, 2018, the quantity of Iran’s uranium enriched up to 3.67% U-235 was 109.5 kg. The report notes that Iran informed the agency of its intention to pursue naval nuclear propulsion in the future.

Timeline of Nuclear Diplomacy With Iran | Arms Control Association

The report shows Iran is abiding by restrictions under the agreement and inspectors have been able to access certain Iranian sites using complimentary access visits.

Certain sites?

IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit.

What about US inspectors?
What about locations on military sites?

I didn't see anything in your link about Senate votes to ratify a treaty.

Iran has 18 nuclear facilities and 9 other facilities monitored by IAEA.

Monitored by IAEA means & includes:
1. including satellite view.
2. mountain radiation (farts).
3. inspectors consist mostly Americans.

Military facilities are not included in the agreement to be inspected.
it's not a story bruh, but facts. read them & learn something.

Timeline of Nuclear Diplomacy With Iran

Last Reviewed:
November 2019
Contact: Kelsey Davenport, Director for Nonproliferation Policy, (202) 463-8270 x102

Iran and six world powers known as the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) reached a historic nuclear deal on July 14, 2015 that limited Iran's nuclear program and enhanced monitoring in exchange for relief from nuclear sanctions.

April 14, 2015: The Senate Foreign Relations Committee unanimously passes legislation authored by Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) that will require the President to submit the deal to Congress for a vote of approval or disapproval. According to the legislation, the President will not be able to waive sanctions during the 30 day Congressional review period.

March 9, 2015: Senator Tom Cotton and 46 other senators sign an open letter to the Parliament of Iran. The letter warns that any deal reached without legislative approval could be revised by the next president “with the stroke of a pen.”

May 27, 2016: The IAEA issues its quarterly report on Iran's implementation of the nuclear deal. The report shows Iran is abiding by restrictions under the agreement and inspectors have been able to access certain Iranian sites using complimentary access visits.

July 19, 2015: The Obama administration sends the comprehensive deal and supporting documents to Congress, beginning the 60 day review period mandated by the Iran Nuclear Deal Review Act.

July 20, 2015: The UN Security Council unanimously passes a resolution endorsing the nuclear deal and the lifting of UN Security Council nuclear sanctions once key steps are taken in the deal.

August 15, 2015: The IAEA confirms that Iran submitted documents and explanations to answer the agency's unresolved concerns about past activities that could be related to nuclear weapons development.

September 2, 2015: The 34th Senator announces support for the nuclear deal with Iran, meaning that Congress will not have the support to override a presidential veto on a resolution disapproving of the deal.

September 8, 2015: Four additional Senators announce that they will support the nuclear deal with Iran, bringing the total number to 42. This important milestone will prevent the Senate from reaching the 60 vote threshold required for ending debate and moving to vote on a resolution of disapproval.

September 8, 2016: The IAEA releases its third quarterly report since JCPOA implementation day, showing Iran continues to abide by its restrictions under the JCPOA. The report notes that Iran removed 96 IR-1 centrifuges from the storage area at Natanz to replace damaged centrifuges that were enriching uranium.

November 8, 2016: Donald Trump is elected as the 45th President of the United States. During the presidential campaign, Trump referred to the JCPOA as the worst deal ever negotiated and pledged to renegotiate it. The U.S.’s European allies in the P5+1 previously signaled they would resist efforts to renegotiate the deal.

November 20, 2016: IAEA releases its fourth quarterly report on Iranian nuclear program since JCPOA implementation day. The report notes that Iran had 130.1 metric tons of heavy water, slightly over the 130 metric tons permitted under the deal. The IAEA report says Iran plans to transfer heavy water out of the country.

December 1, 2016: Congress passes a 10-year extension of the Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), which becomes law on December 15th. Extension of the ISA is consistent with U.S. obligations under the JCPOA, although many of the ISA’s provisions are being waived under Washington’s commitments under the agreement.

December 6, 2016: IAEA verifies that all 11 metric tons of heavy water shipped out of Iran have reached their destination and are in storage, bringing Iran back within the limit on heavy water of 130 metric tons established by the JCPOA.

January 12, 2017: In his confirmation hearing for the position of Secretary of Defense, General Jim Mattis tells Congress that, while he believes the JCPOA is an imperfect agreement, “when America gives her word, we have to live up to it and work with our allies.” His remarks echo a previous statement in April, when he noted there is “no going back” on the deal absent a clear violation of the agreement.

Iran receives the first shipment in an order of 100 planes purchased from Airbus. Sanctions waived as part of the nuclear deal allow Iran to purchase new commercial aircraft.

January 15, 2017: IAEA verifies that Tehran has taken certain steps to remove infrastructure and excess centrifuges from Fordow within the necessary timeframe required by the JCPOA (one year after Implementation Day). Secretary of Energy Moniz releases a statement noting “Iran successfully met the milestone of removing excess centrifuges and infrastructure from Fordow, demonstrating that the deal continues to limit Iran’s nuclear program so as to provide confidence that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon and maintain at least a one year breakout time.”

August 31, 2017: In its third quarterly report, the IAEA finds that as of Aug. 21, Iran’s stock of low-enriched uranium was 88.4 kg (194.89 pounds), well below a 202.8-kg limit, and the level of enrichment did not exceed a 3.67 percent cap. Iran’s stock of heavy water, stood at 111 tons, below the 130 ton limit.

November 13, 2017: The IAEA issues its fourth quarterly report for 2017 on Iran's implementation of the JCPOA. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano tells the agency's Board of Governors that the nuclear-related commitments are being implemented and that IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit.

February 22, 2018: The IAEA issues its first quarterly report for 2018 on Iran's implementation of the JCPOA. IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano tells the agency's Board of Governors that the nuclear-related commitments are being implemented and that IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit. As of Feb. 12, 2018, the quantity of Iran’s uranium enriched up to 3.67% U-235 was 109.5 kg. The report notes that Iran informed the agency of its intention to pursue naval nuclear propulsion in the future.

Timeline of Nuclear Diplomacy With Iran | Arms Control Association

The report shows Iran is abiding by restrictions under the agreement and inspectors have been able to access certain Iranian sites using complimentary access visits.

Certain sites?

IAEA inspectors have had access to all locations they have needed to visit.

What about US inspectors?
What about locations on military sites?

I didn't see anything in your link about Senate votes to ratify a treaty.

if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access. i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it. it was not an EO like some dumbfuck tried peddling AND the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

if you read more - they said they were able to go into anywhere they wanted access.

You need to read up more.

i didn't say it was a treaty. it was an agreement & we signed onto it.

If it wasn't a treaty, and wasn't ratified by the Senate, it can be overturned without Senate input.

the UN was involved. that's serious shit & senators signed onto the agreement when it was implemented.

How many Senators "signed onto the agreement"?

you think the IAEA would lie about iran? hmmmmm sounds just W's reasoning. are you saying obama did this all on his own & donny getting out was the best thing to do?

wow wow wow. you go boy. you go.

you think the IAEA would lie about iran?

You think the IAEA inspected any military sites?

are you saying obama did this all on his own

Of course not. He got a bunch of votes in the Senate.

How many exactly?

No IAEA are not allowed to inspect military sites.

Why do you want them to waste their time?
Really? I MEAN REALLY? Trump violated the treaty. How can you be so stupid and ignorant?

You mean Obama's personal Un-Constitutional Treaty he bypassed Congress - violating the Separation of Powers to do?!

Trump did not 'violate' it. He chose not to honor / take part in an In-Constitutional treaty between Barry & Iran.

Iran was violating Obama's personal In-Constitutional Treaty before Obama signed it.

What is your other options in stopping Iran acquiring nuclear arms? Without Obama they could have nearly completed their program.
The Arak facilities to make hard water can be completed in less than 6 months. All of those are at least on hold.

Trump is nothing but full of shit. Now Iran is escalating the build up of their nuclear weapons.
So tell me what and where is Trump accomplishment in this dilemma he created? Did Iran stop?

If Iran gets their nuclear weapons. Fucking idiot Trump has to be blame.

This bothers me how a BIG Liar you are. Trump decided not honor the agreement with our allies to slow down Iran nuclear program. You have to be real stupid to say that

Do NOT give me any of your lying links.
You see it like I do. Iran will proliferate following what NK is doing now. All nuclear weapons treaties will be abandoned then other countries will follow, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

We learned a lot of lessons from NK..... we didn’t do a good job. Compared to Iran deal.,

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