Think tank recommends big benefits cuts


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
On the way to the Dark Tower.
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?
We all know George Soros runs the entire Democrat party so I believe this is a gauge of what Obama would do to decimate our military, their morale- should he get another 4 years to finish destroying America.
Take the money from the men and women defending the country and give it to crackheads laying in the gutter. It's the liberal path to prosperity.
Take the money from the men and women defending the country and give it to crackheads laying in the gutter. It's the liberal path to prosperity.
Meh...It's not as though there couldn't be some serious and deep cuts to the military that don't involve shitting on the people that make it go...Closing bases in Germany, Japan, England, Korea and ending money pits like the JSF and Osprey would be a good start.

But remember that Soros is every bit as much as a globalist authoritarian as the neocons are, so it's not likely he'd go for such common sense measures either.
Yeah, that would suck.

Any indication Obama is thinking about it?

On the personal level I think I'll look for an American made cell phone next time I buy one, some jeans later and in the spring a new pc made over here. That way my money stays in our economy instead of it little by little going to China.

U all have any ideas before we finish becomming post WWII England?
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?

Remind me again your stance on reducing our deficit? I can use a good laugh.
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?

I think they need to drain that think tank.
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?

Remind me again your stance on reducing our deficit? I can use a good laugh.
Reducing the deficit is a good thing. Reducing it by drastic cuts to one of the few Constitutionally-mandated spending measures is NOT a good thing. Weakening the nation's defense is NOT a good thing. Reducing the incentive for young men and women to join the military is NOT a good thing. Shitting on those who have served this nation is NOT a good thing.

The world will not suddenly love us when we become weaker.

Leftists can't be trusted with national security. Period.
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?

Remind me again your stance on reducing our deficit? I can use a good laugh.
Reducing the deficit is a good thing. Reducing it by drastic cuts to one of the few Constitutionally-mandated spending measures is NOT a good thing. Weakening the nation's defense is NOT a good thing. Reducing the incentive for young men and women to join the military is NOT a good thing. Shitting on those who have served this nation is NOT a good thing.

The world will not suddenly love us when we become weaker.

Leftists can't be trusted with national security. Period.

LOL, "weakening our defense". Please drink more Kool Aid. Our defense budget is ASTRONOMICAL. No one in the world is even close to what we spend. If you were actually serious about fixing our financial issues you would insist on looking at the defense budget and where cuts can be made.

I wouldn't want to see everything cut as this think tank suggests, but there are certainly some worthy ideas including removing the excessive amount of troops we have stationed around the world.
Remind me again your stance on reducing our deficit? I can use a good laugh.
Reducing the deficit is a good thing. Reducing it by drastic cuts to one of the few Constitutionally-mandated spending measures is NOT a good thing. Weakening the nation's defense is NOT a good thing. Reducing the incentive for young men and women to join the military is NOT a good thing. Shitting on those who have served this nation is NOT a good thing.

The world will not suddenly love us when we become weaker.

Leftists can't be trusted with national security. Period.

LOL, "weakening our defense". Please drink more Kool Aid. Our defense budget is ASTRONOMICAL. No one in the world is even close to what we spend. If you were actually serious about fixing our financial issues you would insist on looking at the defense budget and where cuts can be made.

I wouldn't want to see everything cut as this think tank suggests, but there are certainly some worthy ideas including removing the excessive amount of troops we have stationed around the world.
I never said there weren't cuts that could be made, did I?

I notice you're not offering any of your sacred cows, though.
Think tank recommends big benefits cuts
A new report by a liberal-leaning think tank recommends a dramatic overhaul of military pay, retirement and health care benefits as part of a $1 trillion cut in defense spending over 10 years.

The Center for American Progress calls for capping pay raises, eliminating military health benefits for many retirees who are covered by an employer-provided plan, and reducing the value of military retired pay as well as making retirees wait until age 60 to start receiving it.

Recommendations are included in a report, Rebalancing Our National Security, released Oct. 31 by the progressive think tank and advocacy group. The report opposes across-the-board cuts in defense spending that could occur beginning in January under sequestration but still calls for major reductions in defense spending.

Capping pay raises, the report says, could save $16.5 billion over the next five years. Reducing retiree health care benefits, through a combination of restricting care and raising fees, could save $15 billion a year. Reforming military retired pay could save, in the short term, up to $13 billion a year, and over time could save up to $70 billion a year off the current plan.

In addition to cutting compensation and benefits, the report also recommends cutting the number of active-duty troops permanently based in Europe and Asia, saving $10 billion a year. It recommends withdrawing 33,000 troops from Europe and about 17,000 from Asia.​
The Center for American Progress is owned by George Soros.

Progressives sure do love a weak military, don't they?

Cut the Military benefits, but by all means give lazy Welfare bums cell phones... This Country has lost it's collective fucking mind.
Liberals claim they want to cut spending, but don't touch Big Bird's millions. Instead take away VA benefits from some 60 year old Vet missing his legs because of war injuries.

Liberals don't like the military because people in the military typically vote for the good guys and are the good guys themselves. Liberals prefer to cater to criminals, illegals, welfare people, etc....
....and people wonder how a sitting Democrap Congressman from VA can claim some 24 year Army Vet doesn't qualify for being in Congress because of his military career.

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