Men are such pussies!
In a nutshell, keep Johnson jokes to yourselfespecially if you ever want his penis to come out to play again. Our "boys" are serious business. There's nothing comedic about commentary on any of the following: size (or more accurately, lack thereof), shape, and color. Just ask Bill, 26: "I'm sensitive about the fact that my package is a shade darker than the rest of my flesh. I was once with a girl who took one look, giggled, and named him the Dark Horse. It made me so self-conscious that I couldn't perform." Your best bet? Stay mute about his member unless you feel compelled to characterize it as monstrous.
Male Insecurities - Jokes Men Hate -
In a nutshell, keep Johnson jokes to yourselfespecially if you ever want his penis to come out to play again. Our "boys" are serious business. There's nothing comedic about commentary on any of the following: size (or more accurately, lack thereof), shape, and color. Just ask Bill, 26: "I'm sensitive about the fact that my package is a shade darker than the rest of my flesh. I was once with a girl who took one look, giggled, and named him the Dark Horse. It made me so self-conscious that I couldn't perform." Your best bet? Stay mute about his member unless you feel compelled to characterize it as monstrous.
Male Insecurities - Jokes Men Hate -