Thiem you should...

Whenever I go in there my eyes are bombarded with so much stupidity they begin to bleed, and I can feel myself lose at least 50 IQ points.

It's just if you dare.

You really don't have to spend more than 30 seconds there to find something that will make you either laugh out loud or cry.
OK what the hell: (deep breath)

"Star Wars is far from the nice things they say about it and its supposed innocent front. There's a LOT of scarey stuff involved and it has to do with the US controlling ALL of space and this planet with nuclear space plants to aid them in this endeavor for mining resources from other planets. After YOUR tax dollars pay for the exploration, etc., then it will be privatized for maximum wealth gain!"

"Finally, [Dean] won! It gives me hope that things will get better very soon. If Rove wasn't such an evil bastard, I'd feel sorry for him. Dean will eat him up and spit him out. Watch BushCo's reaction to this news.. They will play the reverse psychology game just like they did in the primaries. Fortunately for us, it backfired this time."

"I cringed at the whole militaristic theme throughout the Stupor Bowl.

I tried to imagine how that would've played in my (so-called) mind back during 'Nam ... and I still felt very uncomfortable with the psycho-patriotism. It was VERY Reich-like. Is Nuremberg a suburb of Jacksonville? Treating everyone in the military alike (just because they wear uniform?) is crap. On the other hand, treating them like shit just because the indolent electorate doesn't get off its collective ass and take control of its government is even bigger crap. (I really detest the all-to-often-stated idea that it's the troops' job to say "No.")"



It was her work on "Triumph of the Will", a documentary about Adolf Hitler, that would come back to haunt her after the atrocities of WWII. Despite her protests to the contrary, Riefenstahl was considered an intricate part of the Third Reich's propaganda machine.

THE US FLAG RATHER THAN THE SWASTIKA (NOTE: Curiously this one is from a thread about how supposedly Miller gave money to Kerry so Rupert Murdoc had Fox not run a Miller ad in the Super bowl."

***COUGH COUGH*** ***HACK WHEEEZE*** **gasping for breath** **panting**

Oh eyeeeeesssss......
theim said:
OK what the hell: (deep breath)

"Star Wars is far from the nice things they say about it and its supposed innocent front. There's a LOT of scarey stuff involved and it has to do with the US controlling ALL of space and this planet with nuclear space plants to aid them in this endeavor for mining resources from other planets. After YOUR tax dollars pay for the exploration, etc., then it will be privatized for maximum wealth gain!"

First, they are aware that alot of the NASA budget is privatized dont they? Maybe they should also realize that private companies are already competing for space exploration. And maybe they should explain wahts so bad about companies making money off space exploration? Werent these the same people complaining about the economy? its just ridiculous

"Finally, [Dean] won! It gives me hope that things will get better very soon. If Rove wasn't such an evil bastard, I'd feel sorry for him. Dean will eat him up and spit him out. Watch BushCo's reaction to this news.. They will play the reverse psychology game just like they did in the primaries. Fortunately for us, it backfired this time."

What the heck are they talking about? Dean cant even spit out his words correctly. I dont get why they seem to think he is such a hero. He lost. not only that, he lost to KERRY. Why is it when Democrats lose they seem to gain status in the party? it just makes no sense. and does anyone know what reverse psychology game anyone was playing?

"I cringed at the whole militaristic theme throughout the Stupor Bowl.

I tried to imagine how that would've played in my (so-called) mind back during 'Nam ... and I still felt very uncomfortable with the psycho-patriotism. It was VERY Reich-like. Is Nuremberg a suburb of Jacksonville? Treating everyone in the military alike (just because they wear uniform?) is crap. On the other hand, treating them like shit just because the indolent electorate doesn't get off its collective ass and take control of its government is even bigger crap. (I really detest the all-to-often-stated idea that it's the troops' job to say "No.")"

What on earth are they talking about? did i miss something last night? I didnt notice any militaristic theme throughout the Super bowl. The only reference to the military i noticed was on that one beer comercial honoring the troops. Did i miss something?

I dont even know what the rest that guy said means troops job to say no to what? To the Super Bowl? what? Although it is clear the left is still focused on Nam.

The rest of the quotes i dont care about commenting on. I cant comprehend these people.
Avatar4321 said:
Why is it when Democrats lose they seem to gain status in the party?

LOL - now that's a damn good question. But obviously your premise is correct. How else can one explain kennedy's longevity in office? Watch - next they'll be elevating Daschle to the status of a demi-god.
I am honestly suprised that no one commented that the Eagles and PAtriots being in the super bowl was the result of some government conspiracy.
It was didn't you hear about supergate?

*The steelers were supposed to make it*
*The Seahawks*
(yep their that good it's all a consipricy though to keep them down.)
wolvie20m said:
It was didn't you hear about supergate?

*The steelers were supposed to make it*
*The Seahawks*
(yep their that good it's all a consipricy though to keep them down.)

Anyone who thinks the Seahawks were a Super Bowl quality team this year is REALLY drinking the Kool-Aid...
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