They Were Pro Abortion. Then They Saw This Video

When did I justify a war? Provide a link.
Ah, so you are anti-war, all war, it kills children then?

Say so?

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.
Killing children in war is okay, but killing what might have been a child by abortion is not?

Sure thing.

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.

In a war they're not DELIBERATELY killing children....abortion is the DELIBERATE killing of infants whilst still In Utero.

I repeat, STFU about war, this thread is about abortion, stay on topic.
Ah, so you are anti-war, all war, it kills children then?

Say so?

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.
Killing children in war is okay, but killing what might have been a child by abortion is not?

Sure thing.

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.
Stay on topic or get banned.
Life is a plethora of choices.
Are you a Moderator, dumbass?

The topic is dead humans. Go.
Jack4jill would probably have the baby on hormone pills when it's 2 years-old, they commented this on another thread. When I said people have 8 year-old's on hormone pills and how can an 8 year-old make such a decision on their own, and Jack4jill commented that 2 year-old's are able to make such a decision.

So this is not that surprising that they'd take such an attitude to unborn children.
Two-year-olds know more about their gender, than you ever will.

What a fool you are. Do you have children?
Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?

You don't, fool.

"Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?"


"You don't, fool."

You must be getting to breaking the record now for making the most incoherent amount of comments in such a short space of time.

Do you have children? You didn't say.
Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
Ah, so you are anti-war, all war, it kills children then?

Say so?

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.
Killing children in war is okay, but killing what might have been a child by abortion is not?

Sure thing.

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.

In a war they're not DELIBERATELY killing children....abortion is the DELIBERATE killing of infants whilst still In Utero.

I repeat, STFU about war, this thread is about abortion, stay on topic.
I will let the dead children of war know that a fetus mattered more than they did.
Two-year-olds know more about their gender, than you ever will.

What a fool you are. Do you have children?
Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?

You don't, fool.

"Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?"


"You don't, fool."

You must be getting to breaking the record now for making the most incoherent amount of comments in such a short space of time.

Do you have children? You didn't say.
Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
I was both, once, now STFU.
The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.
Killing children in war is okay, but killing what might have been a child by abortion is not?

Sure thing.

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.
Stay on topic or get banned.
Life is a plethora of choices.
Are you a Moderator, dumbass?

The topic is dead humans. Go.

The topic ISN'T dead humans you moron. THIS is the thread title, ie. the OP topic:

They Were Pro Abortion. Then They Saw This Video
What a fool you are. Do you have children?
Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?

You don't, fool.

"Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?"


"You don't, fool."

You must be getting to breaking the record now for making the most incoherent amount of comments in such a short space of time.

Do you have children? You didn't say.
Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
I was both, once, now STFU.

If you don't have children, you have no right to babble your gibberish.
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Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?

You don't, fool.

"Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?"


"You don't, fool."

You must be getting to breaking the record now for making the most incoherent amount of comments in such a short space of time.

Do you have children? You didn't say.
Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
I was both, once, now STFU.

If you don't have children, you have no right to babble your gibberish you psycho.
I don't?

If you've never had an abortion, then STFU.
Please. We don't have a problem culling the herd, hunting down animals that aren't a threat to us for sport to reduce their numbers. There is 7 BILLION people on this planet. Abortion is evil? Let's think about the logic behind THAT.
Killing children in war is okay, but killing what might have been a child by abortion is not?

Sure thing.

The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.
Stay on topic or get banned.
Life is a plethora of choices.
Are you a Moderator, dumbass?

The topic is dead humans. Go.

The topic ISN'T dead humans you moron. THIS is the thread title, ie. the OP topic:

They Were Pro Abortion. Then They Saw This Video
Anyone bothered by an abortion, didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, or what happens in the real world.

They are not my concern, they are morons like you.
"Fool? How do you know what it is to be another?"


"You don't, fool."

You must be getting to breaking the record now for making the most incoherent amount of comments in such a short space of time.

Do you have children? You didn't say.
Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
I was both, once, now STFU.

If you don't have children, you have no right to babble your gibberish you psycho.
I don't?

If you've never had an abortion, then STFU.

"If you've never had an abortion, then STFU."

It's obviously impossible for you to even make sense :rolleyes-41:
The OP isn't about war, stay on topic.

The OP is about abortion.
If dead children are your concern, you cannot be for war, any war. That kills them by the mass grave load.
Stay on topic or get banned.
Life is a plethora of choices.
Are you a Moderator, dumbass?

The topic is dead humans. Go.

The topic ISN'T dead humans you moron. THIS is the thread title, ie. the OP topic:

They Were Pro Abortion. Then They Saw This Video
Anyone bothered by an abortion, didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, or what happens in the real world.

They are not my concern, they are morons like you.

Why should I?

I want to know WTF you know about a baby or a child, considering you babble such gibberish about them as you do.
I was both, once, now STFU.

If you don't have children, you have no right to babble your gibberish you psycho.
I don't?

If you've never had an abortion, then STFU.

"If you've never had an abortion, then STFU."

It's obviously impossible for you to even make sense :rolleyes-41:
You say I can't speak of children?

Dumbfuck, you can't speak of abortion.
Free birth control for all then I suppose. Like in high school, thrown in their faces.

Many pro life supporters have no problem with free birth control. It would also drastically reduce STD's.

That's good to hear, many do, they also have a problem with anything other than abstinence education is taught in schools which defies biological reality. They should teach sex ed beginning in 6th or 7th grade.

This is why I do wish those of us that are involved in the search for solutions so that we can all help greatly in the reduction of abortions had a louder voice. We just keep getting drowned out by those on the extremes.
Free birth control for all then I suppose. Like in high school, thrown in their faces.

Many pro life supporters have no problem with free birth control. It would also drastically reduce STD's.

That's good to hear, many do, they also have a problem with anything other than abstinence education is taught in schools which defies biological reality. They should teach sex ed beginning in 6th or 7th grade.

This is why I do wish those of us that are involved in the search for solutions so that we can all help greatly in the reduction of abortions had a louder voice. We just keep getting drowned out by those on the extremes.

We all want to reduce the number of abortions while retaining individual rights. We may disagree on legalities but the end game is the same.
You can't be against war and capital punishment but be pro-abortion. That position makes no sense.
Free birth control for all then I suppose. Like in high school, thrown in their faces.

Many pro life supporters have no problem with free birth control. It would also drastically reduce STD's.

That's good to hear, many do, they also have a problem with anything other than abstinence education is taught in schools which defies biological reality. They should teach sex ed beginning in 6th or 7th grade.

This is why I do wish those of us that are involved in the search for solutions so that we can all help greatly in the reduction of abortions had a louder voice. We just keep getting drowned out by those on the extremes.

We all want to reduce the number of abortions while retaining individual rights. We may disagree on legalities but the end game is the same.

Agreed. If we could agree that there are cases of necessity that are wide ranging and more in depth than just rape or incest we could move on to providing various support structures that involve prevention no matter what the cost to save a woman from having an abortion if at all possible.

To me that is the penultimate goal. Prevention. Free condoms, free birth control, sex ed you name it, it's worth it. A few years back I'd read about a great program that many schools offered was to assign a "baby" to a teen in school and the lessons were based on what it was like to become an unwed mother caring for a baby at ages 14 and up.

Boy oh boy that really worked. Girls dragging around that doll 24/7 for a whole week really took the "glamor" out of teen pregnancy. :lol: I wonder if any school is still providing that program? Have to check into that.
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Free birth control for all then I suppose. Like in high school, thrown in their faces.

Many pro life supporters have no problem with free birth control. It would also drastically reduce STD's.

That's good to hear, many do, they also have a problem with anything other than abstinence education is taught in schools which defies biological reality. They should teach sex ed beginning in 6th or 7th grade.

This is why I do wish those of us that are involved in the search for solutions so that we can all help greatly in the reduction of abortions had a louder voice. We just keep getting drowned out by those on the extremes.

We all want to reduce the number of abortions while retaining individual rights. We may disagree on legalities but the end game is the same.

Agreed. If we could agree that there are cases of necessity that are wide ranging and more in depth than just rape or incest we could move on to providing various support structures that involve prevention no matter what the cost to save a woman from having an abortion if at all possible.

To me that is the penultimate goal. Prevention. Free condoms, free birth control, sex ed you name it, it's worth it. A few years back I'd read about a great program that many schools offered was to assign a "baby" to a teen in school and the lessons were based on what it was like to become an unwed mother caring for a baby at ages 14 and up.

Boy oh boy that really worked. Girls dragging around that doll 24/7 for a whole week really took the "glamor" out of teen pregnancy. :lol: I wonder if any school is still providing that program? Have to check into that.

Another idea would be to take away a 14 year old's allowance, let them sleep for no more than 2 hours a night for 6 months straight and take away their social life with the only reward being a cheap mothers day card.