THEY KNEW: State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A federal judge ordered the Department of State to release new emails stored on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private server regarding the 2012 attack in Benghazi, a nonprofit government watchdog group announced Friday.

Two previously unreleased emails have a subject line “Quick Summary of POTUS Calls to Presidents of Libya and Egypt” and were sent two days after terrorists attacked the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012, according to Judicial Watch.

“The full emails may reveal what former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama knew about the Sept. 11, 2012, terror attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi,” the nonprofit said in a statement.

More evidence is being released to show both Hillary and Barry KNEW Benghazi was a terrorist attack and had nothing to do with a 'protest over a video'.

It has already been shown how Hillary told the Egyptian Ambassador 'We KNOW it was a terrorist attack and the video had NOTHING to do with it'. STILL, Hillary and Obama supporters continued to deny the revealed FACT.

"The Department of Justice asked the court to keep the emails secret and argued that they accidentally failed to withhold the material because it contains classified material, but U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Amy Berman Jackson ordered the release after reviewing the records."

'We didn't mean for this to get out' - Yeah, I bet you didn't. By doing so the State Department accidentally revealed more TRUTH about what 'Lying Hillary' and 'Lie of the Year' Award-Winning Barry ACTUALLY knew!

"Judicial Watch argued the failure “was part of a deliberate effort by the State Department to protect Clinton and the agency by avoiding identifying emails on Clinton’s unofficial, non-secure email server as classified.”

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton asked “does President Trump know his State and Justice Departments are still trying to provide cover for Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama?”

'...and the TRUTH shall set you free...'

State Dept. Told To Release New Benghazi Emails From Hillary’s Server
Middle of the night frantic pulling fails you sometimes, huh, Hillary? Lol
Reminds me of a movie I watched about a guy with 24 personalities called Split. His good personality kept sending emails asking for help to his doctor but was thwarted every time buy the evil personalities. The doctor ended up dead.
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The order will be appealed of course.

I think, personally, they should be released to the public.
Despite the evidence - Hillary's own e-mail telling the Egyptian Ambassador she KNEW it was a terrorist attack and that the video had NO PART in it, snowflakes continued / continue to claim Hillary's ADMISSION was not evidence that she and Obama let 4 Americans needlessly die then LIED THEIR ASSES OFF ABOUT IT TO PROTECT THEIR POLITICAL FUTURES.

Most of the time it is the 'cover-up' that bites you in the ass. If Obama and Hillary had come out and declared 4 Americans had been murdered by terrorists on 9/11/12 the nation would have rallied around like after 9/11/01. They instead chose to, like Chinese Water Torture, the truth is coming out drip by drip, haunting them, torturing them.
The water torture on Benghazi is finally working . . . on the far right's sanity. drip drip drip
The water torture on Benghazi is finally working . . . on the far right's sanity. drip drip drip

It's more than a little pathetic that Republicans and conservatives can't let this go even after they got all they wanted; Congress and the POTUS! They're still reaching/scratching after 5 years! It truly is a kind of insanity; sorta like the dog that catches the car! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO IDIOTS? :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :blowup:
The water torture on Benghazi is finally working . . . on the far right's sanity. drip drip drip

It's more than a little pathetic that Republicans and conservatives can't let this go even after they got all they wanted; Congress and the POTUS! They're still reaching/scratching after 5 years! It truly is a kind of insanity; sorta like the dog that catches the car! NOW WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO IDIOTS? :9: :bang3: :blahblah: :blowup:

So says the group peeing themselves over "Russia hacked the election!"
I'm not on-board with the Benghazi business at all. Did the libs. lie for political reasons? Fucking A right they did. However, IMO the right has made a mountain of a mole hill. At the end of the day it's politics, demonstrates diversion by both parties, and shows how weak the libs. are.
I'm not on-board with the Benghazi business at all. Did the libs. lie for political reasons? Fucking A right they did. However, IMO the right has made a mountain of a mole hill.

4 Americans died, man. And they stood over the caskets of the dead and lied to the family members. What does it take before it ain't a molehill any more?
I'm not on-board with the Benghazi business at all. Did the libs. lie for political reasons? Fucking A right they did. However, IMO the right has made a mountain of a mole hill.

4 Americans died, man. And they stood over the caskets of the dead and lied to the family members. What does it take before it ain't a molehill any more?

Over 250 soldiers were killed in those Beirut barracks bombing during the Reagan admin. I doubt we personally blamed him or his people, but Republicans are all about the blame when Dems are in charge! Such losers! :9: :anj_stfu: :blahblah:
It's more than a little pathetic that Republicans and conservatives can't let this go even after they got all they wanted; Congress and the POTUS! They're still reaching/scratching after 5 years! It truly is a kind of insanity; sorta like the dog

You seem to be mixing 'apples and oranges', my friend. Benghazi and the 2016 election are 2 separate things / issues / events.

With Benghazi, what I wanted was the United States Govt, The President of the United States, and the Secretary of State to [Protect and Defend the united states, to protect and defend US citizens, not needlessly sacrifice them. It has been CLEARLY proven that the Sect of State and President failed miserably to protect Americans in Benghazi - who NEVER should have been there on 9/11/12. They should have been taken out like every other nation did with their people based on the KNOWN threat of a terrorist attack pending on 9/11/12 and based on the escalating violence and attacks - such as the 2 (TWO) terrorist attacks on the US compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12 - the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in the compound wall.

'INSANITY' is Hillary Clinton and Obama KNOWING about the pending terrorist attack, KNOWING about the 2 previous terrorist attacks, KNOWING every other nation had pulled their people out, & KNOWING Stephens had requested additional security more that 60 (SIXTY) times - and had rejected his requests even after the 2 previous terrorist attacks.

'INSANITY' is Hillary Clinton during her testimony being asked about those more than 6o requests for additional security members and her rejection of every request telling Congress that she thought those 60 requests were part of a 'running joke', part of 'Stephen's sense of humor' and laughing about it.

They directly set those Americans up for failure, refused to save them - well in advance of the attack - by refusing to take the opportunities that had to do so, by leaving those Americans in place when every other nation had pulled their people out after learning about the same security / terrorists threats Hillary and Obama knew about yet ignored.

Only Democrats would give a 'passing grade' / a 'pass' to a 'business' / 'CEO' who needlessly got his employees killed.
4 Americans died, man. And they stood over the caskets of the dead and lied to the family members. What does it take before it ain't a molehill any more?

I don't give a damn what Party you belong to - your ass needs to be IMPEACHED / FIRED for that sh!t!

I personally would give the grieving family members 5 minutes alone with 'your' ass with the instructions that the only thing they couldn't do is kill 'you'.
It's more than a little pathetic that Republicans and conservatives can't let this go even after they got all they wanted; Congress and the POTUS! They're still reaching/scratching after 5 years! It truly is a kind of insanity; sorta like the dog

You seem to be mixing 'apples and oranges', my friend. Benghazi and the 2016 election are 2 separate things / issues / events.

With Benghazi, what I wanted was the United States Govt, The President of the United States, and the Secretary of State to [Protect and Defend the united states, to protect and defend US citizens, not needlessly sacrifice them. It has been CLEARLY proven that the Sect of State and President failed miserably to protect Americans in Benghazi - who NEVER should have been there on 9/11/12. They should have been taken out like every other nation did with their people based on the KNOWN threat of a terrorist attack pending on 9/11/12 and based on the escalating violence and attacks - such as the 2 (TWO) terrorist attacks on the US compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12 - the last one leaving a 4 foot hole in the compound wall.

'INSANITY' is Hillary Clinton and Obama KNOWING about the pending terrorist attack, KNOWING about the 2 previous terrorist attacks, KNOWING every other nation had pulled their people out, & KNOWING Stephens had requested additional security more that 60 (SIXTY) times - and had rejected his requests even after the 2 previous terrorist attacks.

'INSANITY' is Hillary Clinton during her testimony being asked about those more than 6o requests for additional security members and her rejection of every request telling Congress that she thought those 60 requests were part of a 'running joke', part of 'Stephen's sense of humor' and laughing about it.

They directly set those Americans up for failure, refused to save them - well in advance of the attack - by refusing to take the opportunities that had to do so, by leaving those Americans in place when every other nation had pulled their people out after learning about the same security / terrorists threats Hillary and Obama knew about yet ignored.

Only Democrats would give a 'passing grade' / a 'pass' to a 'business' / 'CEO' who needlessly got his employees killed.

W/O reading your blather, I watch FOX NEWs and you would think Obama's still President with his name being invoked every few minutes! These people need to start looking at the most corrupt admin. in the history of the country! Trump and his family are cleaning up and it's only a matter of time when they're brought up on charges; MARK MY WORD! :blahblah:
I'm not on-board with the Benghazi business at all. Did the libs. lie for political reasons? Fucking A right they did. However, IMO the right has made a mountain of a mole hill.

4 Americans died, man. And they stood over the caskets of the dead and lied to the family members. What does it take before it ain't a molehill any more?

Over 250 soldiers were killed in those Beirut barracks bombing during the Reagan admin. I doubt we personally blamed him or his people, but Republicans are all about the blame when Dems are in charge! Such losers! :9: :anj_stfu:

First of all, I don't remember Reagan or his people lying to the families of the deceased or to the rest of us about the circumstances to save their political skins. And second, after the trouble in Egypt the the day before we shouldn't have even been in Benghazi that day and if it was necessary then we shoulda had people on alert and ready to go to get our people outta there. AND we should've had a stronger security presence there to begin with, as Ambassador Stevens requested months before. But Obama wouldn't do it because he told us all there was no threat; it was his political ass on the line going into the 2012 election and he wasn't going to do anything to cast any doubts about his rhetoric. So basically he risked the lives of Americans and then lied to us about it when he lost the gamble.
Over 250 soldiers were killed in those Beirut barracks bombing during the Reagan admin. I doubt we personally blamed
Reagan was not told that the attack was going to happen on that specific day.
Every other nation did not pull their people out and warn the US they were doing it because it was too dangerous.
KNOWING the attack was coming, Reagan did not pull security forces, weakening their strength.
Reagan never lied and told the American people that attack was due to a 'protest'.

The Obama administration was warned attacks were coming throughout the Middle East on 9/11/12. 22 US Embassies and Compounds were attacked. 2 Embassies / Compounds were overrun. 4 Americans died. They died because the Obama administration and Hillary failed to take them seriously, refused to protect their people as well as they should.

The fact that 4 Americans died during a terrorist attack on 9/11/12 is not even the 'big problem'. If Obama and Hillary had been honest and told the American people what REALLY happened Americans would have rallied. It was the fact that Hillary and Obama LIED about it, LIED to the families of those who died - they tried to cover it up!

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