They dont want to take your guns

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Not really

They do want you unarmed and defenseless

Published: 22 June 2022

Call Your Senators Immediately!

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. The long-awaited gun control deal is now being debated by the Senate.
So I need you to call your two Senators right away at 202-224-3121.
Last night the Senate commenced debate on this gun control scheme with a 64-34 vote. More votes will come over the next few days.
The legislative vehicle that the Senate is using for the so-called “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” is S. 2938. As the title of this bill implies, there are several Republican Senators who have joined with all the Democrats to sell you out.
Here are the 14 Republicans who voted with New York’s Chuck Schumer last night to allow the Senate to begin debating this anti-gun bill:
  • Blunt (MO)
  • Burr (NC)
  • Capito (WV)
  • Cassidy (LA)
  • Collins (ME)
  • Cornyn (TX)
  • Ernst (IA)
  • Graham (SC)
  • McConnell (KY)
  • Murkowski (AK)
  • Portman (OH)
  • Romney (UT)
  • Tillis (NC)
  • Young (IN)
  • NOTE: Toomey (PA) missed the vote but said he supports it
We should relentlessly hold accountable the Senators listed above. But we should thank the Republican Senators who are NOT listed, as they stood up for our 2A rights and voted against this horrible bill.
Realize that regardless of how your Senators voted last night, every Republican Senator is coming under tremendous pressure to betray you to Chuck Schumer & Joe Biden.

100 bucks seez all these guys are in maxwells Lil black book

You mean like when LWNJs shot at Republican Congressmen and tried to murder Kavanaugh??
That's what guns are for, to keep government scared of the people.

“When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny." - unknown

"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." - Thomas Jefferson.
Last edited:
Not really

They do want you unarmed and defenseless

Published: 22 June 2022

Call Your Senators Immediately!

THIS IS AN EMERGENCY. The long-awaited gun control deal is now being debated by the Senate.
So I need you to call your two Senators right away at 202-224-3121.
Last night the Senate commenced debate on this gun control scheme with a 64-34 vote. More votes will come over the next few days.
The legislative vehicle that the Senate is using for the so-called “Bipartisan Safer Communities Act” is S. 2938. As the title of this bill implies, there are several Republican Senators who have joined with all the Democrats to sell you out.
Here are the 14 Republicans who voted with New York’s Chuck Schumer last night to allow the Senate to begin debating this anti-gun bill:
  • Blunt (MO)
  • Burr (NC)
  • Capito (WV)
  • Cassidy (LA)
  • Collins (ME)
  • Cornyn (TX)
  • Ernst (IA)
  • Graham (SC)
  • McConnell (KY)
  • Murkowski (AK)
  • Portman (OH)
  • Romney (UT)
  • Tillis (NC)
  • Young (IN)
  • NOTE: Toomey (PA) missed the vote but said he supports it
We should relentlessly hold accountable the Senators listed above. But we should thank the Republican Senators who are NOT listed, as they stood up for our 2A rights and voted against this horrible bill.
Realize that regardless of how your Senators voted last night, every Republican Senator is coming under tremendous pressure to betray you to Chuck Schumer & Joe Biden.

100 bucks seez all these guys are in maxwells Lil black book

View attachment 661159
You thread title says, "Take your guns", and then your post says, "Gun control".

Which one is it?
Just a quick question. Lots of talk lately about SC justices being afraid of people protesting. The courts are part of our government. They are supposed to be afraid, aren't they? Isn't that why we have to have military style weapons?
Oh, so you WANT We the People unable to fight back against a tyrannical, Fascist, Progressive (but I repeat myself) governmen
Where does the constitution designate which politicians are supposed to be afraid? Perhaps liberals need to scare a few crazy right wingers. We both know the NRA supports scaring politicians, right?
Where does the constitution designate which politicians are supposed to be afraid? Perhaps liberals need to scare a few crazy right wingers. We both know the NRA supports scaring politicians, right?
Liberals already shot Republican Congressmen AND tried to murder Kavanaugh and called concerned parents speaking at school board meetings domestic terrorists
Just a quick question. Lots of talk lately about SC justices being afraid of people protesting. The courts are part of our government. They are supposed to be afraid, aren't they? Isn't that why we have to have military style weapons?
Nice try, asshole. Everybody saw what you did there. Or attempted to do.
Liberals already shot Republican Congressmen AND tried to murder Kavanaugh and called concerned parents speaking at school board meetings domestic terrorists
Politicians from both parties have been threatened and shot at, and the only parents being called domestic terrorists are the ones making terrorist threats. Either way, you should be proud. Don't crazy right wing gun nuts say we have to have military weapons so we can threaten politicians? Isn't it our duty to make them all scared?
While gun grabbers think they can protect themselves from crazy people buy disarming honest citizens
I don't know of any gun grabbers except the pretend ones who live in the fears of gun nuts. It's a little late for you to pretend you don't want military guns for your upcoming insurrection attempts.
Politicians from both parties have been threatened and shot at, and the only parents being called domestic terrorists are the ones making terrorist threats. Either way, you should be proud. Don't crazy right wing gun nuts say we have to have military weapons so we can threaten politicians? Isn't it our duty to make them all scared?
"Don't crazy right wing gun nuts say we have to have military weapons so we can threaten politicians?"
No one says that.
Except you.
What in this bill constitutes such a dire emergency?

- It makes the federal background check look harder at juvenile records for buyers under 21;
- It defines dealers more specifically;
- It increases the penalties for straw buyers;
- It says that boyfriends who beat up their girlfriends can be barred just as husbands who beat up their wives;
- Supports state-level crisis intervention programs; and
- Improves mental health services.

Who, exactly, is having their rights stripped here? Honest question: Without invoking slippery slope, how are the restrictions placed forth here infringing the Second Amendment rights of the public? It seems to me that the people hindered by this bill are juvenile offenders trying to buy a gun, dealers trying to skirt the restrictions, straw buyers, and guys who beat up their girlfriends.

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