“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him, Enrique Tells All

But it’s not true Reb. Biden isn’t a criminal and the previous poster isn’t whoring for him.

But you’re out here every day selling your soul for that fat old criminal, Donald Trump.

Even his own family has dumped him, but you’re still whoring, for him Reb.
Biden as conducted bribery he's even told on himself. He's bragged about doing it
Whatever happened to the Constitution? “All men are created equal”. You are better than NO ONE.

Then you prove that you hate the United States of America and want to get rid of more than half the people living in it, which makes you unfit to be in American.
You leftists have shit on the constitution. You don't believe all men are created equal. When it comes to Trump or his supporters.
Poor trigger can't comprehend English
Another PeeWee response! You don't realise that your every post is nothing but RW trigger words and phrases. "Banana republic", "cult", "snowflake" "trigger" all are your party's response for any truth thrown at them! That's all YOU, miniYank, have.
Your brain is mush!
Shouldn't you be on patrol,Sgt? Find a toilet to plunge. You are nothing here.
Another PeeWee response! You don't realise that your every post is nothing but RW trigger words and phrases. "Banana republic", "cult", "snowflake" "trigger" all are your party's response for any truth thrown at them! That's all YOU, miniYank, have.
Your brain is mush!
Shouldn't you be on patrol,Sgt? Find a toilet to plunge. You are nothing here.
Yes trigger I can. Malti task drive operate the MDT communicate on the radio.
Yes trigger I can. Malti task drive operate the MDT communicate on the radio.
WTF was that? Oops, sorry. I forgot you are so ignorant you can't do proper sentence structure, or spelling!😂
I will allow you a do-over, if you want.
Please proceed.
Trigger it's shit dealing with law enforcement that you don't have the mental capacity to comprehend
Oh. So It's true You're in law enforcement!😂😂
Does your sheriff know You're a 3% criminal?
Does he go on your weekend training sessions?
Please tell us more about your unconstitutional excursions!
I had to clean my screen after reading that piece of bullshit.
You should probably clean your screen regularly due to your own spew of bullshit...

Once again, you’re projecting the hysteria of the Republican Party and their fears over their leader, being arrested and convicted of the crimes we all watched him commit.

And what crimes specifically did your watch him commit that he has been convicted of? You're full of shit..

Notice how President Biden didn’t take to the airwaves to call this prosecution unprecedented and unfair? Do you notice how when Hillary Clinton is threatened with another investigation she shrugs and says “so what”.

So, you're cheering the corruption of our justice system...Typical liberal.

None of these people are shitting their pants over anything Republicans are saying because none of it is true. People who have committed no crimes, are not living in fear of investigations, nor are they calling them witchhunts or unfair.

No, none of these people are in fear, because they are confident that our justice system is corrupted, and covering for them...

The current Republican hysteria over the crimes that Donald Trump has been charged with are because they know he’s guilty and they know he’s going to jail because they watched him commit these crimes on TV just like we did.

And what specific crimes are you talking about? be sure to cite the statutes, and present the evidence of guilt in your answer...Which I know you can't, because you are just regurgitating the narrative on whatever leftist outlet your watching...

Republicans seem to think that Republicans getting caught is unfair. Stupid is as stupid does.

Not at all...If you look throughout our history, it is the democrats that typically hide, and cover, if not cheer their criminals, while Republicans typically hold their members to account...

Now, while you didn't post this to me, I have to respond to one part...

....makes you unfit to be in American.

How dare you...You are Canadian, and to presume to tell an American their fitness of citizenship simply because you don't like their opinions is exactly why no one on this board takes what you say anymore seriously than the fools on the View....You're a bitter, hag that seems to have nothing better to do than troll these boards...So, take that shit and shove it up your ass....You should fall to your knees that you're our neighbor, and benefit from that.
That's why his sentence was so harsh. The prosecution was trying to make him admit to things that weren't even true. He did not buckle unde3r the oppression of a weaponized judicial system.

Tarrio is on the right side of history, and will always be remembered as a true patriot.
This is a lie.

The prosecution didn’t ‘force’ anyone to do anything.

Tarrio is a rightwing domestic terrorist and criminal lawfully prosecuted and sentenced the consequence of his crimes.

His punishment is in no way ‘harsh.’
LOL! You actually believe Enrique Tarrio.

How could a person, many miles distant from DC be a party to the protests on Jan 6, 2021?

This is no slap on the ass. These men are in prison for very major crimes. Liking Trump is not a crime. Being in Baltimore as Tarrio was definitely is no crime.
Tarrio was arrested BEFORE Jan 6, 2021. Not after. How can a man who is locked up play a role where many many thousands of protestors assembled and get this, many were escorted into the Capitol. This BS that they attacked the capitol must be dealt with. We have a dictatorship the style of North Korea in our White house.

Tarrio was not at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021; he was arrested about 48 hours before the attack because of his actions at a previous pro-Trump event in Washington. Tarrio knew a warrant was out for his arrest thanks to a Washington police lieutenant who has since been charged and pleaded not guilty.


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