They are ruining our children!


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Ban Ritalin!

A lot of medication we give children also cause wait loss like ADD/ADHD pills. Yet the wonderful psychiatrists will recommend pills for everything no matter how minor and never tell you to look into behavioral training or doing something like you know putting them in sports. Maybe your kids are just stir crazy from being sat down in the television all day and never being let outside since "Mom and dad" don't feel like playing with the child they felt like having. Which they have now decided is far too hard to deal with after work, in which case they probably should have THOUGHT before they decided to have a kid , since children are not EASY!

Doesn't matter at all that little Tommy is going to stay underweight for years, is not like there was any other course of action and the best recommendation was stunting their growth, and making sure they never eat anything since things like Ritalin kills your appetite. It also has a lot of effects that meth is suppose to have and we give it to little kids as young as 5.

Fuck psychiatrists! Fuck those nerds! Get your kids into sports!

There is a good documentary on Youtube called "America's Medicated Kids". I'd post the link, but I'm not sure if it would classify as bootlegged. I recommend looking it up. :thup:
Ban Ritalin!

A lot of medication we give children also cause wait loss like ADD/ADHD pills. Yet the wonderful psychiatrists will recommend pills for everything no matter how minor and never tell you to look into behavioral training or doing something like you know putting them in sports. Maybe your kids are just stir crazy from being sat down in the television all day and never being let outside since "Mom and dad" don't feel like playing with the child they felt like having. Which they have now decided is far too hard to deal with after work, in which case they probably should have THOUGHT before they decided to have a kid , since children are not EASY!

Doesn't matter at all that little Tommy is going to stay underweight for years, is not like there was any other course of action and the best recommendation was stunting their growth, and making sure they never eat anything since things like Ritalin kills your appetite. It also has a lot of effects that meth is suppose to have and we give it to little kids as young as 5.

Fuck psychiatrists! Fuck those nerds! Get your kids into sports!

In the system I was in, a small one, lazy ass incompetent teachers and principals would "recommend" that parents contact their doctor, and put the kid on Ritalin(specifically naming the drug), or the kid would face suspension.
I saw that shit drive three kids to suicide.
Ban Ritalin!

A lot of medication we give children also cause wait loss like ADD/ADHD pills. Yet the wonderful psychiatrists will recommend pills for everything no matter how minor and never tell you to look into behavioral training or doing something like you know putting them in sports. Maybe your kids are just stir crazy from being sat down in the television all day and never being let outside since "Mom and dad" don't feel like playing with the child they felt like having. Which they have now decided is far too hard to deal with after work, in which case they probably should have THOUGHT before they decided to have a kid , since children are not EASY!

Doesn't matter at all that little Tommy is going to stay underweight for years, is not like there was any other course of action and the best recommendation was stunting their growth, and making sure they never eat anything since things like Ritalin kills your appetite. It also has a lot of effects that meth is suppose to have and we give it to little kids as young as 5.

Fuck psychiatrists! Fuck those nerds! Get your kids into sports!

In the system I was in, a small one, lazy ass incompetent teachers and principals would "recommend" that parents contact their doctor, and put the kid on Ritalin(specifically naming the drug), or the kid would face suspension.
I saw that shit drive three kids to suicide.

I home schooled after they tried...
Every child should have the opportunity to live normally like children always have without powerful medications.

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