There’s Good News Tonight


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.

There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.


So...anyone who votes for Trump will die...and anyone who votes for Biden will be spared it.
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.


What kind of an idiot would believe that anyone would actually read past the point of "the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague"?

There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.

Death rates, hospitalizations, data ?
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.

You want to close down?
Throw all your food and toilet paper in the garbage and see how fast you want to go shopping.
Right.....ALL trump's mention of China....the REAL culprit.

Communists should be banned from all US forums immediately
Leftards would welcome the Chi-com invaders with open arms if it meant the leftard clown posse of commies could have "braggin rights". You have to be pragmatic about the election if leftards are able to steal the election. We should show the same enthusiasm and present the same united front that the leftards have shown these past four years. We should bully and harangue in packs anyone we suspect of being a Biden commie fuck. Skanks like Kamala "the klunt" Harris has already promised retribution for having dared to spurn the Hildebeast. and their "progressive agenda" I say we should REALLY give them a reason to bitch, moan, gripe and complain.
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.

GOOD NEWS YOU SAY ???? So the virus is political. Thanks, but we knew that all along about the demos using it in that way. It won't detour Trump voters, independents, and silent Democrats from switching to vote for the New York Union Army general "Donald J. Trump" instead of the Democrat race baiting, trouble stirring Biden and his token women of some kind of color.
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.

GOOD NEWS YOU SAY ???? So the virus is political. Thanks, but we knew that all along about the demos using it in that way. It won't detour Trump voters, independents, and silent Democrats from switching to vote for the New York Union Army general "Donald J. Trump" instead of the Democrat race baiting, trouble stirring Biden and his token women of some kind of color.

"...some kind of color..." :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:
Right.....ALL trump's mention of China....the REAL culprit.

Communists should be banned from all US forums immediately

How is this mess China's fault? China didn't make any of the decisions regarding testing, PPE, mask mandates, and lockdowns that have lead to your current situation.

Canada had it's first case the same week that you did, and has been pointed out by Columbia University, Barrack Obama, the New York Times, and John Hopkins Hospital, had Donald Trump handled the virus the way Justin Trudeau did in Canada, the USA would have only 90,000 people, instead of 230,000.

Every other first world country with competent governance had a lower loss of life than the USA. Even the countries with complete assholes heading their countries - like Putin, Bolsinaro, and Johnson. Even these jerks had a lower death count than Captain Covid.

Donald Trump's covid response is the worst clusterfuck by a US President, in the history of the nation. I seriously hope that charges of negligent homicide at filed the moment he leaves office.
How is it "good news" that the virus is peaking ? Do you want people to die?

In any event, the fact that Sleepy Joe has been escaped the Biden-Bunker in Wilmington and is actually making public appearances tells be he's scared.

If he was really heading to a landslide victory with his "stay inside and masked" strategery, why would he change it?
"There’s Good News Tonight"

Etc. Etc. Etc.

It took a sick mind to post this. Some depravity beyond just Trump Derangement Syndrome.
That's the Forum Fuckboy cheering for American deaths. I expect it will be wandering aimlessly in freeway traffic in about 72 hours. SPLAT!
Right.....ALL trump's mention of China....the REAL culprit.

Communists should be banned from all US forums immediately

How is this mess China's fault? China didn't make any of the decisions regarding testing, PPE, mask mandates, and lockdowns that have lead to your current situation.

Canada had it's first case the same week that you did, and has been pointed out by Columbia University, Barrack Obama, the New York Times, and John Hopkins Hospital, had Donald Trump handled the virus the way Justin Trudeau did in Canada, the USA would have only 90,000 people, instead of 230,000.

Every other first world country with competent governance had a lower loss of life than the USA. Even the countries with complete assholes heading their countries - like Putin, Bolsinaro, and Johnson. Even these jerks had a lower death count than Captain Covid.

Donald Trump's covid response is the worst clusterfuck by a US President, in the history of the nation. I seriously hope that charges of negligent homicide at filed the moment he leaves office.

Red China manufactured the corona virus to try and rig the 2020 elections. They didn't like the fact that Trump was schlonging their totalitarian asses and figured this was their best chance to get their man Sleepy Joe into office.
Right.....ALL trump's mention of China....the REAL culprit.

Communists should be banned from all US forums immediately

How is this mess China's fault? China didn't make any of the decisions regarding testing, PPE, mask mandates, and lockdowns that have lead to your current situation.

Canada had it's first case the same week that you did, and has been pointed out by Columbia University, Barrack Obama, the New York Times, and John Hopkins Hospital, had Donald Trump handled the virus the way Justin Trudeau did in Canada, the USA would have only 90,000 people, instead of 230,000.

Every other first world country with competent governance had a lower loss of life than the USA. Even the countries with complete assholes heading their countries - like Putin, Bolsinaro, and Johnson. Even these jerks had a lower death count than Captain Covid.

Donald Trump's covid response is the worst clusterfuck by a US President, in the history of the nation. I seriously hope that charges of negligent homicide at filed the moment he leaves office.

All nonsense.

You have ALL your "facts" wrong.

Trump TRIED to stop flights from people called it racist and bigoted.

PLEASE.. The hypocrisy is off the charts.

Unfortunately, I have at least one delusional, mis informed idiot in my family that reminds me of you.
EVERYTHING she says is nothing more than stupidity she parrtos from CNN and MSNBC. it's beyond pathetic.
There’s Good News Tonight

As the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague enters its third wave,‭ ‬it’s the mid west states,‭ ‬North Dakota,‭ ‬South Dakota,‭ ‬Nebraska,‭ ‬Minnesota,‭ ‬Wisconsin,‭ ‬Iowa,‭ ‬Missouri and Ohio,‭ ‬pushing their number of daily coronavirus cases higher at rates equal to states with much,‭ ‬much greater populations.

Wisconsin,‭ ‬with roughly‭ ‬85%‭ ‬less people than California,‭ ‬is running neck and neck with the Golden State in the number of new COVID-19‭ ‬cases every day.‭ ‬It is a record that Wisconsin conservatives can speak of with pride,‭ ‬because,‭ ‬their state’s courts struck down every protective measure implemented by the Democratic governor.‭ ‬Scientists,‭ ‬doctors,‭ ‬virologists,‭ ‬and other medical professionals tracking the progression of the disease explained that without the courts‭’ ‬quick actions,‭ ‬Wisconsin’s population of approximately‭ ‬6‭ ‬million residents would have been unable to compete with California’s‭ ‬40‭ ‬million.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬there’s some cheerful news to make it easier for Wisconsin conservatives to face the day.

But Wisconsin is not the only red state breaking records,‭ ‬nope,‭ ‬On Wednesday,‭ ‬Indiana had roughly‭ ‬250‭ ‬people hospitalized for every‭ ‬1‭ ‬million residents,‭ ‬while Iowa had‭ (‬drum roll please‭) ‬600.‭ ‬That’s more than twice as many new cases as Indiana.‭

In other mid west COVID news,‭ ‬new cases ranged from an impressive‭ ‬1,469‭ ‬per million residents in South Dakota to a disappointing‭ ‬224‭ ‬per million for Ohio.‭ ‬Ohio state officials predicted a competitive increase if,‭ ‬they can convince the impeached president trump’s devoted fanatics in their state that their orange-tinted hero was counting on them to get Ohio’s COVID case up,‭ ‬equal to, or higher than league leading South Dakota.‭

Midwestern governors have worked hard to make their states leaders in new cases for the third wave of the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague.‭ ‬They’ve allowed large events,‭ ‬including the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally‭ (‬which is now linked to a regional outbreak‭)‬.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬the impeached president trump himself has been helpful in turning their disappointing performance around.‭ ‬In their attempt to show no favoritism,‭ ‬he and his campaign staff organized campaign rallies in Wisconsin,‭ ‬Ohio,‭ ‬Michigan and Iowa.‭ ‬A Center for American Progress analysis found that roughly half of these rallies led to county-level COVID-19‭ ‬outbreaks.

Playing host to the third wave of t the impeached president trump’s COVID-19‭ ‬plague,‭ ‬will be nothing like the first and second waves.‭ “‬Local economies,‭ ‬already cratered by the pandemic,‭ ‬may not come back to life for months if outbreaks continue.‭ ‬Hospital staff,‭ ‬too,‭ ‬are exhausted and increasingly frustrated.‭ ‬On Thursday,‭ ‬the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that the state would run out of ICU beds in as little as two weeks.‭ ‬Roughly‭ ‬10%‭ ‬of health care workers in Wisconsin have contracted the virus.‭”

But undaunted,‭ ‬mid west conservatives remain confident in the impeached president trump’s assurance that contracting his plague has no serious or long term effects.‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they will continue scoffing at medical professionals‭’ ‬recommendations,‭ ‬criticizing Democrats who force protective measures on their states‭’ ‬citizenry,‭ ‬and fight to hold onto the records of most new cases in one day,‭ ‬most deaths over the run of the disease,‭ ‬and the state with most COVID victims who will suffer the detrimental effects of the disease until their dying day.‭ ‬Champions,‭ ‬one and all.


What's the bad news, Elroy?
P.S.- you are one sick puppy.
China isn't holding those rallies that have killed more than 700 people.

And thousands of democrats aren't looting and rioting in massive crowds in China either

You have a point?

BTW.....TOTAL BS about 700 deaths from rallies.

Ok, let's play.....

1 million have died from attending looting and rioting parties that the Left has thrown. God we miss them.

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