There’s a new Sheriff in town


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
There’s a new Sheriff in town

-and he’s got a holy mandate.

There are literally entire Islamic infrastructures dedicated to hate and whole societies that exist, seemingly, with a single minded devotion to maintaining that hate.

If Westerners were to leave the Mid East now, If Israel suddenly ceased to exist, etc., if there were peace in the Middle East (which could happen if we suspend rational thought processes), in the next decade, would Al Queda have no raison d'etre? No. They still have the Islamization of the Arab world on the agenda. I suppose they could focus on deposing repressive regimes in the Arab world, (although not real likely) of course only to impose their own repressive regime, called Wahhabism, kinda’ like sunni, but without the glitz......

I think we also have to acknowledge that part of Islam’s credo is just a basic hate of all things Western, except its technology where useful for jihad purposes, because it is seen as a threat to all things Moslem and actually that brings us to the core of the clash between Islam and a modern world...the West represents the modern there is virtually nothing, ultimately, we in the West could do to overcome orthodox Moslems hate.

20 Salafists arrested as Gaza group pushes into W.Bank

20 Salafists arrested as Gaza group pushes into W.Bank

Ramallah (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) - Palestinian security forces arrested 20 Salafists, a senior source said Sunday after a Gaza-based group affiliated with Al-Qaeda confirmed it was operating in the West Bank for the first time.

But the Ramallah-based source denied that any of those arrested in a series of recent raids in the northern part of the Israeli-occupied West Bank had ties to the global jihadist group set up by the late Osama Bin-Laden.

Salafists adhere to a strict version of Islam that they say was practiced in the time of the prophet Mohammed. Some Salafists advocate Al-Qaeda's brand of global jihad while others are not involved in militancy.
You may see it as Hate, just as i'm sure They see Jihad as an expression of love of God

"If you were born where they were born and you were taught what they were taught, you'd believe what they believe"
You may see it as Hate, just as i'm sure They see Jihad as an expression of love of God

"If you were born where they were born and you were taught what they were taught, you'd believe what they believe"

This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen someone put in print. Think about it. God is abstract, blood and guts isn't.
You may see it as Hate, just as i'm sure They see Jihad as an expression of love of God

"If you were born where they were born and you were taught what they were taught, you'd believe what they believe"

What a shame that anyone would think the imposition of misery, suffering and theocratic totalitarianism is an "expression of love for god".
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen someone put in print. Think about it. God is abstract, blood and guts isn't.

Do you think someone could hold an opinion that is different than yours, and would you be able to comprehend an others opinion?
If you were born where they were born - Tony Klug

The majority of the relevant world has moved away from theocratic totalitarianism. That's a lesson the islamist world hasn't yet learned. It's not surprising then that opinions in favor of religious fascism come from those wishing to impose such a construct.

Islamist wannabes will whine and moan about the West (even / especially the Wannabes who live in the West), yet they can offer no practical alternative to Western precepts of equality and justice. They have these odd fantasies that their totalitarian ideologies must be imposed on all, and not for intellectual reasons or reasons which are particularly intuitive. The consequences of such mindless irrationality are obvious: I give you the Islamist Middle East. When such persistent and blatant irrationality becomes a mindset, islamists can and do convince themselves of almost anything. Once again, I'll offer comparisons of secular democracies vs. islamist totalitarian fear societies as relevant examples of societies which further the human condition - secular democracies, vs. islamist totalitarian fear societies - which do not.
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen someone put in print. Think about it. God is abstract, blood and guts isn't.

Do you think someone could hold an opinion that is different than yours, and would you be able to comprehend an others opinion?
If you were born where they were born - Tony Klug

What does this have to do with what I said? God is abstract, blood and guts isn't.
I'm sure you think you are right, but it's only your opinion

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