There Really Was A ‘Flip’ In Geopolitics

8. Before Democrat Franklin Roosevelt, whose hatred of successful businessmen metastasized into a hatred of capitalism and a love of Stalin and all the Soviet experiment stood for, American heritage resisted the attack on the most American of views, individualism.
Today, the Democrat Party is as collectivist as their Bolshevik forebears.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats wished to be associated with the Marxism that academic dilettantes flirted with in 19th century universities.
FDR came into office March 4th of 1933. One of his first official acts was to recognize the USSR, November 16th, 1933.

If this act, based on FDR's additional pro-Soviet endeavors, was rational....then these folks must have been irrational:

"Four Presidents and their six Secretaries of State for over a decade and a half held to this resolve," i.e., refusal to recognize the Soviet government. That was written by Herbert Hoover, one of those four Presidents. He wrote it in his Freedom Betrayed: Herbert Hoover's Secret History of the Second World War and Its Aftermath by George H. Nash, published posthumously, obviously, in 2011, pg 24-29.

Well, one might say, why didn't the previous Presidents’ agree prior to FDR...and what made him change US policy?

"On December 6, 1917, the U.S. Government broke off diplomatic relations with Russia, shortly after the Bolshevik Party seized power from the Tsarist regime after the “October Revolution.” President Woodrow Wilson decided to withhold recognition at that time because the new Bolshevik government had refused to honor prior debts to the United States incurred by the Tsarist government, ignored pre-existing treaty agreements with other nations, and seized American property in Russia following the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks had also concluded a separate peace with Germany at Brest-Litovsk in March 1918, ending Russian involvement in World War I."

Roosevelt had even more reason to eschew the Bolsheviks......their slaughter of the Ukrainian famers.
One can only guess at the thinking of a US President, who knew of the millions slaughtered in the name of communism in Russia, yet cloaked Stalin in his own popularity.
Roosevelt, who never met dictator he didn't embrace, had a difficult decision when Hitler attacked Stalin.

" Fascism did not acquire an evil name in Washington until Hitler became a menace to the Soviet Union." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p. 48

To this day, human life is of no consequence to the party of death, the Democrat Party.
9. Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics…..Where it began and how it took hold….the thread has shown how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.

And that is the real 'flip'......the current Democrat Party stands for the same doctrines and desires of the Soviet Bolsheviks.
As the witticism goes, it is closer to the views of Lee Harvey Oswald than the views of John F. Kennedy.

The Democrat Party has the very same view of the police today, by the Democrats, as what they learned from their predecessors in Moscow. ‘Defund the police!!’

We were and are the police. The United States of America. The bad guys.

We were the police who stopped Stalin at Berlin, after Roosevelt let him occupy Eastern Europe.

We were the police who saved Europe during the Cold War, and the Democrats view the police today just as their Bolshevik cousins viewed Reagan’s America.

We were the police who prevented communism from drowning the entire Korean Peninsula.

We were the police, again, in Central America.

“Between 1974 and 1980, while the United States wallowed in post-Vietnam angst, 10 countries had fallen into the Soviet orbit: South Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, South Yemen, Angola, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Nicaragua, Grenada and Afghanistan. Never had the Soviets lost an inch of real estate to the West. The Brezhnev Doctrine stated simply that once a country went Communist, it would stay Communist. In other words, the Soviet empire would continue to advance and gain territory…”

If not for the police.

And now we find the Biden Family on the Chinese Communist ‘pad'.....ready to turn control of the 'police' to the very thugs we fought to stop for three quarters of a century.
And, a rather momentous one, at that.

1.But, no….not the one advanced by only the truly most insipid and imbecilic acolytes of the Left, the sort of defense of their party, the Democrats, that would be accepted by a pre-adolescent mentality. Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!”

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans. They were Dixicrats…not Dixiecans. And went right back to being Democrats.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

2. Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But there was a momentous ‘flip’ by the Democrats, from a party that represented America and Americans, to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

They have been driven mad by their hatred, proven by the fact that there is no rational defense of this agenda. They’ve been demonizing their enemies for so long, that they’ve forgotten that they made it all up.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.” Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics

Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics of the Democrat Party…..Where it began and how it took hold….this thread will show how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
Im concerned about the long term effects. Knowing this indoctrinated generation(s) will possibly be raising their children with the same values. As a society we must advance, adapt and change, thats inevitable. However, we must do it while maintaining complete loyalty, moral obligation, and full integrity to our constitution, no matter what our future holds.
As well, culture is key, and our culture is under attack.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins or if the courts have Constitutional judges in there.

AOC along with the others are clear indications of what our culture is.

In the 80s, for instance even with the vast numbers of liberals out there, there was a real pride in the fact that we had opportunities or "freedoms" Yes the cynical spoiled trust fund white guilt loser leftists were everywhere and yes they certainly had influence, but by and large many knew we had choice where others in other countries who were oppressed didn't.


The entire culture is so corrupted, so insidiously owned by culutral marxists that the writing is on the wall.

We see it with the childish hypocritical idiots that post here. Someone like an aoc wouldn't get within miles of having an office in Washington D.C. Now, her and pervert gavin newsome along with losers like Tlaib are everywhere.

They will get their way eventually. If not now, but in our lifetimes.
And, a rather momentous one, at that.

1.But, no….not the one advanced by only the truly most insipid and imbecilic acolytes of the Left, the sort of defense of their party, the Democrats, that would be accepted by a pre-adolescent mentality. Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!”

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans. They were Dixicrats…not Dixiecans. And went right back to being Democrats.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

2. Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But there was a momentous ‘flip’ by the Democrats, from a party that represented America and Americans, to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

They have been driven mad by their hatred, proven by the fact that there is no rational defense of this agenda. They’ve been demonizing their enemies for so long, that they’ve forgotten that they made it all up.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.” Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics

Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics of the Democrat Party…..Where it began and how it took hold….this thread will show how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
Im concerned about the long term effects. Knowing this indoctrinated generation(s) will possibly be raising their children with the same values. As a society we must advance, adapt and change, thats inevitable. However, we must do it while maintaining complete loyalty, moral obligation, and full integrity to our constitution, no matter what our future holds.
As well, culture is key, and our culture is under attack.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins or if the courts have Constitutional judges in there.

AOC along with the others are clear indications of what our culture is.

In the 80s, for instance even with the vast numbers of liberals out there, there was a real pride in the fact that we had opportunities or "freedoms" Yes the cynical spoiled trust fund white guilt loser leftists were everywhere and yes they certainly had influence, but by and large many knew we had choice where others in other countries who were oppressed didn't.


The entire culture is so corrupted, so insidiously owned by culutral marxists that the writing is on the wall.

We see it with the childish hypocritical idiots that post here. Someone like an aoc wouldn't get within miles of having an office in Washington D.C. Now, her and pervert gavin newsome along with losers like Tlaib are everywhere.

They will get their way eventually. If not now, but in our lifetimes.

I've signed you up to address our Pessimist's Club.
And, a rather momentous one, at that.

1.But, no….not the one advanced by only the truly most insipid and imbecilic acolytes of the Left, the sort of defense of their party, the Democrats, that would be accepted by a pre-adolescent mentality. Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!”

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans. They were Dixicrats…not Dixiecans. And went right back to being Democrats.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

2. Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But there was a momentous ‘flip’ by the Democrats, from a party that represented America and Americans, to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

They have been driven mad by their hatred, proven by the fact that there is no rational defense of this agenda. They’ve been demonizing their enemies for so long, that they’ve forgotten that they made it all up.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.” Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics

Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics of the Democrat Party…..Where it began and how it took hold….this thread will show how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
Im concerned about the long term effects. Knowing this indoctrinated generation(s) will possibly be raising their children with the same values. As a society we must advance, adapt and change, thats inevitable. However, we must do it while maintaining complete loyalty, moral obligation, and full integrity to our constitution, no matter what our future holds.
As well, culture is key, and our culture is under attack.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins or if the courts have Constitutional judges in there.

AOC along with the others are clear indications of what our culture is.

In the 80s, for instance even with the vast numbers of liberals out there, there was a real pride in the fact that we had opportunities or "freedoms" Yes the cynical spoiled trust fund white guilt loser leftists were everywhere and yes they certainly had influence, but by and large many knew we had choice where others in other countries who were oppressed didn't.


The entire culture is so corrupted, so insidiously owned by culutral marxists that the writing is on the wall.

We see it with the childish hypocritical idiots that post here. Someone like an aoc wouldn't get within miles of having an office in Washington D.C. Now, her and pervert gavin newsome along with losers like Tlaib are everywhere.

They will get their way eventually. If not now, but in our lifetimes.

I've signed you up to address our Pessimist's Club.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George Bernard Shaw
And, a rather momentous one, at that.

1.But, no….not the one advanced by only the truly most insipid and imbecilic acolytes of the Left, the sort of defense of their party, the Democrats, that would be accepted by a pre-adolescent mentality. Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!”

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans. They were Dixicrats…not Dixiecans. And went right back to being Democrats.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

2. Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But there was a momentous ‘flip’ by the Democrats, from a party that represented America and Americans, to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

They have been driven mad by their hatred, proven by the fact that there is no rational defense of this agenda. They’ve been demonizing their enemies for so long, that they’ve forgotten that they made it all up.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.” Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics

Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics of the Democrat Party…..Where it began and how it took hold….this thread will show how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
Im concerned about the long term effects. Knowing this indoctrinated generation(s) will possibly be raising their children with the same values. As a society we must advance, adapt and change, thats inevitable. However, we must do it while maintaining complete loyalty, moral obligation, and full integrity to our constitution, no matter what our future holds.
As well, culture is key, and our culture is under attack.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins or if the courts have Constitutional judges in there.

AOC along with the others are clear indications of what our culture is.

In the 80s, for instance even with the vast numbers of liberals out there, there was a real pride in the fact that we had opportunities or "freedoms" Yes the cynical spoiled trust fund white guilt loser leftists were everywhere and yes they certainly had influence, but by and large many knew we had choice where others in other countries who were oppressed didn't.


The entire culture is so corrupted, so insidiously owned by culutral marxists that the writing is on the wall.

We see it with the childish hypocritical idiots that post here. Someone like an aoc wouldn't get within miles of having an office in Washington D.C. Now, her and pervert gavin newsome along with losers like Tlaib are everywhere.

They will get their way eventually. If not now, but in our lifetimes.

I've signed you up to address our Pessimist's Club.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George Bernard Shaw

I can only hope that we are wrong.
And, a rather momentous one, at that.

1.But, no….not the one advanced by only the truly most insipid and imbecilic acolytes of the Left, the sort of defense of their party, the Democrats, that would be accepted by a pre-adolescent mentality. Like this: "Well...yeah, everyone knows that early Democrats were the party of slavers...but then...around the 1960s the two parties flip-flopped their positions on slavery, segregation and black people....and it is the Republicans who decided to become the racists!!!”

A brief look at the historical facts will show that this is an unsupported leftist theory. Racist Democrats who were in power as the Dixiecrat Party, founded in the 1940s, did not became today’s Republicans. They were Dixicrats…not Dixiecans. And went right back to being Democrats.
No, the Parties Didn't 'Switch'

2. Watch me prove how truly stupid the 'flip' myth is:

What the chances are that, after a lifetime of believing as you do, arguing DNC talking points, reading the NYTimes, and watching MSNBC, being, 'taught' in government schools, and watching Comedy Central for your news.....

.....what are the chances would be that you woke up tomorrow praising Donald Trump's election and presidency, and voting know....'flipping.'

And that calculation represents the same chance that Republicans and conservatives, who formed a party to fight Democrats and slavery, suddenly decided to become racists.

3. But there was a momentous ‘flip’ by the Democrats, from a party that represented America and Americans, to this:

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

They have been driven mad by their hatred, proven by the fact that there is no rational defense of this agenda. They’ve been demonizing their enemies for so long, that they’ve forgotten that they made it all up.

“…smearing opponents is not only a left-wing value; it is the left’s modus operandi. And the reason for that is: The left does not win through argument. It wins through smear. If you differ with the left, you are, by definition, sexist, racist, bigoted, intolerant, homophobic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, fascist, and/or a hater. The proof? You cannot name a single opponent of the left who has not been so labeled.” Why the Left Calls Good People Racist | RealClearPolitics

Now, getting to the actual ‘flip’ in geopolitics of the Democrat Party…..Where it began and how it took hold….this thread will show how the Democrat Party came to adopt the positions of Stalin’s Soviet Union.
Im concerned about the long term effects. Knowing this indoctrinated generation(s) will possibly be raising their children with the same values. As a society we must advance, adapt and change, thats inevitable. However, we must do it while maintaining complete loyalty, moral obligation, and full integrity to our constitution, no matter what our future holds.
As well, culture is key, and our culture is under attack.

Doesn't matter if Trump wins or if the courts have Constitutional judges in there.

AOC along with the others are clear indications of what our culture is.

In the 80s, for instance even with the vast numbers of liberals out there, there was a real pride in the fact that we had opportunities or "freedoms" Yes the cynical spoiled trust fund white guilt loser leftists were everywhere and yes they certainly had influence, but by and large many knew we had choice where others in other countries who were oppressed didn't.


The entire culture is so corrupted, so insidiously owned by culutral marxists that the writing is on the wall.

We see it with the childish hypocritical idiots that post here. Someone like an aoc wouldn't get within miles of having an office in Washington D.C. Now, her and pervert gavin newsome along with losers like Tlaib are everywhere.

They will get their way eventually. If not now, but in our lifetimes.

I've signed you up to address our Pessimist's Club.
"The power of accurate observation is often called cynicism by those who don't have it."

George Bernard Shaw

I can only hope that we are wrong.
What I am praying for, but if you believe in prayer then we know the tribulations must happen before his return.

I will be honest. Not looking forward to judgement day and that has me more concerned than anything else.

I have been many different things but "good" is not one them. From sinful pride to many other things.

Not looking forward. Tried being humble but I let my pride (false pride) get the better of me more times than not. You see how I carry on.

Should be more merciful and patient, but clearly I am not. I think it is time to pray for forgiveness rather than stopping the tribulations from happening, which must happen.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?

Once I thought Mac1958 was worth having a discussion with. I saw him be critical of identity politics a few times and then I saw how he never responds to facts we present. I then saw how he plays identity politics every chance he gets.

Finally, I realized I was pushing the boulder up and down the hill and presenting facts to him is the Myth of Sisyphus.

Waste of time.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?

Excellent montage w/descriptions.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?

Once I thought Mac1958 was worth having a discussion with. I saw him be critical of identity politics a few times and then I saw how he never responds to facts we present. I then saw how he plays identity politics every chance he gets.

Finally, I realized I was pushing the boulder up and down the hill and presenting facts to him is the Myth of Sisyphus.

Waste of time.


He manages to be a stuffed shirt and an empty suit at the very same time.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?

What "smoking gun" about getting some dude to meet your famous father? This is even more laughable than your usual.
Can't you come up with anything original? Is that a hom skool trait?
From what I can tell, this stuff appears to provide them with some kind of emotional catharsis to deal with their various talk radio-induced frustrations and paranoias.

Just admit that you're a radical pinko Hitler Nazi Fascist commie Maoist Stalinist socialist Marxist. I do it all the time.

It seems to calm them for a while, not unlike the way soothing music will sometimes pacify a child.

How about you simply refute this?

Emails from Hunter Biden's laptop


Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad
Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine in…


Emails reveal how Hunter Biden tried to cash in big on behalf of family with Chinese firm
Hunter Biden pursued lucrative deals involving China’s largest private energy company — including one that he said would be “interesting for me and my family,” emails obtained by The Post show. One…

Or anything else in any of my posts?

What "smoking gun" about getting some dude to meet your famous father? This is even more laughable than your usual.

Every day is an IQ's hoping you pass one.

Both Democrat families, the Clintons and the Bidens, sold out America for beaucoup bucks.


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