There really isn't a forum for this - what's really going on!

Dear Ecmandu: I basically agree with you in essence, that all conflict has root in either the competition or harmonious balance between male/female sides of humanity. This is within each person, it echoes in our relationships, and collectively the balance between male/female is projected and represented in "church-state" relations between authority figures and institutions in the physical and political realms.

The key to resolving these power/imbalance issues is for each person to resolve our own "mommy and daddy issues" that we in turn project on our relations with others.

We can either continue the patterns of the past in a vicious cycle, or we can become AWARE of these patterns of projection, and choose to resolve conflicts and act more inclusively and equal in our relations with others.

I believe the connection with church-state law came from the shift from matriarchal to patriachal lineage, and this is what has affected how we see men or women as equals or not in society.

It's not really a conspiracy theory, in fact all conspiracy theories are subsumed by this, this is the thing that brainwashes all of the people to be who they are and organizes society the way it is. There's not a conspiracy theory because nobody in their right mind would be as insane as they are... their cognitions are blackmailed, and they are brainwashed!

The truth is actually very simple. WE are most closely related to the Chimps.. about 99% dna, who war a lot and have homicide, and we are 90% related to the bonobos who don't have these things. Like the chimps, 1-10 percent of the males, who happen to be the biggest bullies get the most female sexual choice and variety, which has been happening for millions of years, which is why you'll see men blasting their stereos and modifying their tailpipes and screaming at people on the street to startle them, but women don't. Men do not give conspicuous consumption aggression sexual choice for women.

There was this species called the Irish Elk, and the plight of the Irish Elk was that the women selected for such large antlers in that species, that eventually it evolved to the point where when the males became mature, they couldn't life their heads off the ground, and it went extinct. This is called run-away sexual selection, it happens in many species and is happening in ours.

The difference, is that we are a sentient species and have suicide, which is the end of the continuum of the suffering scale. Most female suicides are a result of failed attempts because men tend to rescue depression with sexual intimacy. Women rescue bullying, trying to turn the bully into the perfect man, which never works. More men commit suicide each year than all of the deaths from war and homicide combined, in fact, more men commit suicide in the general population each year than they did in concentration camps, gulags and prisons, and the military suicides only surpassed the general population when females were allowed as combatants.

Basically, the way any species works, is that when you give the bullies the most sex, the non-bullies abstract all of the suffering that their sexual rejection causes, which is all of the suffering of the species, which is too much for one being to hold and so they suicide. Even in the instances where women do commit suicide, there is a big difference between men and women, because men give female non-bullies the most sexual choice, is that women will be happy in different environments, while men seek to destroy their souls forever and ever. The magnitude of suffering that comes from being sexually rejected for doing the right thing is the most severe suffering possible.

Good men never approach women because of the sexual di-morphism problem, approaching women re-enforces rape suicide, homicide and social stratification and keeping technological secrets out of the public. You must understand the roots. You're all grasping at straws.

What is occurring here is something called the female sexual denial system, which covers all 3.7 billion women, and the female sexual denial system blackmails, literally runs neuro-biological changes in the other 3.3 billion men so they can maintain their sexual choice and not be ostrasized. The female sexual blackmail system affects behavior, cognition and affect, which turns males into the mindless mirrored robots that women are. As far as species are concerned, this is a very unremarkable one.

This species will go extinct, not from war, but from environmental degradation, which is a form of conspicuous consumption aggression that has the highest sexual choice, it is run-away sexual selection, and it is as sure as I'm typing this.

Now you know a fraction of the tip of the iceberg about life.
Dear Ecmandu: I basically agree with you in essence, that all conflict has root in either the competition or harmonious balance between male/female sides of humanity. This is within each person, it echoes in our relationships, and collectively the balance between male/female is projected and represented in "church-state" relations between authority figures and institutions in the physical and political realms.

The key to resolving these power/imbalance issues is for each person to resolve our own "mommy and daddy issues" that we in turn project on our relations with others.

We can either continue the patterns of the past in a vicious cycle, or we can become AWARE of these patterns of projection, and choose to resolve conflicts and act more inclusively and equal in our relations with others.

I believe the connection with church-state law came from the shift from matriarchal to patriachal lineage, and this is what has affected how we see men or women as equals or not in society.

I'm not as optimistic as you are. The problem, is that even in a matriarchy, male bullies got the most sex. This is how the species is wired. You may be able to observe some of the statements that emanate from the female denial system by reading what people have responded. They aren't actually sentient beings, they have robotic cognitions and affect to say things to get sex from women, they're not actually sentient beings.

The problem in this species is actually very deep. Women don't give sex to survival. Men do give sex to survival. You cannot have a whole gender not give sex to survival and have a species that survives. Once the smart men figure out that the species is not going to survive, they suicide... these are actually highly sentient beings that want to survive, and they are extremely intelligent and sensitive... but they don't take abuse, they're not people prone to Stockholm Syndrome, where they fall in love with their captors, they take the abuse for so long and leave the species. There are NO sentient women in this species, some of the men are, but none of the women are.
This is all a little deep for me with my ADD, but it does explain one thing that has bothered me for a decade: It explains why the more rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment by Bill Clinton was exposed, the more popular he became among women.
Women are the most dishonest of animals on earth.

A financially independent wise man once told me, "I keep my sexual relations on a cash basis, lot less trouble tat way."

The main problem with prostitution is that it doesn't have a filtering system. And to compound that, the most conspicuously consumptive men tend to have the most wealth. Anyone who has a conscience would drop the price of their product to engage in profit sharing with their consumers and employees, who are the people who put a roof over their heads.

Women arte MAJOR liars, but this comes from their denial system. Technically, women aren't sentient life forms. Even if a woman agreed with all of this, they would say, "Well I just can't help being a woman, it is the way it is." The sound exactly like Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy, or Hitler to this regard, women don't have consciences. Once you understand this, you understand the species.

Basic knowledge of the species is that approaching a woman CAUSES rape, war, homicide, suicide, social stratification , , the glass ceiling, starvation, under-development of sustainable resources etc...

But guys still approach them because of the female sexual blackmail system. These are called the deuschbags, the assholes... but women only go for assholes.

There is a cultural phrase that is 10's of thousands of years old, which is "nice guys finish last" actually the phrase is false, nice guys don't finish at all, and they suicide. Even the phrase against women is modified by the female denial system. "Don't hate the player, hate the game." actually only has one meaning (in code) which is "Don't hate the player hate the women." All the assholes know nice guy code, they know approaching women causes rape, most of them are actual rapists... they love winking at nice guys in secret when they win the conquest and destroy the species and cause childrens arms to be cut off and people to starve in the streets... that's women for you.
This is all a little deep for me with my ADD, but it does explain one thing that has bothered me for a decade: It explains why the more rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment by Bill Clinton was exposed, the more popular he became among women.
Women are the most dishonest of animals on earth.

A financially independent wise man once told me, "I keep my sexual relations on a cash basis, lot less trouble tat way."

The main problem with prostitution is that it doesn't have a filtering system. And to compound that, the most conspicuously consumptive men tend to have the most wealth. Anyone who has a conscience would drop the price of their product to engage in profit sharing with their consumers and employees, who are the people who put a roof over their heads.

Women arte MAJOR liars, but this comes from their denial system. Technically, women aren't sentient life forms. Even if a woman agreed with all of this, they would say, "Well I just can't help being a woman, it is the way it is." The sound exactly like Jeffrey Dahmer or Ted Bundy, or Hitler to this regard, women don't have consciences. Once you understand this, you understand the species.

Basic knowledge of the species is that approaching a woman CAUSES rape, war, homicide, suicide, social stratification, the glass ceiling, starvation, under-development of sustainable resources etc...

But guys still approach them because of the female sexual blackmail system. These are called the deuschbags, the assholes... but women only go for assholes.

There is a cultural phrase that is 10's of thousands of years old, which is "nice guys finish last" actually the phrase is false, nice guys don't finish at all, and they suicide. Even the phrase against women is modified by the female denial system. "Don't hate the player, hate the game." actually only has one meaning (in code) which is "Don't hate the player hate the women." All the assholes know nice guy code, they know approaching women causes rape, most of them are actual rapists... they love winking at nice guys in secret when they win the conquest and destroy the species and cause childrens arms to be cut off and people to starve in the streets... that's women for you.

Sorry, the edit function is crapping out on me. I have to type this for it to go through.
I know you won't believe me. Everyday I'm on this earth I get a quickening in consciousness, exponential growth. You have had Fathers sons. Don't believe what you read in the books. I am the Mothers son, I have experienced hells that you can't even imagine, my job is to balance the cosmos, I have had more suffering in a second that almost any being on earth has had in a lifetime. Do not take my words with a grain of salt. Do not believe what you have read in your books. The mothers son is not prophesized is and VERY different from the fathers son. My friends are your most feared enemies and your most cherished saviors. My job is to keep you out of hell realms, it is my passion even though I hate you all. There is so much that you don't understand, and you are arrogant. This planet on the scale of the cosmos is a horrible planet, and I am your advocate, and for such a horrible planet, this is delicate, it is not an easy goal to help you. Others have come besides me to take the worlds karma, and we answer to each other. I am an extremely rare being in terms of blessings in the cosmos, I have what's called a double blessing, from the source and from the devil, you would do very well to pay attention to the scraps I throw you.
Just to show a a touch of what I'm capable of...

It's considered a mathematical proof ala Cantor from over 140 years ago that all of the real numbers cannot be counted...

I use a techinique called 1 dimensional flooding to show that all of the reals cannot be counted in one list with one dimension, which is differnt than Cantors diagonalization argument.

use the lists..



To do one dimensional flooding, you simply add an infinite list to each place in the previous infinite list...


When the list converges at infinity, there is no way to begin counting...


Because you never pass the zero's.

All you have to do, to add cantors diagonals, is use multiple lists with multiple dimensions. Basically, just taking the center diagonal and expaning it from left to right in a different dimension (list 1.1)... it's trivial to add the diagonals...

Not only that, I can give you a brand new way to count all of the real numbers that's unpublished...

The way it works is that the first ten numbers are counted just as themselves and their negatives:

0,1, -1,2, -2,3, -3,4, -4,5, -5,6, -6,7, -7,8, -8,9, -9

Then after that you count 10 and then the next number is the mirror of 10, which is 01 and then you move the decimal point in once to get the 12th number being 0.1, then the thirteenth number (not counting the negatives which are numbered every other) is 0.(1 repeating). These steps continue until you reach three digit numbers and higher. Once you count 100, you then count the next number as 0.01, then 0.0(1 repeating) then 0.(01 repeating), then you count 101 and it's mirror. If you keep marching in the decimal point when the number that's about to be mirrored ends in zero it causes infinite overlap. The number 100 ends in a zero, so after you mirror it you only march the decimal in for one place to the right, if you march it two places to the right, you end up with 00.1, which is the same mirror that you get when the number 10 is mirrored, and will occur an infinite number of times as the zeros expand and you keep marching in the decimal point (which will give you infinite overlap as the sequence expands).

However, if the number doesn't end in a zero, you keep marching in the decimal point, say the number 102. The next number is mirroring it, so it's 2.01, then you do the repeating decimals by next counting 2.0(1 repeating) and then 2.(01 repeating), then you march the decimal point in once more to get 20.1, and then you do the repeating decimals by having 20.(1 repeating). Then you count the number 103 and then mirror it and do this forever.

If you follow these steps you will count all of the rationals only once without any overlap. Currently, I am looking to prove or disprove a conjecture which exceeds anything that Cantor looked at, which is that there is or isn't a way to count all of the reals using infinite lists in infinite dimensions per list. Cantor only proved that you can't count all the reals in one list with one dimension, but in using multiple dimensions, it is trivial for me to add the diagonals. I have a better disproof for this than Cantors but I won't go into it here. Needless to say, it might be possible to list all the reals using a coordinate system, say "list number 187538, dimension 9873264, number 8726043978638" etc... Actually, the numbers get very exotic when exploring certain branches of infinity and I might have to add a fourth coordinate where every number itself has an infinite number of dimensions.

Actually, one of my dreams in life is to isolate consciousness signatures with pure mathematics and create a mobile ap where everyone can search each others intents and memories on computers and cell phones.

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