There really isn't a forum for this - what's really going on!

"I have set forth the idea that there is run-away sexual selection occurring in this species, run-away sexual selection is defined by ornate or conspicuous consumption aggression."

Son, the poet recognized the problem in "Orestes" more than 2400 years ago. The solution was to turn vengeance and punishment over to the state.

The elites resist that in every way.
"I have set forth the idea that there is run-away sexual selection occurring in this species, run-away sexual selection is defined by ornate or conspicuous consumption aggression."

Son, the poet recognized the problem in "Orestes" more than 2400 years ago. The solution was to turn vengeance and punishment over to the state.

The elites resist that in every way.

The good guys, who have historically been the best people in this species, have been telling people this since the species first started communicating, I'm sure long before this epic.

The thing that most people don't understand is often they say that culture and religion are responsible for these problems... they are wrong. ALL religion and culture came from the female sexual blackmail system.

It's the sex that made culture and religion, not the other way around. I often point to the fact that well over 10,000 high production hollywood films have been made since movies started that have men effectively pushing women to walls and wrestling them and then the women struggle against them with all of their might only to suddenly be swept up with a passion and start kissing the man. And people say that the culture is brainwashing women, no, the culture came from women, it comes from sexual choice.

45% of 62%, roughly 30% of women have what are called "highly erotic rape fantasies", the structure of these fanstasies is that men (who tend to be very ugly) are so overtaken by the females alluredness that they can't help themselves but to rape them, and the fantasy is that the women feel a sense of power by being able to control a man so that he loses all control... 30% of women have these fanstasies on a regular basis. What people don't understand is that women only consent to no means yes scenarios on a continuum.

You can prove everything I'm telling you here in a lab.
Is this one of those " Good men never get laid because women prefer BAD men" threads?

Kinda looks like it.

I'm a good man and women dig me.
Hmm... I wanted to add some stuff.

Men have historically looked for the sign that a woman is NOT sexually jealous, which is part of the reason women are less violent than men are.

Men are much more polyaorous than women are as well, and basically what occurs in this very unremarkable, really idiotic and worthless species, is that women give the bullies most of the sex from their pool during the male sexual peak (which is why there is that suicide spike from 15-24), after they have given the assholes most of their sex and they got all the sex they wanted from 1-10% of the male population, now they want to settle down with the nicer men who hardly got any sex, and decide to be monoamorous. Because men tend to stay polyamnorous for life, women have a life-long opportunity to be able to have sexual encounters with anyone they may have their eyes set upon, while men, because of the later female polyamory, don't.

The problem with any species is that the VERY worst thing you can do is sexually reject a non-bully. The reason for this, is that sexual choice determines affect, behavior and cognition. To put it simply, Ted Bundy, or Hitler and his Regime, or Stalin and his regime, etc... because they are who they are, they're not FORCING women to give bullies the most sex... however, if it wasn't for female sexual choice, there have been no such thing as Ted Bundy, Hitler or Stalin... one is causal, the other is not. Males either blindly go with the female denial system or they suicide.

This is just species 101.

Other basic species 101 topics include making suicide as easy as possible and working to get those rates to zero, which not only makes life better for every species on that planet but for beings across the entire cosmos.

As far as basic training, this species is blind, moronic and idiotic, and the thing they are most blinded by in this very unremarkable species, is the female sexual denial system.

As long as men try to be women we are doomed as a species.

The whole bully, aggression and rape analysis is utter poppy-cock in attempts to excuse the weak.
The primal instinct all creature are born with includes survival and males are “hardwired” differently than females.
The strongest instincts for males fall in or around providing and procreation … Where those in females fall under seeking security and the ability to nurture.

All the soup of modern society does is attempt to apply an excuse for humans who cannot excel on those levels.
What has been said about men failing to deal with sexual rejection because they are weak and cannot find a way to appropriately assert their abilities into the equation … Is their fault and not the fault of females.
If sucking on a shotgun is the only way a man can find to deal with his inadequacies … Then excuse me for offering to load it for him.

What we really need is more men who are fricken men instead of the spiteful and disillusioned metro sexual dishrags.

We need men who are less concerned about their rejection than what is necessary to overcome the obstacles before them.
Everyone experiences rejection and failure … And the key to success always reside in one's ability to overcome the inadequacies and rise to the challenge of higher purpose.

I would agree that “nice guys” often experience more sexual rejection … It just may not be a female's fault those guys are pussies.

another thread by some one who should definitely cut back on grande lattes

??? I'm not trolling, but clearly you are.

I have set forth the idea that there is run-away sexual selection occurring in this species, run-away sexual selection is defined by ornate or conspicuous consumption aggression. The males blasting their stereos and modifying their tail pipes and engaging in extreme sports etc... relative to the level that women do this are clearly examples of ornate aggression and males do this WAY more than women do.

The question is WHY. The answer is sexual choice. We're not talking about survival here, protecting ones family or getting food, we're talking about ORNATE or CONSPICUOUS CONSUMPTION aggression, otherwise known as "peacocking". (one of the famous examples of run-away sexual selection in the animal kingdom).

Clearly, you are trolling, and defending the female denial system by trolling on a topic that is not only eminently obvious, but of which the impact is of the highest possible importance.

*sigh* The humans...

It is all in the DNA.

Men increase the probability that their DNA will be passed on by having sex with as many women as possible ... let's call it, say, 12 times per day. Women increase the probability that their DNA will be passed on by having sex with a partner who will stick around to change diapers. From a DNA perspective, including gestation, about once per year.

Your conspiracy theory is the differing nature of the x and y chromosomes.

A man is not weak for acting a particular way around women so they prevent war, rape, torture, suicide, social stratification and undevelopment of sustainable technologies and environmental degradation.

The guys who get sex from women defend these things and women make sure that this is the world we live in.

It's actually very easy to demonstrate with other species that approaching the approach avoidant gender will increase sexual harassment and assault for the gender used.

Basically, you condition one gender to be approach avoidant, and then you only let sex happen for those who approach, this will create a run-away scenario where the other gender intensifies sexual harassment, assault and rape. The guys who prevent these things don't get sex from women... they are TRYING TO PREVENT YOUR FUCKING RAPES and you REJECT THEM.

The problem is not the good men, never has been, never will be.

Why don't you try living as a gender that gets sexually discriminated for DOING THE RIGHT THING someday, where the reward system is INVERTED.. that's why the suicide is rate is high, not because they are wimps.

All this nonsense about women looking for someone who will stay with them has no bearing on good people, defending people, no bearing on good people, they do these things naturally. You seem to have the delusion that because a guy doesn't want women to get raped, that's he's weak, worthless, well guess what, you make them worthless, and guess what, they all suicide... enjoy the hell you sexually selected.
A man is not weak for acting a particular way around women so they prevent war, rape, torture, suicide, social stratification and undevelopment of sustainable technologies and environmental degradation.

The guys who get sex from women defend these things and women make sure that this is the world we live in.

It's actually very easy to demonstrate with other species that approaching the approach avoidant gender will increase sexual harassment and assault for the gender used.

Basically, you condition one gender to be approach avoidant, and then you only let sex happen for those who approach, this will create a run-away scenario where the other gender intensifies sexual harassment, assault and rape. The guys who prevent these things don't get sex from women... they are TRYING TO PREVENT YOUR FUCKING RAPES and you REJECT THEM.

The problem is not the good men, never has been, never will be.

Why don't you try living as a gender that gets sexually discriminated for DOING THE RIGHT THING someday, where the reward system is INVERTED.. that's why the suicide is rate is high, not because they are wimps.

All this nonsense about women looking for someone who will stay with them has no bearing on good people, defending people, no bearing on good people, they do these things naturally. You seem to have the delusion that because a guy doesn't want women to get raped, that's he's weak, worthless, well guess what, you make them worthless, and guess what, they all suicide... enjoy the hell you sexually selected.

So basically you are saying if women give it up to weak sissies ... The higher the probability we will end up with more weak sissies.
I didn't identify being a self confident male with being a rapist or abuser ... You made that comparison.

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A man is not weak for acting a particular way around women so they prevent war, rape, torture, suicide, social stratification and undevelopment of sustainable technologies and environmental degradation.

The guys who get sex from women defend these things and women make sure that this is the world we live in.

It's actually very easy to demonstrate with other species that approaching the approach avoidant gender will increase sexual harassment and assault for the gender used.

Basically, you condition one gender to be approach avoidant, and then you only let sex happen for those who approach, this will create a run-away scenario where the other gender intensifies sexual harassment, assault and rape. The guys who prevent these things don't get sex from women... they are TRYING TO PREVENT YOUR FUCKING RAPES and you REJECT THEM.

The problem is not the good men, never has been, never will be.

Why don't you try living as a gender that gets sexually discriminated for DOING THE RIGHT THING someday, where the reward system is INVERTED.. that's why the suicide is rate is high, not because they are wimps.

All this nonsense about women looking for someone who will stay with them has no bearing on good people, defending people, no bearing on good people, they do these things naturally. You seem to have the delusion that because a guy doesn't want women to get raped, that's he's weak, worthless, well guess what, you make them worthless, and guess what, they all suicide... enjoy the hell you sexually selected.

So basically you are saying if women give it up to weak sissies ... The higher the probability we will end up with more weak sissies.
I didn't identify being a self confident male with being a rapist or abuser ... You made that comparison.

guys, me thinks ecmandu is female....
A man is not weak for acting a particular way around women so they prevent war, rape, torture, suicide, social stratification and undevelopment of sustainable technologies and environmental degradation.

The guys who get sex from women defend these things and women make sure that this is the world we live in.

It's actually very easy to demonstrate with other species that approaching the approach avoidant gender will increase sexual harassment and assault for the gender used.

Basically, you condition one gender to be approach avoidant, and then you only let sex happen for those who approach, this will create a run-away scenario where the other gender intensifies sexual harassment, assault and rape. The guys who prevent these things don't get sex from women... they are TRYING TO PREVENT YOUR FUCKING RAPES and you REJECT THEM.

The problem is not the good men, never has been, never will be.

Why don't you try living as a gender that gets sexually discriminated for DOING THE RIGHT THING someday, where the reward system is INVERTED.. that's why the suicide is rate is high, not because they are wimps.

All this nonsense about women looking for someone who will stay with them has no bearing on good people, defending people, no bearing on good people, they do these things naturally. You seem to have the delusion that because a guy doesn't want women to get raped, that's he's weak, worthless, well guess what, you make them worthless, and guess what, they all suicide... enjoy the hell you sexually selected.

So basically you are saying if women give it up to weak sissies ... The higher the probability we will end up with more weak sissies.
I didn't identify being a self confident male with being a rapist or abuser ... You made that comparison.


Women are the approach avoidant gender in this species. Calling guys who don't approach the approach avoidant gender because it causes all of the suffering on earth, weak sissies is really that female denial system kicking in, and certainly has no bearing on reality.

I understand at this point that you can't actually comprehend what has transpired in these three pages, and in terms if orders of sentience, you are massive amounts of exponential orders behind the men who do good in this world.

Approaching women causes rape, it's very easy to prove.
A man is not weak for acting a particular way around women so they prevent war, rape, torture, suicide, social stratification and undevelopment of sustainable technologies and environmental degradation.

The guys who get sex from women defend these things and women make sure that this is the world we live in.

It's actually very easy to demonstrate with other species that approaching the approach avoidant gender will increase sexual harassment and assault for the gender used.

Basically, you condition one gender to be approach avoidant, and then you only let sex happen for those who approach, this will create a run-away scenario where the other gender intensifies sexual harassment, assault and rape. The guys who prevent these things don't get sex from women... they are TRYING TO PREVENT YOUR FUCKING RAPES and you REJECT THEM.

The problem is not the good men, never has been, never will be.

Why don't you try living as a gender that gets sexually discriminated for DOING THE RIGHT THING someday, where the reward system is INVERTED.. that's why the suicide is rate is high, not because they are wimps.

All this nonsense about women looking for someone who will stay with them has no bearing on good people, defending people, no bearing on good people, they do these things naturally. You seem to have the delusion that because a guy doesn't want women to get raped, that's he's weak, worthless, well guess what, you make them worthless, and guess what, they all suicide... enjoy the hell you sexually selected.

So basically you are saying if women give it up to weak sissies ... The higher the probability we will end up with more weak sissies.
I didn't identify being a self confident male with being a rapist or abuser ... You made that comparison.


Women are the approach avoidant gender in this species. Calling guys who don't approach the approach avoidant gender because it causes all of the suffering on earth, weak sissies is really that female denial system kicking in, and certainly has no bearing on reality.

I understand at this point that you can't actually comprehend what has transpired in these three pages, and in terms if orders of sentience, you are massive amounts of exponential orders behind the men who do good in this world.

Approaching women causes rape, it's very easy to prove.

I don't care how you want to distort the argument into some psycho-bullshit ramblings.
If you get passed up for sex (or whatever for that matter) because you decide to sit on the bench instead of pursuing what you want in life ... You are a fricken sissy ... Simple as that.
If you feel the need to suck on a shotgun because you suck in the first place ... Knock yourself out ... Clean the gene pool.

Edit ... You don't have to explain how approaching women could have more bearing on rape.
Sitting by yourself in a corner whacking your wiener and crying in your pillow because you got passed up doesn't make you a good man.

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This is all a little deep for me with my ADD, but it does explain one thing that has bothered me for a decade: It explains why the more rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment by Bill Clinton was exposed, the more popular he became among women.
Women are the most dishonest of animals on earth.

A financially independent wise man once told me, "I keep my sexual relations on a cash basis, lot less trouble tat way."
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