There may never be another new refinery built in America


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

There may never be another new refinery built in America​

20 Jiun 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

The title of this article may sound like some sort of alarmist doom porn from people who are warning about the downstream impacts of the green new deal, but it’s actually quite serious. The statement that there will probably never be another new oil refinery built in the United States came from Mike Wirth, the CEO of Chevron and a person who should know a thing or two about how the oil and gas industry works. We previously examined the reality that we are heading for devastating shortages of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel because of the number of oil refineries that have gone offline or been converted to process biofuels. Ed Morrissey reported on Joe Biden’s demands that the “greedy refiners” move to “turn the refineries back on” and produce more fuel. Industry leaders responded with a letter explaining how ludicrous that demand was. Now, as the Institute for Energy Research explains, the reality is setting in that there probably won’t be any new refineries being constructed and it’s entirely the fault of the Democrats’ policies.
This isn’t some idle threat or fit of pique on the part of the oil and gas industry. It’s just basic mathematics and economics.
The thing that will prevent the “restarting” of the refineries we’ve lost or the construction of new ones is the same situation that slowed and eventually halted the construction of new nuclear power plants in the United States over the past several decades. Construction takes years and massive amounts of money. That issue is exacerbated by the endless, expensive regulatory hoops that must be jumped through. In order for a nuke plant to be able to show a profit, it has to remain operational for decades, otherwise, investors will not put money into the project. And if politicians and the public are acting squeamish about your product, confidence in the long-term prospects is further diminished.
The green warriors out there are probably tooting horns and throwing confetti into the air over the idea of the end of oil refineries in America. But when the reality of the coming liquid fuel shortage fully hits home, they will be singing a different tune. Renewable energy still only accounts for at most 13% of the power consumed in this country. We aren’t remotely close to being able to fully convert to electric vehicles, to say nothing of being able to recharge them all. And very nearly all of the food that you eat and the other products you purchase are brought to market in trucks and rail cars that use diesel to operate. There is a massive crisis on the way and everyone with the sense that God gave a goat is trying to warn you about it. And it’s a crisis of your own creation.

American environmentalist are often nutty fruitcakes who are willing to destroy the nation over their idolatrous devotion to nature.
Electric cars? Yeah, right, like they have not and would not still fight tooth and nail to prevent ever expanding the power grid.
NEPA and and EPA activists have restricted any additional refineries or nuclear plants being built in America.
See: govinfo

If we are to meet the future needs of America to advance, we should be building at least 10 new refinery plants - However, the Progressive Maoist cretins who populate our government will not allow this to happen.
There are many options and the technology is coming to reality but until then we are tied to fossil fuels no matter what the Leftist/Greenies tell us.
Nuclear Science has advanced enabling America to build Small Modular Reactors to power cities, yet this has been negated by our politicians touting the "Green Movement".
See: Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Then there's Thorium Salt reactor technology: Revisiting Thorium Energy – The Future of Nuclear Power? - Undecided with Matt Ferrell

There may never be another new refinery built in America​

20 Jiun 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

The title of this article may sound like some sort of alarmist doom porn from people who are warning about the downstream impacts of the green new deal, but it’s actually quite serious. The statement that there will probably never be another new oil refinery built in the United States came from Mike Wirth, the CEO of Chevron and a person who should know a thing or two about how the oil and gas industry works. We previously examined the reality that we are heading for devastating shortages of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel because of the number of oil refineries that have gone offline or been converted to process biofuels. Ed Morrissey reported on Joe Biden’s demands that the “greedy refiners” move to “turn the refineries back on” and produce more fuel. Industry leaders responded with a letter explaining how ludicrous that demand was. Now, as the Institute for Energy Research explains, the reality is setting in that there probably won’t be any new refineries being constructed and it’s entirely the fault of the Democrats’ policies.
This isn’t some idle threat or fit of pique on the part of the oil and gas industry. It’s just basic mathematics and economics.
The thing that will prevent the “restarting” of the refineries we’ve lost or the construction of new ones is the same situation that slowed and eventually halted the construction of new nuclear power plants in the United States over the past several decades. Construction takes years and massive amounts of money. That issue is exacerbated by the endless, expensive regulatory hoops that must be jumped through. In order for a nuke plant to be able to show a profit, it has to remain operational for decades, otherwise, investors will not put money into the project. And if politicians and the public are acting squeamish about your product, confidence in the long-term prospects is further diminished.
The green warriors out there are probably tooting horns and throwing confetti into the air over the idea of the end of oil refineries in America. But when the reality of the coming liquid fuel shortage fully hits home, they will be singing a different tune. Renewable energy still only accounts for at most 13% of the power consumed in this country. We aren’t remotely close to being able to fully convert to electric vehicles, to say nothing of being able to recharge them all. And very nearly all of the food that you eat and the other products you purchase are brought to market in trucks and rail cars that use diesel to operate. There is a massive crisis on the way and everyone with the sense that God gave a goat is trying to warn you about it. And it’s a crisis of your own creation.

American environmentalist are often nutty fruitcakes who are willing to destroy the nation over their idolatrous devotion to nature.
Electric cars? Yeah, right, like they have not and would not still fight tooth and nail to prevent ever expanding the power grid.
NEPA and and EPA activists have restricted any additional refineries or nuclear plants being built in America.
See: govinfo

If we are to meet the future needs of America to advance, we should be building at least 10 new refinery plants - However, the Progressive Maoist cretins who populate our government will not allow this to happen.
There are many options and the technology is coming to reality but until then we are tied to fossil fuels no matter what the Leftist/Greenies tell us.
Nuclear Science has advanced enabling America to build Small Modular Reactors to power cities, yet this has been negated by our politicians touting the "Green Movement".
See: Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Then there's Thorium Salt reactor technology: Revisiting Thorium Energy – The Future of Nuclear Power? - Undecided with Matt Ferrell

Chevron is betting on hydrogen. That's where they've invested.
The CCP will use every lawfare tactic and corrupt Democrat politician they have in their arsenal to prevent any new refineries from being built in the USA.

Whether you realize it or not, the CCP is in total war against the USA.
The CCP will use every lawfare tactic and corrupt Democrat politician they have in their arsenal to prevent any new refineries to be built in the USA.

Why don't you listen to what the refinery owners are saying instead of proposing yet another conspiracy theory?

There may never be another new refinery built in America​

20 Jiun 2022 ~~ By Jazz Shaw

The title of this article may sound like some sort of alarmist doom porn from people who are warning about the downstream impacts of the green new deal, but it’s actually quite serious. The statement that there will probably never be another new oil refinery built in the United States came from Mike Wirth, the CEO of Chevron and a person who should know a thing or two about how the oil and gas industry works. We previously examined the reality that we are heading for devastating shortages of gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel because of the number of oil refineries that have gone offline or been converted to process biofuels. Ed Morrissey reported on Joe Biden’s demands that the “greedy refiners” move to “turn the refineries back on” and produce more fuel. Industry leaders responded with a letter explaining how ludicrous that demand was. Now, as the Institute for Energy Research explains, the reality is setting in that there probably won’t be any new refineries being constructed and it’s entirely the fault of the Democrats’ policies.
This isn’t some idle threat or fit of pique on the part of the oil and gas industry. It’s just basic mathematics and economics.
The thing that will prevent the “restarting” of the refineries we’ve lost or the construction of new ones is the same situation that slowed and eventually halted the construction of new nuclear power plants in the United States over the past several decades. Construction takes years and massive amounts of money. That issue is exacerbated by the endless, expensive regulatory hoops that must be jumped through. In order for a nuke plant to be able to show a profit, it has to remain operational for decades, otherwise, investors will not put money into the project. And if politicians and the public are acting squeamish about your product, confidence in the long-term prospects is further diminished.
The green warriors out there are probably tooting horns and throwing confetti into the air over the idea of the end of oil refineries in America. But when the reality of the coming liquid fuel shortage fully hits home, they will be singing a different tune. Renewable energy still only accounts for at most 13% of the power consumed in this country. We aren’t remotely close to being able to fully convert to electric vehicles, to say nothing of being able to recharge them all. And very nearly all of the food that you eat and the other products you purchase are brought to market in trucks and rail cars that use diesel to operate. There is a massive crisis on the way and everyone with the sense that God gave a goat is trying to warn you about it. And it’s a crisis of your own creation.

American environmentalist are often nutty fruitcakes who are willing to destroy the nation over their idolatrous devotion to nature.
Electric cars? Yeah, right, like they have not and would not still fight tooth and nail to prevent ever expanding the power grid.
NEPA and and EPA activists have restricted any additional refineries or nuclear plants being built in America.
See: govinfo

If we are to meet the future needs of America to advance, we should be building at least 10 new refinery plants - However, the Progressive Maoist cretins who populate our government will not allow this to happen.
There are many options and the technology is coming to reality but until then we are tied to fossil fuels no matter what the Leftist/Greenies tell us.
Nuclear Science has advanced enabling America to build Small Modular Reactors to power cities, yet this has been negated by our politicians touting the "Green Movement".
See: Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Then there's Thorium Salt reactor technology: Revisiting Thorium Energy – The Future of Nuclear Power? - Undecided with Matt Ferrell
The Deep staters are blind and confused. They erased the "no's" in see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. And they want us to shut up and live with it.

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