There is systemic racism we are unable to discuss calmly

Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Those were some Europeans who thought that way due to communicable diseases. Prior to that era, Europeans were bathing and what your talking about wasnt true in places like Russia and
Do I come across whining? Interesting. I am just asking you that why do you think that you cannot take care of yourself and need the government to take care of you. You are consistently avoiding the answer to that. You alluded to blacks starting to walk in two legs 400 years later than whites, then the next post you said blacks taught everything what whites know. Then you said you needed somebody else to take care of you. You are very confused or trying to confuse me.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Sounds like your selling Moors Light but I'm not buying that. The Moors werent trying to educate. Though yes they left their heavy influence in the Area. Who was it among Europeans who were the worst slavers? It was the Spanish and the Portuguese. And when did that start? just about the time they threw the Africans out who had forcibly occupied them for hundreds of years. So yes, you can see these Europeans may have had some enmity because of their contact from the Invading Africans. Thus they became the worst slave holders of all.

On the other hand, look at the Swedes and other Nordic peoples, No slaves or almost none. Slavery as we know it WAS brought to the west by Arabs and Persians, Africans etc. theres no getting around it.

European civilization was doing just fine without help from Africans, take a look at the Roman Empire. Werent the original Romans of African descent? I thought that was also one of the theories Ive seen here. So you get this African Roman empire spread across Europe, then when it finally collapses it leaves Europe fractured, and in little kingdoms and fiefdoms battling each other over resources.
Not so unlike what you see today with Africa and European colonization. If these African empires hadnt screwed up Europe the world wouldnt be what it is today.
I say its about time we just call it even.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Those were some Europeans who thought that way due to communicable diseases. Prior to that era, Europeans were bathing and what your talking about wasnt true in places like Russia and
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Sounds like your selling Moors Light but I'm not buying that. The Moors werent trying to educate. Though yes they left their heavy influence in the Area. Who was it among Europeans who were the worst slavers? It was the Spanish and the Portuguese. And when did that start? just about the time they threw the Africans out who had forcibly occupied them for hundreds of years. So yes, you can see these Europeans may have had some enmity because of their contact from the Invading Africans. Thus they became the worst slave holders of all.

On the other hand, look at the Swedes and other Nordic peoples, No slaves or almost none. Slavery as we know it WAS brought to the west by Arabs and Persians, Africans etc. theres no getting around it.

European civilization was doing just fine without help from Africans, take a look at the Roman Empire. Werent the original Romans of African descent? I thought that was also one of the theories Ive seen here. So you get this African Roman empire spread across Europe, then when it finally collapses it leaves Europe fractured, and in little kingdoms and fiefdoms battling each other over resources.
Not so unlike what you see today with Africa and European colonization. If these African empires hadnt screwed up Europe the world wouldnt be what it is today.
I say its about time we just call it even.

WTF was that mess of homemade history?
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Those were some Europeans who thought that way due to communicable diseases. Prior to that era, Europeans were bathing and what your talking about wasnt true in places like Russia and
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."

Sounds like your selling Moors Light but I'm not buying that. The Moors werent trying to educate. Though yes they left their heavy influence in the Area. Who was it among Europeans who were the worst slavers? It was the Spanish and the Portuguese. And when did that start? just about the time they threw the Africans out who had forcibly occupied them for hundreds of years. So yes, you can see these Europeans may have had some enmity because of their contact from the Invading Africans. Thus they became the worst slave holders of all.

On the other hand, look at the Swedes and other Nordic peoples, No slaves or almost none. Slavery as we know it WAS brought to the west by Arabs and Persians, Africans etc. theres no getting around it.

European civilization was doing just fine without help from Africans, take a look at the Roman Empire. Werent the original Romans of African descent? I thought that was also one of the theories Ive seen here. So you get this African Roman empire spread across Europe, then when it finally collapses it leaves Europe fractured, and in little kingdoms and fiefdoms battling each other over resources.
Not so unlike what you see today with Africa and European colonization. If these African empires hadnt screwed up Europe the world wouldnt be what it is today.
I say its about time we just call it even.

WTF was that mess of homemade history?

Yep, i was mostly just trolling him. with a grain of truth.
But he keeps saying that Blacks taught Whites 'Civilization' theres obviously a lot of grey area in between
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Black racists are growing in number, not "dying", moron.

This society has done absolutely nothing to reduce racism against whites.
Yes you do. I dont have a good answer other than whites are insecure and look to government to give them a head start.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
A lot of the water back then did harbor evil spirits and made people super sick. No one drank it; the silver lining was ale.
So they guessed wrong about how the infections entered the body, but they weren't wrong about the water.
Obviously they were wrong. How is it the Moors took baths in the same water everyday and didnt get sick? Once the Moors showed them running water, soap, and bath houses europeans started taking baths again.
“Of course this conversation is uncomfortable.”

For most conservatives this conversation is uncomfortable.

It requires them to acknowledge the fact that sanctioned racism exists, racism practiced by much of their political base, where conservatives are loath to condemn that racism for fear of losing that political base.

And conservatives must acknowledge the fact that there are racist elements of their own political agenda, such as the GOP’s voter suppression efforts.

Nah just annoyed.
Why do you think whites need a headstart when just a couple of minutes ago you said blacks taught everything to whites?
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
A lot of the water back then did harbor evil spirits and made people super sick. No one drank it; the silver lining was ale.
So they guessed wrong about how the infections entered the body, but they weren't wrong about the water.
Obviously they were wrong. How is it the Moors took baths in the same water everyday and didnt get sick? Once the Moors showed them running water, soap, and bath houses europeans started taking baths again.

The Europeans previously had bath houses, thats why they started getting diseases. Not really understanding science, some of them did not understand why they were getting sick but associated it with the water.
The whole thing that Moors had to teach them civilization is laughable. African bushmen have a civilization with intricate knowledge of things we have no idea about. yet they have no concept of money. and they also have no running water. It's still a civiliazation. If whites moved north out of Africa at some period of history before they became white, they carried whatever civilization they had with them.Because you did not understand their civilization doesnt mean they didnt have one. same goes for whites who lived in the wilds of europe.
Because whites are mentally handicapped. If Blacks were miracle workers then the Roman and Greek empires would have never collapsed. There was a reason the Moors had to come educate you. Your entire history consists of other races helping you and somehow you still manage to fuck it up. :laugh:

Well, this is complete rubbish. The Moors invaded Spain and the Iberian peninsula to steal wealth, and place a tax on the existing population which was business as usual for the Muslims across N. Africa at the time.
If the North Africans taught Europeans anything, it was teaching them more war and more slavery. So thank you and your ancestors for the slavery lesson.
Maybe these Africans also taught the Nigerians civilization also, they managed to create an entire civilization that revolved around slavery and then collapsed once slavery collapsed.

Moors didnt come to educate, rather they conquered, and the ones they didnt conquer were simply displaced from their lands and then came back and finally send the Moors back to Africa after a couple hundred years of warfare. thanks for pretending though once again!
Actually its quite true. They taught the europeans it was ok to bathe. Europeans thought water harbored evil spirits. They showed them how to construct castles and to this very day when you go to Spain you can see the proof on the sign outside of the castles. They gave them street lighting and running water as well as fashion etc etc etc.

I'm surprised you dont know this?

" was believed in many parts of Europe that water could carry disease into the body through the pores in the skin. According to one medical treaty of the 16th century, “Water baths warm the body, but weaken the organism and widen pores. That’s why they can be dangerous and cause different diseases, even death.” It wasn’t just diseases from the water itself they were worried about. They also felt that with the pores widened after a bath, this resulted in infections of the air having easier access to the body. Hence, bathing became connected with spread of diseases, not just immorality."
A lot of the water back then did harbor evil spirits and made people super sick. No one drank it; the silver lining was ale.
So they guessed wrong about how the infections entered the body, but they weren't wrong about the water.
Obviously they were wrong. How is it the Moors took baths in the same water everyday and didnt get sick? Once the Moors showed them running water, soap, and bath houses europeans started taking baths again.

The Europeans previously had bath houses, thats why they started getting diseases. Not really understanding science, some of them did not understand why they were getting sick but associated it with the water.
The whole thing that Moors had to teach them civilization is laughable. African bushmen have a civilization with intricate knowledge of things we have no idea about. yet they have no concept of money. and they also have no running water. It's still a civiliazation. If whites moved north out of Africa at some period of history before they became white, they carried whatever civilization they had with them.Because you did not understand their civilization doesnt mean they didnt have one. same goes for whites who lived in the wilds of europe.

They had bath houses from when the Egyptians taught the greeks and romans. I was using the white definition of civilization. Too often whites have no concept other than what they are given by their dictionary. By whites definition they were regressing back to cave man status. Moors came and taught them to value literacy again. To indulge in the arts and paved the way for the Renaissance.
“Of course this conversation is uncomfortable.”

For most conservatives this conversation is uncomfortable.

It requires them to acknowledge the fact that sanctioned racism exists, racism practiced by much of their political base, where conservatives are loath to condemn that racism for fear of losing that political base.

And conservatives must acknowledge the fact that there are racist elements of their own political agenda, such as the GOP’s voter suppression efforts.

That is complete bullshit. I don't know why liberals take so many drugs; they don't need them.
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.
How are you going to save something you had to be taught how to do on two separate occasions? If it werent for other people (primarily Black people) you would still be living in caves.
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.

You racist cowards keep whining, but you have yet to grow the balls required to actually get the fuck out of my country. Go already, you won't be missed.
The only conversation you will ever have about race with these old white people is

1. Racism doesn't exist and if it does its for a good reason
2. Racism doesn't affect anyone and if it does its for good reason
3. Whatever happened, blacks deserved it for a bunch of justifications that are racist. But see rule 1 and 2.
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.

You racist cowards keep whining, but you have yet to grow the balls required to actually get the fuck out of my country. Go already, you won't be missed.

You know what happens to white people that try to self segregate and build their own communities...they get slaughtered by the federal government.
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.

LMAO. ROTF. LOL. Whites "control" the three branches of government???? "Control" the media?

Yeah, right.
Because whites are mentally handicapped
This is a perfect example of why we cannot have a clam and civil discussion on this topic. Sure, there is racism. Is it systemic? I don't believe it is, anymore. The fact remains, though, that there is racism on ALL "sides" of this issue. We will do NOTHING to resolve this until we can agree that there are only two "sides", those who call racism what it is (no matter what the source), and those who should be relegated to the dark halls of history. Until you, sir/maam, are able to recognise racism in yourself, and change, you will be on the "side" relegated to history. You are a dieing breed, you are not the norm in this society, the sooner you realise and accept that, the sooner you will be able to overcome your own prejudices.
Of course its systemic. Did things change overnight and I missed it? Whites still own the vast majority of the resources, control the branches of government, control the media, and have the bulk of the wealth as a group. I'm not a dying breed. In fact I am a growing breed. More Blacks are waking up to the realities of white racism and divorcing themselves of white philosophy and lies.

LMAO. ROTF. LOL. Whites "control" the three branches of government???? "Control" the media?

Yeah, right.
I know I'm right. You know it too. Show me a major media outlet controlled or owned by Blacks. Show me where any of the branches of government have Black people controlling it. Wait. You cant so dont waste your time.
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.

You racist cowards keep whining, but you have yet to grow the balls required to actually get the fuck out of my country. Go already, you won't be missed.

You know what happens to white people that try to self segregate and build their own communities...they get slaughtered by the federal government.

ROFL! Yeah, every year we remember the destruction of the glorious land previously known as Oklahoma
It's time. Time to leave the non white in their feces. Whites need to save civilization ; WEXIT , avoid the groid, self segregate. Goys only.

You racist cowards keep whining, but you have yet to grow the balls required to actually get the fuck out of my country. Go already, you won't be missed.

You know what happens to white people that try to self segregate and build their own communities...they get slaughtered by the federal government.
Well when Blacks self segregate white people and the government get jealous and destroy their cities.

The Destruction of Black Wall Street - EBONY

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