There Is Nothing Democrats Won’t Destroy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

There Is Nothing Democrats Won’t Destroy

29 Jan 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

If there is some good news out there, count on some leftists to come along and take a huge dump on it. It’s what they do – they are the nail in the tire of your homecoming float, the rock you twist your ankle on while taking the field for the Super Bowl, the open-mouth belch during a moment of silence. Only miserable human beings could be such a destructive force every single time there is something that could actually unite Americans, because unity is kryptonite to the progressive movement.
Honestly, if 9/11 happened today it would take about 5 minutes before some rabid Squad member took to the floor of the House of Representatives to blame an old Trump tweet or something from the Reagan administration as justification for the attack. “What did we expect when we support Israel so fervently!?!?” they’d say. How long before some conspiracy theorist on MSNBC delivered a 20-minute monologue based on a tweet from an account with 3 followers and 7 numbers in its nonsensical name claiming to have experienced some kind of micro-aggression while eating a falafel on the streets of New York and how this is what you get with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker? Maybe the next night?
Democrats can’t let people simply be people, they need us to be groups; groups that can be manipulated to do whatever best suits their needs at any given moment, and any people hurt in the process are expendable.
The country watched the video of a man beaten and no medical aid rendered for far too long. That could unify most, if not all, of the country. But that unity wouldn’t be “behind Democrats,” so it’s not useful and must be destroyed. That’s what Democrats do, they destroy.
t hasn’t worked, so far, as of Saturday morning; cities didn’t burn. Not for lack of trying by the media flame-fanners and ratings whores, but Democrats aren’t about to give up on this chance just yet. Time will tell…

Personally, I got “Woke” to that fact decades ago. Maoist/DSA Democrats and RINO;s! The two are nearly indistinguishable.
They tell us it's all in the name of saving humanity, but it's all about their lust of power and money.
Maoist/DSA Democrats are an aggressive, festering cancer in America. The Wuhan Covid removed the last voter fraud safeguards that would have prevented it from going stage 4.

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There Is Nothing Democrats Won’t Destroy

29 Jan 2023 ~~ By Derek Hunter

If there is some good news out there, count on some leftists to come along and take a huge dump on it. It’s what they do – they are the nail in the tire of your homecoming float, the rock you twist your ankle on while taking the field for the Super Bowl,
This was written by a liberal?

You posted on the didn't seem to disagree.
This was written by a liberal?

You posted on the didn't seem to disagree.

"Liberal" and leftist vermin are not the same thing.

Still wondering if there is any truth to DeSantis claim that secret service caught trump masturbating on Airforce One multiple times. There is supposed to be video, but I haven't seen it yet.
Still wondering if there is any truth to DeSantis claim that secret service caught trump masturbating on Airforce One multiple times. There is supposed to be video, but I haven't seen it yet.


That man is deep, DEEP inside your head if you want to see video of him masturbating.

Seek help.

And besides, what business is it of yours who masturbates where, as long as they don't do it in front of you or yours?

You leftist vermin are some puritan motherfuckers.

Sorry bout that,

1. Yeah bunch of *Debbie Downers*.
2. They invent shit to kill progress.
3. Reverse Uppity Morons.
4. They will catch hair on fire, and no one will put it out by piss.
5. They have no redeeming value whatsoever!
6. The Nazi's walked in lock step, the Democrat as well.
7. It amazes me.

January 6 was martial law away from being Nazi America. Nazis are right wing racists DUHHH. Change the channel and try reality. But thanks for the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness, with your giveaway to the rich tax rates the last 40 years. and garbage propaganda for 30 years. Everything's great right, brainwashed ignoramus...
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That man is deep, DEEP inside your head if you want to see video of him masturbating.

Seek help.

And besides, what business is it of yours who masturbates where, as long as they don't do it in front of you or yours?

You leftist vermin are some puritan motherfuckers.

It's his, and he can play with it all he wants, I just find it odd that during a Skype meeting with the Proud Boys about the upcoming 1/6 insurrection attempt, he got so excited till he had to go rub one out.
It's his, and he can play with it all he wants, I just find it odd that during a Skype meeting with the Proud Boys about the upcoming 1/6 insurrection attempt, he got so excited till he had to go rub one out.

Deep, DEEP!

Seek help.

And this from the guy who fantasizes so hard about fucking the man's daughter that he photoshops nasty pictures of her.

Plus he can't leave Trump out of any thread.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Seek help.

January 6 was martial law away from being Nazi America. Nazis are right wing racists DUHHH. Change the channel and try reality. But thanks for the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness, with your giveaway to the rich tax rates the last 40 years. and garbage propaganda for 30 years. Everything's great right, brainwashed ignoramus...
Sorry bout that,

1. Bullshit, every word.
2. You're a real bullshit artist.
3. Acuse the other side of who you are.
4. Its the play book of libtards.

Sorry bout that,

1. Bullshit, every word.
2. You're a real bullshit artist.
3. Acuse the other side of who you are.
4. Its the play book of libtards.

99% of the world thinks you are absolutely nuts. The Nazis were socialist?. They did promise jobs but their economy was based on confiscating opponents and Jewish assets and they needed to have a war when they were done, otherwise they would have gone bankrupt. The socialists were the first people they started throwing in concentration camps. DUHHHHH....

Deep, DEEP!

Seek help.

And this from the guy who fantasizes so hard about fucking the man's daughter that he photoshops nasty pictures of her.

Plus he can't leave Trump out of any thread.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Seek help.

Eat shit and die, Nazi nutjob..... Go back to Russia with your oligarch hero the orange clown con man actual pervert........
This was written by a liberal?

You posted on the didn't seem to disagree.
Basquebromance syndrome.
99% of the world thinks you are absolutely nuts. The Nazis were socialist?. They did promise jobs but their economy was based on confiscating opponents and Jewish assets and they needed to have a war when they were done, otherwise they would have gone bankrupt. The socialists were the first people they started throwing in concentration camps. DUHHHHH....
Sorry bout that,

1. Franko, no one gives a flying fuck of your BULLSHIT!
2. You can't fool anyone here, FUCK OFF!
3. Oh have fun with that, franko.

You can usually tell when you are in a Democrat area by all of the illiterate gang graffiti, crime scene tape, burned out businesses, hookers, trash blowing around, abandoned houses, drug dealers, tent cities......

This is the Proof that Left Wing economics and culture are an epic FAILURE.
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Dims are that unpleasant, runny dog shit on a freshly mowed lawn.

dims anal sex.jpg
This was written by a liberal?

You posted on the didn't seem to disagree.
Liberals founded the United States, you,, who hate them, are not even remotely liberal, you are the fosterling of Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung! Your rightful place, is fertilizing a field somewhere!

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