There is no such thing as transphobia or homophobia.

Actually when gays and trans are murdered---its usually another gay or trans who did it. In the case of the Pulse nightclub, Omar Mateen's first wife who he divorced, said that she thought that he was gay and was trying to hide his gayness from his parents.
You mean a guy so corrupted by the gay phobia hammered into him by his father that he came to hate, not just himself, but all those tempting him into a life of evil, and decided to take action on his personal phobia?

Try again but let's leave out the jealous lover thing, ok.

Let's get a count on all the gays murdered because they were gay and then see how the offender status breaks down, shall we?

I'll be waiting for you to support your claim.
No I won't say that these stats are false. But I will say that it is propaganda that omits important facts that you, and your biased source source, do not want to be known. The Family Research Counsel , like all of you bigots, conflate all people who commit sexual crimes against someone of their own gender with homosexuals. They are not homosexuals. They are psychotic predators that have a sexual fetish.

They have nothing to do with people like the gay couple down the street who are pillars of the community, have jobs, children and pets and would never harm anyone. There are tens of thousands of people like that for every serial killer that you can name. It's the same kind of crap that you use to associate child predetors who are fixated on children with homosexuals who have healthy, non violent, age appropriate relationships. Very dishonest.

You could also cite domestic and intimite partner violence among LGBT people which is higer than in the general population. But the question is why. These people are not intrinsicly violent and they are not crazy as you imply. LGBT people are streesed by bigots like you who demean, marginalize and reject them from mainstreame society. And that will in fact cause people to behave in ways that they normally would not.

The fact is that violence against the LGBT population by those who are not members of that community far exceeds any stats that show that they are perpetrators of such violence and that they prey on their own. And the number of LGBT people who are not violent, suicidal or otherwise dysfunctional far exceeds those who are.

Your bullshit represents nothing less than numerous logical fallacies, including false equivelancy, over generaliztion, and false causation and a fallacy of omission among others, as .well as shameless propaganda. In other words, your so called argument sucks. The people who commit these crimes do do represent the LGBT community, while you dishonestly claim that they do.

Now hear this;

Well thanks for admitting you can’t dispute the facts on their violent nature.

Ever wonder why so many homos and trannies get beat up? Because they are violent unhinged idiots that provoke people.
Well thanks for admitting you can’t dispute the facts on their violent nature.

Ever wonder why so many homos and trannies get beat up? Because they are violent unhinged idiots that provoke people.
Well thanks for admitting that you're not bright enough to understand how I totally destroyed that argument by pointing out your dishonest use of numerous logical fallacies
Well thanks for admitting that you're not bright enough to understand how I totally destroyed that argument by pointing out your dishonest use of numerous logical fallacies
My “dishonest” use of….statistics? You disproved nothing. Nothing you said makes those crime statistics go away. You only proved you are nothing but a political hack that only cares about homo Agenda.
Hey TheProgressivePatriot , here is another prime example of a homosexual “rights” person that turned out to be….*drum roll*…….a pedophile:

We used to call it "discriminating" before the word was all but outlawed. The double standard we live with in today's society dictates that sodomites have the "right" to parade their sexuality in public and lash out at normal people but the rest of us are labeled bigots if we ridicule their lifestyle.
Sodomites give condemning judging. People wanted one person to determine what kind of beings were in Lots house. That is wanting to know them was. God is talking to fallen religious people in Isaiah 1 verse ten down. Nature is sexual, all around you. Put yourself in a padded room.
I have to wonder what inspired this screed. You write that "to be trans/homo phobic you would literally be irrationally terrified of them to the point of debilitation". Well no. The trans/homo phoebes my not fear the induvial . But there is fear. Fear of what they represent: A changing, more liberal society and the evolution of gender and sexual norms. Fear that society as they know it is changing and that they can no longer control it because bigotry and marginalization of people with atypical sexal and gender attributes are no so acceptable anymore . Fear that they can no longer dominate a hetero and cisgender normative society. Trans and homo phobia is very real and very irrational. If there is no trans/ homophobia, try to explain why so many trans and gay people are beaten and murdered each year. Why do people want to stamp them out?

Your post is bullshit on the same level as those who claim that racism and sexism does not exist. Like those who claim that they are not xenophobic but decry and demnise immigrants. In all cases there is fear, and it is indeed irrational.
I'm not homophobic, I'm just scared of queers like you.
Feel free to educate us on how a man attracted to boys is “straight”.
Regressed or fixated pedophiles and other child molesters often focus on a particular age group. Many are indiscriminant about gender and commit their crimes as opportunity presents itself . They often liveas straight people and some are also able to have age appropriate relations, or at least pretend to. Those relations are most often heterosexual regardless of the gender of their child victims. The sex act alone does not define sexual orientation. Now lets see what kind of dumb ass shit you have to say to that

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