The Success of Woke

Jay Zepher

Active Member
Aug 21, 2020
Any unusual, far out, or bizarre agenda that can appear legitimate if presented with a sufficient, though manufactured degree of seriousness.

WOKE demonstrates some of the signature characteristics of a virus. It came on suddenly or without warning, spread throughout a particularly susceptible segment of the population, primarily naïve college students, but is more prevalent in the entertainment industry and among far left democrat politicians. Symptoms include the inability to recognize women, an aversion to certain pronouns, not responding to logical conservative questions and calling that argument, mislabeling historical circumstances with present day interpretations, a loss of common sense regarding abnormal, even criminal behavior, an intense love of borders between them and people of different political ideologies but not between the United States and Mexico, and of course a dislike of authority, especially those in uniform.

A cure for WOKE is obvious: the conservative agenda now spearheaded by Trump, but that relieves only the most apparent symptoms. Eradicating the heart of the disease is more problematic, because reaching hearts and minds requires a fundamental revamp of mainstream political thought that was mostly hijacked by WOKE media and far left leaning politicians. Progress continues. However, WOKE still resists most attempts to thoroughly eradicate it because as we get closer the virus mutates into other, more resilient variants. While WOKE is in fact running out of favor now, it yet harbors the potential, if stopped, to return in a far deadlier strain. It may just continue under some other name, but this type of disease is strongest when believed to be weak.

Facing the truth may be difficult, especially if you, as any sane person would, oppose WOKE and you’re a reasonable conservative or middle of the road centrist, or even a normal democrat and you have kids in college who’ve fallen victim to this ideology, sorry to say - but they are gone! The prognosis for this type of infection is dire indeed. Though not impossible, very few college students recover, and most will carry this infection on to the general public.

You may be wondering, "But how did WOKE go so widespread and so quickly?"

Well, the answer to WOKE's amazing success is simply the AFRICAN AMERICAN SAGA.

That's right. Few people have suffered more than African Americans in America: from Slavery to Jim Crow to Segregation and the fight for Civil Rights, African Americans are the premiere persecuted, disenfranchised group in America. So much so that when you think of racism in America the first thing that comes to mind is African Americans.

So...if you're an unscrupulous ideologue bent on socialism or communism with some of the strangest, lewdest or downright weirdest intentions and you want to hijack American society and normal, everyday American life you find yourself an ally in American society, one that was previously, similarly viewed with aversion but is now accepted, namely you align yourself with the African American cause.

You align yourself so closely that if anyone opposes you it would seem they also oppose African Americans. In other words, they are now racists!

You successfully coerce mainstream white America into believing you - WHITE, far left liberal WOKE person - are African American! Unbelievable as that would seem. Yet it worked. It was a brilliant strategy simply for the fact that it worked. And many Americans shut up and gave in for fear of appearing racist whenever someone cried that a trans person would commit suicide if unable to go to the opposite sex's bathroom or play on their team and that illegals would perish if they couldn't cross the border and that criminals need counseling, not jail. Americans don't want to appear racist. So they just gave in and let WOKE do its thing, which was to ruin American culture, the prime target of all the US's enemies.

However, something went wrong with this WOKE strategy which was about to seal the deal, and nowhere was this more apparent than in the 2024 Presidential election.

You see, aligning LGBTQ issues and socialist/communist issues and Green New Deal issues and especially Illegal Immigrant issues with the African American cause carries the possibility that not all African Americans will agree with all the Far Left Lunatic propositions espoused in all these issues. In fact, as we saw, a substantial number of them, if not most, aligned with most of the same issues espoused by the majority of white Americans. Many African Americans oppose the outrages and crimes perpetrated by illegals, the Trans indoctrination in schools, businesses, entertainment, and the forced use of electric versus gas. And not just African Americans, but also Hispanic Americans aligned with the majority of white Americans.

Therefore, we had a great and wonderful backfire of the WOKE agenda in America, as the 2024 Presidential Election is the first real victory against WOKE since it's blitzkrieg like invasion. A great thanks to all the Hispanic and African American voters who listened to reason and went with Trump!

Now it's up to all of us and Trump to maintain this reversal of WOKE, because as revealed here it's not over yet. The WOKE faction will not stop. They will regroup and strike even harder next time.
Any unusual, far out, or bizarre agenda that can appear legitimate if presented with a sufficient, though manufactured degree of seriousness.

WOKE demonstrates some of the signature characteristics of a virus. It came on suddenly or without warning, spread throughout a particularly susceptible segment of the population, primarily naïve college students, but is more prevalent in the entertainment industry and among far left democrat politicians. Symptoms include the inability to recognize women, an aversion to certain pronouns, not responding to logical conservative questions and calling that argument, mislabeling historical circumstances with present day interpretations, a loss of common sense regarding abnormal, even criminal behavior, an intense love of borders between them and people of different political ideologies but not between the United States and Mexico, and of course a dislike of authority, especially those in uniform.

A cure for WOKE is obvious: the conservative agenda now spearheaded by Trump, but that relieves only the most apparent symptoms. Eradicating the heart of the disease is more problematic, because reaching hearts and minds requires a fundamental revamp of mainstream political thought that was mostly hijacked by WOKE media and far left leaning politicians. Progress continues. However, WOKE still resists most attempts to thoroughly eradicate it because as we get closer the virus mutates into other, more resilient variants. While WOKE is in fact running out of favor now, it yet harbors the potential, if stopped, to return in a far deadlier strain. It may just continue under some other name, but this type of disease is strongest when believed to be weak.

Facing the truth may be difficult, especially if you, as any sane person would, oppose WOKE and you’re a reasonable conservative or middle of the road centrist, or even a normal democrat and you have kids in college who’ve fallen victim to this ideology, sorry to say - but they are gone! The prognosis for this type of infection is dire indeed. Though not impossible, very few college students recover, and most will carry this infection on to the general public.

You may be wondering, "But how did WOKE go so widespread and so quickly?"

Well, the answer to WOKE's amazing success is simply the AFRICAN AMERICAN SAGA.

That's right. Few people have suffered more than African Americans in America: from Slavery to Jim Crow to Segregation and the fight for Civil Rights, African Americans are the premiere persecuted, disenfranchised group in America. So much so that when you think of racism in America the first thing that comes to mind is African Americans.

So...if you're an unscrupulous ideologue bent on socialism or communism with some of the strangest, lewdest or downright weirdest intentions and you want to hijack American society and normal, everyday American life you find yourself an ally in American society, one that was previously, similarly viewed with aversion but is now accepted, namely you align yourself with the African American cause.

You align yourself so closely that if anyone opposes you it would seem they also oppose African Americans. In other words, they are now racists!

You successfully coerce mainstream white America into believing you - WHITE, far left liberal WOKE person - are African American! Unbelievable as that would seem. Yet it worked. It was a brilliant strategy simply for the fact that it worked. And many Americans shut up and gave in for fear of appearing racist whenever someone cried that a trans person would commit suicide if unable to go to the opposite sex's bathroom or play on their team and that illegals would perish if they couldn't cross the border and that criminals need counseling, not jail. Americans don't want to appear racist. So they just gave in and let WOKE do its thing, which was to ruin American culture, the prime target of all the US's enemies.

However, something went wrong with this WOKE strategy which was about to seal the deal, and nowhere was this more apparent than in the 2024 Presidential election.

You see, aligning LGBTQ issues and socialist/communist issues and Green New Deal issues and especially Illegal Immigrant issues with the African American cause carries the possibility that not all African Americans will agree with all the Far Left Lunatic propositions espoused in all these issues. In fact, as we saw, a substantial number of them, if not most, aligned with most of the same issues espoused by the majority of white Americans. Many African Americans oppose the outrages and crimes perpetrated by illegals, the Trans indoctrination in schools, businesses, entertainment, and the forced use of electric versus gas. And not just African Americans, but also Hispanic Americans aligned with the majority of white Americans.

Therefore, we had a great and wonderful backfire of the WOKE agenda in America, as the 2024 Presidential Election is the first real victory against WOKE since it's blitzkrieg like invasion. A great thanks to all the Hispanic and African American voters who listened to reason and went with Trump!

Now it's up to all of us and Trump to maintain this reversal of WOKE, because as revealed here it's not over yet. The WOKE faction will not stop. They will regroup and strike even harder next time.
I disagree. Jews are the most persecuted people in human history, and not Blacks.. Even today, universities around the world allow students to stand around singing "Gas the Jews" while the powers that be declare Israel as the current day Nazi regime that is the most evil on the planet. Meanwhile, Israel remains about the only safe place in the Middle East for women and children and gays, etc. In fact, they have the most freedom there, yet Israel is the bad guy living in the middle of it all for some reason.

Funny that.

The reason woke took off is because the Left are best at infiltrating and subverting organizations such as corporations and the government and the media and academia. They make the laws, and then the woke leaders spew the propaganda and make their workers comply with their woke madness. And if you want a job, you do as they say.
Woke is an archly regressive authoritarian political ideology predicated upon tribal identity. The powers that be have been instilling it our children for many years, now, and this is part of an agenda to divide us in order to make us easier to control.

Much like the creation of the Hitler youth, the idea is that if you get them early enough and indoctrinate them thoroughly enough, they are yours for life.
So...............You don't know either?
Like your dear leader, using terms and words you don't know the meaning of?
Perfect for Trump's cult.

Don't try to bullshit me, everyone knows the meaning of "woke." It's a term for individuals like yourself who are so engrossed in "social justice" that you think of yourselves as saviors with some kind of moral high ground, while remaining willfully ignorant to the irrationality of your claims and the problems you create.

You "wokies" give special privileged treatment to certain minorities in hopes of ending racism and inequality, but the net effect is that you're only perpetuating racism, inequality, and mental illnesses as the norm. Wokism is just a more current name for "Cultural Marxism."
Woke is an archly regressive authoritarian political ideology predicated upon tribal identity. The powers that be have been instilling it our children for many years, now, and this is part of an agenda to divide us in order to make us easier to control.

Much like the creation of the Hitler youth, the idea is that if you get them early enough and indoctrinate them thoroughly enough, they are yours for life.
Yep, thoroughly indoctrinated. · Politics · trump-takes-victory-lapTrump takes a victory lap with young conservatives - ABC News

4 days ago · In his first rally-style speech since winning the 2024 election, President-elect Donald Trump raved about his election victory for nearly 10 minutes before transitioning to.................
Don't try to bullshit me, everyone knows the meaning of "woke." It's a term for individuals like yourself who are so engrossed in "social justice" that you think of yourselves as saviors with some kind of moral high ground, while remaining willfully ignorant to the irrationality of your claims and the problems you create.
Just like Trump and your cult. · matt-gaetz-ethics-report-voteFull list of Republicans who blocked Matt Gaetz ethics report ...

Dec 6, 2024 · The House of Representatives has voted to prevent the publication of its ethics committee's report examining allegations of illegal activity by former Republican representative.............

Trump Doubles Down On Pete Hegseth Despite Controversial Past.......​

Trump wrote, “Pete Hegseth is doing very well. His support is strong and deep. He will be a fantastic, high energy, Secretary of Defense, one who leads with charisma and skill. Pete is a WINNER, and there is nothing that can be done to change that!!!”

Hegseth has faced scrutiny due to allegations of sexual misconduct and mismanagement of a veterans nonprofit. He has denied the claims.

You "wokies" give special privileged treatment to certain minorities in hopes of ending racism and inequality, but the net effect is that you're only perpetuating racism, inequality, and mental illnesses as the norm. Wokism is just a more current name for "Cultural Marxism."
Sure.............. · politics · trump-points-blackTrump Points Out Black Supporter: Look at My African-American

Jun 3, 2016 · Donald Trump pointed out a black supporter at his rally in California Friday, telling the crowd, "Look at my African American over here." Trump insisted when there are protesters...............

Jay doesn't know what WOKE is.
Anyone or anything that against the Trump regimes agenda, is what it really is.
How do you wokeologists define “WOKE”?
Isn’t ‘WOKE’ pretending dark people are America’s greatest asset, believing a man can become a woman by proclamation, believing homosexuality is cool and normal, pretending a defended border is a racist border, pretending caucasians have ‘privilege’, pretending there is no such thing as morality and normality, detesting America’s founding, detesting American heritage traditions and culture.

Am I close?
How do you wokeologists define “WOKE”?
Now the Trump cult are wokeologist?
Isn’t ‘WOKE’ pretending dark people are America’s greatest asset,
Why would you think that?
They aren't but neither is anyone else.
believing a man can become a woman by proclamation,
Why would you think that?
There are only two genders.
No matter what people claim.
Can a man who claims to be a woman have a baby?
Case closed.
believing homosexuality is cool and normal, pretending a defended border is a racist border,
Why would you think that?
pretending caucasians have ‘privilege’,
They do and most of the time act like it.
pretending there is no such thing as morality and normality, detesting America’s founding, detesting American heritage traditions and culture.

Am I close?
Yes you are, you nailed the last one...........

"pretending there is no such thing as morality and normality, detesting America’s founding, detesting American heritage traditions and culture".

So.............Trump is WOKE.
Isn’t ‘WOKE’ pretending dark people are America’s greatest asset, believing a man can become a woman by proclamation, believing homosexuality is cool and normal, pretending a defended border is a racist border, pretending caucasians have ‘privilege’, pretending there is no such thing as morality and normality, detesting America’s founding, detesting American heritage traditions and culture.
Not even close.

WOKE is a MAGA word to make YOU feel better about being a BrokeLoser.
Any unusual, far out, or bizarre agenda that can appear legitimate if presented with a sufficient, though manufactured degree of seriousness.

The relationship between religion and schizophrenia is complex and can be both positive and negative:

  • Risk factor
    Strong religious activity can be a risk factor for religious delusions in people with schizophrenia. Religious delusions can be associated with more severe symptoms and lower functioning.

  • Protective factor
    Religion can also be a protective factor, providing a sense of meaning and social support that can help with recovery. For example, some people find that religion helps them restore a sense of self and existence.

    • Stigmatization
      The focus on the negative aspects of religion can contribute to the stigmatization of people with schizophrenia.
    • Treatment
      Religion can make it more difficult to treat schizophrenia and lead to treatment avoidance. However, psychiatrists can discuss religion with their patients to understand how it might contribute to recovery.
    • Cultural influences
      Cultural influences can confound the association between religion and schizophrenia.
    • Individual differences
      The relationship between religion and schizophrenia varies from person to person. Some people find religion to be a positive resource, while others find it to be a source of pain, guilt, or oppression.
Other factors that can contribute to religious delusions include:

    • Individual sociodemographic variables
    • Genetic factors
    • Social forms of religiosity, such as church attendance
    • Personal forms of religiosity, such as beliefs or praye

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