There is no room in public service for DWS


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Just like Hitlery Clinton, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is a pathological liar. The American people need to run her out of public service and then the private sector needs to run her out of society.
Wasserman Schultz used a televised May 18 congressional hearing on the Capitol Police budget to threaten “consequences” if Chief Matthew Verderosa did not give her the laptop. “If a member loses equipment,” it should be given back, she said.
But then, just two months later after it was clear that law enforcement would not relinquish the laptop and would search it, DWS drastically changed her tune...
She changed her story two months later, saying it was Awan’s laptop—bought with taxpayer funds from her office—and she had never seen it. She said she sought only to protect Awan’s rights.

“This was not my laptop,” Wasserman Schultz said in an Aug. 3 interview with the Sun Sentinel newspaper. “I have never seen that laptop. I don’t know what’s on the laptop.”
This would never be tolerated from a child. We punish children for lying. It's time we stop tolerating it from public servants.

Police Report Suggests House IT Aide Planted Computer to Be Found
All that other silly crap is wrong, but you didn't say WHY there is no room in public service for Dancing With the Stars. I don't like that particular TV show, but lots do.
Can you name one politician who doesn't lie? herever there is vast ts of money there is lies. The two go hand in hand.

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