There is no reason at all to vote Republican. Trump makes that logic all the more clear

RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.

Then do so.
RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.
Building a wall
Fix trade deals
Smash political correctness
Destroy the Clinton Cartel once and for all
Complete outsider

I can go on if you want.
Lol what, exactly, is Trump going to do about trade? He hasn't explained WHAT he is going to do about it. Dont you think that's pathetic? The rest of those reasons are bullshit. They aren't actual solutions and you know it.
He can rework them he can either pull out entirely OR renegotiate them. This is the man who wrote a NY Times best seller on negotiating. Your opinion is pointless on ANY of my asked WHY and I answered.
That book was written by a ghost writer you idiot.

So was "Dreams From My Father" you idiot.
RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.

If you could name the reasons to vote for democrats, you would.

I'm all for voting for any limited government constitutionalist Republican. You can take the progressive Republicans like trump back to hell with you guys if you want. The man espouses the same principles and solutions you whine about but somehow because he has an r next to his name he is unacceptable to you. You didn't have a problem taking all his campaign contributions to your party over the years.
Btw can't help but notice Billy has been answered by over half a dozen people and has yet to provide one reason to support Hillary
Btw can't help but notice Billy has been answered by over half a dozen people and has yet to provide one reason to support Hillary
Well that's simple. I don't trust all of her progressive principle, but she has an informed, nuance opinion on the Middle East. I trust her judgement on the subject. She is also very intelligent and has extensive policy experience. I like her plan for repairing our nation's infrastructure even if it doesn't go far enough. I also know she supports raising the min wage.

Democrats in general want:

1) Effectively punishing white collar crime
2) Addressing climate change NOW
3) Raising the min wage
4) Better consumer protection such as environmental regulations
5) Investing in alternative energy
6) investing in our nation's infrastructure
7) investing in education
8) Giving a safety net to the poor because of low wage jobs.
Btw can't help but notice Billy has been answered by over half a dozen people and has yet to provide one reason to support Hillary
Well that's simple. I don't trust all of her progressive principle, but she has an informed, nuance opinion on the Middle East. I trust her judgement on the subject. She is also very intelligent and has extensive policy experience. I like her plan for repairing our nation's infrastructure even if it doesn't go far enough. I also know she supports raising the min wage.

Democrats in general want:

1) Effectively punishing white collar crime
2) Addressing climate change NOW
3) Raising the min wage
4) Better consumer protection such as environmental regulations
5) Investing in alternative energy
6) investing in our nation's infrastructure
7) investing in education
8) Giving a safety net to the poor because of low wage jobs.

So, they embrace utter nonsense as usual. Got it.
RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.

Its a matter of who will damage the country the most. Hillary has not a clue about business, but she knows how to tax and spend, and pass restrictive regulations on business and property owners. WHATS NOT TO LIKE THERE??
Her policies and dreams indicate she will destroy the US coal and gas industry while hurting also the oil industry, Ironically the only things that made Obamas economy look good. Undoubtedly shell drive businesses away from the US, all the while raising tax on property owners, while increasing the lower class who can fight over whatever jobs are left. and shell make us more dependent on the Saudis as well.
Next she'll appoint Supreme court nominees based on their gender or race if the trend continues. Dont know how Trump will do worse than her, I dont trust her cognative abilities as well, she's most likely medicated and has a history of falling, seriously, shes a risk
Btw can't help but notice Billy has been answered by over half a dozen people and has yet to provide one reason to support Hillary
Well that's simple. I don't trust all of her progressive principle, but she has an informed, nuance opinion on the Middle East. I trust her judgement on the subject. She is also very intelligent and has extensive policy experience. I like her plan for repairing our nation's infrastructure even if it doesn't go far enough. I also know she supports raising the min wage.

Democrats in general want:

1) Effectively punishing white collar crime
2) Addressing climate change NOW
3) Raising the min wage
4) Better consumer protection such as environmental regulations
5) Investing in alternative energy
6) investing in our nation's infrastructure
7) investing in education
8) Giving a safety net to the poor because of low wage jobs.

So, they embrace utter nonsense as usual. Got it.
Education, infrastructure, punishing white collar crime and consumer protection are non sense? Wow. You people really are brainwashed Fox News zombies.
RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.

Its a matter of who will damage the country the most. Hillary has not a clue about business, but she knows how to tax and spend, and pass restrictive regulations on business and property owners. WHATS NOT TO LIKE THERE??
Her policies and dreams indicate she will destroy the US coal and gas industry while hurting also the oil industry, Ironically the only things that made Obamas economy look good. Undoubtedly shell drive businesses away from the US, all the while raising tax on property owners, while increasing the lower class who can fight over whatever jobs are left. and shell make us more dependent on the Saudis as well.
Next she'll appoint Supreme court nominees based on their gender or race if the trend continues. Dont know how Trump will do worse than her, I dont trust her cognative abilities as well, she's most likely medicated and has a history of falling, seriously, shes a risk
Fuck coal. I hope it collapses. This country needs clean energy and it needs it now.
RWs can never explain WHY anyone should vote republican without deflecting to bitching about democrats. With Trump in the race, isn't that even more clear? I just don't understand why RWs defend voting R without actually giving specific reasons why anyone should. It's just easier to deflect and bitch about democrats.

I don't like Hillary and I despise the DNC, but I can give you a whole list of reasons to vote democrat based on the policies many of the politicians run on.

Then don't vote Republican!

Why I will not vote Democratic is because the same reason why I will not vote Republican and that is because both make empty promises and then blame the other side for not fulfilling their pledges to the people of this fine nation.

If I were Progressive Liberal I would be voting for Jill Stein before I ever cast a vote for another Washington whore of the month and if I were Republican Gary Johnson would still be my choice even after his few mistakes so far because Trump is an insider even if his own voters believe he is not!
I suspect no right winger could provide any answer you would find acceptable so to do so would be a waste of time. That said I'm bored so I will do it anyway the reason one would vote Republican is very simple they don't agree with the policies and political ideology of Democrats which is also why one would Democrat instead of Republican.

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