There is No Future Battle of Armageddon:

Right. What about Menachem Mendel Schneerson? lol...What about the fact that the concept of a messianic redemption has been present in Jewish tradition, in one form or another, for millennia?

I do understand that you may be skeptical because you have seen many false messiahs come and go but, seriously, if someone actually did show up with that fit the bill would you say that now is a time when you would least expect it?

What about him?
Has anybody started a new religion around him?
When they do, let me know.
What about him?
Has anybody started a new religion around him?
When they do, let me know.

Him? Don't be silly. The messiah will create a new heaven and a new earth. That disqualifies him. He was peddling the same old shit.

Anyway there is someone who taught a more rational and intelligent way to comply with the laws demands which many have already adopted. Even so I do understand your inability to grasp this.

You may not know this but at the resurrection the Christian dead will be the first to rise while you lurk among the tombstones.

Maybe that (envy) will cause a divine spark to illuminate your mind to rise as well. Maybe not.
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Him? Don't be silly. The messiah will create a new heaven and a new earth. That disqualifies him. He was peddling the same old shit.

Anyway there is someone who taught a more rational and intelligent way to comply with the laws demands which many have already adopted. Even so I do understand your inability to grasp this.

You may not know this but at the resurrection the Christian dead will be the first to rise while you lurk among the tombstones.

Maybe that (envy) will cause a divine spark to illuminate your mind to rise as well. Maybe not.
When you find out that you know Jack Shitt, let me know.
When you find out that you know Jack Shitt, let me know.

LOL. Don't take it too hard Jack Shitt. BTW, Pleased to meet you. According to your own scriptures the messiah appears when sin is at its height and that includes your own. Now you know.

Just don't expect the messiah whenever he comes whoever he is to ever say to you "Well done!" because you never ate bacon or strapped a box on your forehead every now and then. You should know better by now. I have freely given you something of great value. More valuable and precious than anything you could ever afford to buy even if you had all the money in the world.

Don't think I haven't noticed you slip it into your pocket.

Sheesh. Why do I feel like I am giving spare change to an ungrateful bum?

When you figure it out, don't let me know..I already do..

I am.
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LOL. Don't take it too hard Jack Shitt. BTW, Pleased to meet you. According to your own scriptures the messiah appears when sin is at its height and that includes your own. Now you know.

Just don't expect the messiah whenever he comes whoever he is to ever say to you "Well done!" because you never ate bacon or strapped a box on your forehead every now and then. You should know better by now. I have freely given you something of great value. More valuable and precious than anything you could ever afford to buy even if you had all the money in the world.

Don't think I haven't noticed you slip it into your pocket.

Sheesh. Why do I feel like I am giving spare change to an ungrateful bum?

When you figure it out, don't let me know..I already do..

I am.
According to your own scriptures the messiah appears when sin is at its height and that includes your own.

Provide at least one example in context.
He can't.

There are only two ages talked about in the Bible, "this age," which was the Old Covenant age, and "the age to come" which was the New Covenant age. The New Covenant has no last days, no end time; so the end of the age must refer to the end of the Old Covenant. There is no newer covenant to end the New Covenant.
According to your own scriptures the messiah appears when sin is at its height and that includes your own.

Provide at least one example in context.

"When the end of those kingdoms is near and sin has reached its height a king of bold countenance, and understanding riddles, shall stand up."

You expect a sword wielding warrior king to destroy your enemies who were already destroyed by a sword a very long time ago by a despised nutjob of no account.

But as Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."
"When the end of those kingdoms is near and sin has reached its height a king of bold countenance, and understanding riddles, shall stand up."

You expect a sword wielding warrior king to destroy your enemies who were already destroyed by a sword a very long time ago by a despised nutjob of no account.

But as Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."

Daniel 8:23 is about Antiochus IV.

Antiochus IV Epiphanes acquired the throne of Seleucia by murdering his brother, the rightful heir.
"When the end of those kingdoms is near and sin has reached its height a king of bold countenance, and understanding riddles, shall stand up."

You expect a sword wielding warrior king to destroy your enemies who were already destroyed by a sword a very long time ago by a despised nutjob of no account.

But as Jesus said to Pilate, "King is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth."
Where is that in Tanach?
There are only two ages talked about in the Bible, "this age," which was the Old Covenant age, and "the age to come" which was the New Covenant age. The New Covenant has no last days, no end time; so the end of the age must refer to the end of the Old Covenant. There is no newer covenant to end the New Covenant.

In your opinion only. But we know that your "theology" is entirely suspect as your refusal admit that Jesus stated that Daniel is a prophet. Nothing you say is credible.
In your opinion only. But we know that your "theology" is entirely suspect as your refusal admit that Jesus stated that Daniel is a prophet. Nothing you say is credible.

Why don't you read Daniel?

Why don't you read about the Maccabees. The Jews know about this stuff. Why don't YOU?

There is NO end of the new covenant... unless you can show me the verse.
Did you try to think and nothing happened?

All I can say to you is that Jewish messianic expectations are as all over the place and irrational as Christian expectations of the parousia are.
You just proved you have zero idea of which you speak.
Nonsense. I have researched every single irrational Jewish and Christian messianic expectation.

I only proved that I reject your ignorant interpretation of scripture and application of mosaic law.
All of your ad hominems add up to zilch.
If you weren't mentally ill, you would realize you just made an enormous ass of yourself.

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