"There is no Black or White America, there is the Untied States of America"

What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

There are plenty of Americas
White America
Black America
Rich America
Poor America
Christian America
Nonreligious America

So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.

Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor

Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?

Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
At every opportunity, SB-1070, to Beer Summit, to Trayvon to Ferguson to name a few Obama and his sidekick Holder misused their influence to weigh in on local Racial issues which has inflamed and divided this country without question. Liberals can squeal all they want, they KNOW it's true.

Yep, he started it off with his professor buddy Gates, when he called the police acted Stupidly. and continually marched on and poked his nose into STATE matters from Martin, to now Baltimore. The only kooks out there are the ones trying to cover for him on it. and how sad they have search around the Internet and take what ONE person said on it. to come up with this thread

The police didn't act stupidly when harrassing a man attempting to enter his own home?
No. They acted within protocol by insisting to see the homeowners ID seeing as witnesses saw two men break into the home. But what a poor way to spin it.

Well....let me ask you this.....

What if, in fact, the man climbing threw the window was a burglar. He entered the home, surprised the Professor, pistol whipped the Professor and started to ransack the home. When the Police arrived, the burglar answered the door and claimed to be the home owner. In the meantime, the professor is on the floor in the back room bleeding from his head.

The police, trying to be "not stupid" decide not to ask for ID from the man and believe he is the homeowner and leave.

The next day, the Professor is found dead in his home; his home is ransacked and the burglar/murderer is long gone.

Would you say the police acted stupidly for believing the burglar was the homeowner and thus not asking for ID?

They acted within protocol by asking for ID. Two forms were presented. At that point the officer should have been on his way. He didn't though. The officer chose to stay and verbally engage Gates until he felt a disorderly arrest was in order. Stupid!
It was probably one of the easiest calls to resolve but the officer took it all the way to an arrest that obviously was without merit as charges were dropped the next day. Stupid!
Why is he a race hustler? Obama that is.
Because his first assumption is "racism"....when it can be one of many reasons.

Is this a specific occasion you are referring to or do you mean to say there is a pattern?
There is a pattern. It started the day he said the Boston police acted stupidly. It continued when his AG dropped the charges against the Black Panthers. It continued further when he said if he had a son he could have looked like Trayvon Martin. It was obvious when his AG pushed as hard as he can to find that the Michael Brown homicide was a civil rights violation (which he couldn't). His First Lady implying that black children do not feel welcome in Museums......yes, it is a pattern.

Now, sure, you can take each individual situation and say "well, he never actually threw race into it....".....but one must be blind not to see a pattern of behavior.

OK, I get it. When the President says something about race in this country, it's racist.
No. When the President says something racist, then it's racist. He does not get a "pass" just cause he's black, now does he?

Yep, just not seeing the racism part.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

There are plenty of Americas
White America
Black America
Rich America
Poor America
Christian America
Nonreligious America

So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.

Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor

Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?

Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid

Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Not hire Al Sharpton as a "race adviser" Today Obama blamed Slavery and Jim Crow for riots? WTF?

I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.

Right because we know right after the civil war everything changed and there was no racism. It just magically vanished. Nobody since has been discriminated against for fair housing, voting, getting a job, targeted by the police, face harsher penalties when convicted of crimes, none of that ever happened, right?
The OP is referring to the racial divide in America and why Obama did more to further it than help it.

I think his presidency has exposed a simmering undercurrent of Racism and/or Prejudiced in America. I don't think it is so much specifically about the president, any Black Democrat would have induced the same vitriolic responses from the nutters.

What will future generations think about the way he was treated?
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama

The race baiters are the ones who twist every utterance from both the President and the First Lady into a divisive lie.
Obama doesn't need any help ...He's quit good at it. He 's been taking pointers from his race adviser Al sharpton
There are plenty of Americas
White America
Black America
Rich America
Poor America
Christian America
Nonreligious America

So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.

Wealthy? ...upper middle class? depends on what you consider to be wealthy
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.

Wealthy? ...upper middle class? depends on what you consider to be wealthy
And that was what I was asking? what do you consider to be wealthy?

What do you consider as moving up in a tax bracket. If a parent makes 60k/ year and the offspring makes 90k per year...is that really upward mobility or a cost of living increase? (Not wealthy, just an example).

Basically, I don't believe the idea that you presented that most wealthy people started out poor. I could be wrong...I could have misunderstood your premise - thus I asked for a link and clarification.

I even threw in a term of endearment, Jewteaper.
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.

"Only 6% of those surveyed earned their money from inheritance alone. 69% earned their wealth mostly by trading time and effort for money, or by “working." '

Most Wealthy Individuals Earned Not Inherited Their Wealth - Forbes

According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first-generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own. Many millionaires simply worked, saved, and lived within their means to generate their wealth -- think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn't get their riches overnight when a rich relative died -- they worked for the money.

7 Millionaire Myths - Yahoo Finance

Anything else you want to feel really stupid about?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.

"Only 6% of those surveyed earned their money from inheritance alone. 69% earned their wealth mostly by trading time and effort for money, or by “working." '

Most Wealthy Individuals Earned Not Inherited Their Wealth - Forbes

According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first-generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own. Many millionaires simply worked, saved, and lived within their means to generate their wealth -- think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn't get their riches overnight when a rich relative died -- they worked for the money.

7 Millionaire Myths - Yahoo Finance

Anything else you want to feel really stupid about?
So the bar as to what is wealthy is lowered? So these people didn't come from wealthy parent or family? If a millionaire has a son who also becomes a millionaire...does that really mean they moved up or maintained the same?
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Do you have a link for that...jewteaper...and what do you consider to be wealthy...are we talking upper mddle class or millionaires? are we talking first generation...or a daddy makng the money and passng it down from generation to generation...you know...as Mormon Romney said...f you need help, just borrow it from your parents. ...you know....not working for an investment, but having it given to you or secured for you by a family member.
Most people aren't born wealthy in this country pea brain. You can move in and out of income brackets here. You're not destine to be stuck were you are here, unless of course you're a complete and utter moron like yourself:uhoh3: .
In other words, jewteaper s talking out of his ass and has no answer. you said the majorty of WEALTHY people started out poor. Prove it. Answer at least one of my inquiries, jewteaper ass.

"Only 6% of those surveyed earned their money from inheritance alone. 69% earned their wealth mostly by trading time and effort for money, or by “working." '

Most Wealthy Individuals Earned Not Inherited Their Wealth - Forbes

According to Thomas J. Stanley's book, "The Millionaire Next Door: The Surprising Secrets of America's Wealthy," only 20% of millionaires inherited their riches. The other 80% are what you'd call nouveau riche: first-generation millionaires who earned their cash on their own. Many millionaires simply worked, saved, and lived within their means to generate their wealth -- think accountants and managers: regular people going to work every day. Most millionaires didn't get their riches overnight when a rich relative died -- they worked for the money.

7 Millionaire Myths - Yahoo Finance

Anything else you want to feel really stupid about?
So the bar as to what is wealthy is lowered? So these people didn't come from wealthy parent or family? If a millionaire has a son who also becomes a millionaire...does that really mean they moved up or maintained the same?

Read the post ---- read the references.

Don't deflect -- you clearly challenged the idea that most 'rich' people EARN their money - and you have been summarily dismissed.
What happened? Obama must have been lying in this speech. He has divided us more so than any president in recent history. it's sad to say that the first mixed race president has been so bad for race relations. He could have actually been the great uniter, instead he chose the opposite. What a waste:(

Obama didn't divide us lol. Having a black president did.

Watching the racists rise again has been an eye opening journey.

I know, racist never know they are actually racist. It's fun to watch them try to ACT though:asshole:
I think today's racial issues have a basis in slavery and Jim Crow as well as many other aspects of our past. Do we not have a representative democracy today because we struggled under another government? The past helps craft our future, it's a part of us.

You have people (way more than healthy) on this board who day after day go on these racial tears. The victimized whites. I tell ya', if you can't make it in America because you are white, you really suck at life.

I think this is absolutely ridiculous. To blame the actions of people 6 GENERATIONS ago for conditions today is, simply, looking for somebody to blame. Surely, you can be more intellectually honest than that.

Right because we know right after the civil war everything changed and there was no racism. It just magically vanished. Nobody since has been discriminated against for fair housing, voting, getting a job, targeted by the police, face harsher penalties when convicted of crimes, none of that ever happened, right?
The OP is referring to the racial divide in America and why Obama did more to further it than help it.

I think his presidency has exposed a simmering undercurrent of Racism and/or Prejudiced in America. I don't think it is so much specifically about the president, any Black Democrat would have induced the same vitriolic responses from the nutters.

What will future generations think about the way he was treated?
Obama's problem is certainly not his race it's that he's a race -baiter, who uses race and ethnic background to divide us for political purposes..Hate is good politics to Obama

The race baiters are the ones who twist every utterance from both the President and the First Lady into a divisive lie.
Obama doesn't need any help ...He's quit good at it. He 's been taking pointers from his race adviser Al sharpton
JROC, I've got a question for you!
The US Jewish population has supported Obama from day 1 of his campaign to be president. Yet, you seem to make a mockery of that Jewish initiative. Obviously, you are not as bright as your Democrat Jewish brethren but you ought to make an effort to find out what made them stick to Obama. You may be compromising something in the best interest of Jews without even knowing it by siding with the White male American Taliban.
There are plenty of Americas
White America
Black America
Rich America
Poor America
Christian America
Nonreligious America

So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Now, tell us the part where if we offend our wealthy people, they will leave us
So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Now, tell us the part where if we offend our wealthy people, they will leave us

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So you dont agree with the 2004 Obama either?...Neither does he. Leftist are bigots and there is no "rich and poor America" the rich can become poor, the poor can become rich, that's the beauty of this country. we are not stuck in an income bracket like most places in the world.
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Now, tell us the part where if we offend our wealthy people, they will leave us
I always thought you one of the dumbest people on the board, but now you have confirmed you've actually proved to be the dumbest. Think for yourself if you're able...Maybe you're not :dunno:
Fuck....that is too Damned funny

Oh yea....the rich tremble at the prospect of becoming poor
Some probably do, Do you hate people who work hard and do well for themselves?
Now tell me the part where they did it all by themselves and poor people are lazy and stupid
Can I speak for all wealthy people? The bulk of wealthy people did start out wealthy..Why are you a hater?
Now, tell us the part where if we offend our wealthy people, they will leave us
I always thought you one of the dumbest people on the board, but now you have confirmed you've actually proved to be the dumbest. Think for yourself if you're able...Maybe you're not :dunno:


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