There is a Way to Fire Activist Judges


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
We all know about impeachment. This means the House holds hearing to determine if a judge serves during “a period of good behavior.” It them goes to trial in the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding. An extremely difficult process.

But, there is another wayl; perhaps SCOTUS can sanction them, removing them from active participation in legal prceedings. It's done at all other levels of the judiciary.

The following article discusses the options and can be read @ Articles: 'You’re Fired, Judge': Sanctioning Federal Judges for Bad Behavior
There is not.

They serve for life.

if they do not commit a felony or a conflict of interest (such as taking a blow job from a plaintiff like Slick Willy got from Monica) there is no way to remove them.
Thought provoking article indeed.

Probably getting any traction will be most difficult, because of the obvious reason: politicizing life-long tenure.
There is not.

They serve for life.

if they do not commit a felony or a conflict of interest (such as taking a blow job from a plaintiff like Slick Willy got from Monica) there is no way to remove them.
As one lawyer would tell another, that's debatable.
We all know about impeachment. This means the House holds hearing to determine if a judge serves during “a period of good behavior.” It them goes to trial in the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding. An extremely difficult process.

But, there is another wayl; perhaps SCOTUS can sanction them, removing them from active participation in legal prceedings. It's done at all other levels of the judiciary.

The following article discusses the options and can be read @ Articles: 'You’re Fired, Judge': Sanctioning Federal Judges for Bad Behavior
There are a whole lot of things wrong here.
  • First of all, making an interpretation of the constitution or federal law that you do not agree with or which may even seem bizarre is not misbehavior.
  • Second, it you were able to can liberal judges without impeachment, what do you think would happen when Democrats get control government?
  • Lastly, we have a means of raining judges that are making bad calls, it's call judicial review.

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