There Is A Clear Benefit In Being A Democrat


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
You are mentally eligible for Handicapped Parking permits.

"ACLU Files Motion Denying Existence of Women

The ACLU, along with Lambda Legal and the Transgender Law Center, filed a bizarre motion in response denying that, “‘men as a class’ are defined and differentiated from ‘women as a class’ by their ‘anatomy, genitalia, physical characteristics, and physiology.’”

Are there physiological differences between men and women? Science says there are while the ACLU denies it in what may be one of the most surreal motions ever submitted to a court.

Denying sexual dimorphism is up there with a motion claiming that the earth is flat.

But the ACLU motion went on “to deny the allegation that ‘human beings’ are ‘sexually dimorphic, divided into males and females each with reproductive systems, hormones, and chromosomes that result in significant differences between men[] and women[.]’”

Biology 101 is now an “allegation” to be denied in court.

Maybe the ACLU’s next motion will deny the “allegation” that the earth revolves around the sun." there anything....ANYTHING......just too stupid for you to support?????????????
The best benefit of being a Democrat is that I get Free Stuff
I just flash my Liberal Card, wink and I never have to pay


I never have to pay for drinks or meals in a fancy restaurant. I even get free lap dances in Titty Bars
You are mentally eligible for Handicapped Parking permits.

"ACLU Files Motion Denying Existence of Women

The ACLU, along with Lambda Legal and the Transgender Law Center, filed a bizarre motion in response denying that, “‘men as a class’ are defined and differentiated from ‘women as a class’ by their ‘anatomy, genitalia, physical characteristics, and physiology.’”

Are there physiological differences between men and women? Science says there are while the ACLU denies it in what may be one of the most surreal motions ever submitted to a court.

Denying sexual dimorphism is up there with a motion claiming that the earth is flat.

But the ACLU motion went on “to deny the allegation that ‘human beings’ are ‘sexually dimorphic, divided into males and females each with reproductive systems, hormones, and chromosomes that result in significant differences between men[] and women[.]’”

Biology 101 is now an “allegation” to be denied in court.

Maybe the ACLU’s next motion will deny the “allegation” that the earth revolves around the sun." there anything....ANYTHING......just too stupid for you to support?????????????

If you only believe reality is defined by how you interpret it, you can pretty much make any claim and believe it is true.

It's the crux of the logic behind Orwell's concept of Doublethink.

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