There are only a few banned words here

There is no excuse for all the vulgarities allowed on this board.

Who needs or wants to see that serves no useful purpose.

Many confuse allowing vulgarities with free in the powers that be will not censor anyone for having a potty mouth but will censor those who may have a political opinion that is not politically correct.

So thus in a sense I think the allowance of vulgarities is a cover for their in let the children and dumbasses cuss all they want then they will believe we are for free speech and not notice how we censor out political opinions such as telling the truth about the horrible things done in the name of Allah, the fact that 2.5 percent of our population comitts over half of all the violent crime in America....etc. things that people really need to understand.
Since I've heard plenty about both of those subjects here, I have a feeling there is more to it than "censorship," Mac. In other words, you most likely blew it.

Could be-- but quite honestly I could not care less about that. I will always speak to things I think need to be addressed.

Most boards suffer from the fact that posters are too easily intimidated and thus they go along to get along. If people want freedom of speech(I refer to real freedom of speech) they will have to stand up and fight for it.
I hear there are boards where you can exercise that "free speech" as you call it.
But I digress. I appreciate that you agree vulgarities are not a "free speech" issue.

Lewd, Vulgar, Plainly-Offensive, and Obscene Speech: Education Book Chapter | IGI Global


The Supreme Court has never interpreted freedom of speech to include obscenity, which is generally considered to fall outside the protection of the First Amendment. But the debate over what constitutes obscenity and how it should be regulated has long troubled Americans.

National Constitution Center - Centuries of Citizenship - Does the First Amendment protect obscenity?
Oh dear. To my mind, what I am asking is so simple, really.
Front hole is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word I won't repeat here again. To me it's sensible to rub it out if a mod should stumble upon it.
Now we're embroiled in free speech and definitions of sn*tch and what is obscenity and all this other stuff that is way beyond my little point.
It’s not beyond your little point. There are many other words used instead of the C word. Do you want them all banned/scrubbed out?
What about the word vagina itself?
How much time to you think the mods have on their hands???
but she got a 'dollar' coin , think its a dollar coin but its the size of a quarter i think . I rarely see any as i think that people dislike them and trade them in at the banks or skip them across the lake .
Well, that pretty much says it all, I guess.
Since there are so few banned words here, let's be sure to keep adding more as they evolve. :rolleyes-41:
When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
What’s weird is OL uses the F word! :wtf:(Lol)
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?

Isn't the term front hole a liberal invention?

Yes, Tilly and Gracie, Miss OL can see you, but she is not talking to naughty little trolls. Go brush your teeth and say your prayers. I'm watching.
Since there are so few banned words here, let's be sure to keep adding more as they evolve. :rolleyes-41:
When it is being used as an exact replacement for a banned word, should it be allowed? If it weren't highly offensive, it wouldn't have been banned in the first place, would it?
I suppose I am asking for another banned word, and the answer will be no (if I get any answer at all), but what the hell. This is the Feedback section, so I'm feeding back.
It's not an exact replacement for a banned word. As was already pointed out, front hole means vagina. Do you object to being called vagina? How about sn*tch? How about the next word invented to describe a body part? Are those words "highly offensive" too?

After you add all the wanna be c words to the banned list, what's next? Butt words? B**ch words? The funny button?
Yes, front hole means vagina. So does C*NT. Why should that be used as a term to denigrate women?
Words are simply tools. Are you so fragile that you can't endure it when someone is rude? Do you fear words? Are you less "denigrated" when somebody calls you stupid or silly? How sterile do you want your online experience to be?
What’s weird is OL uses the F word! :wtf:(Lol)
---------------------------- oh yeah , i never noticed but its interesting Tilly .
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?
Front hole was created by the left so as not to offend the mentally ill men who face this great embarrassment of not having a vagina. So now the perverts can pretend everyone is talking about their belly button.
I don't care if Moses created it. That is completely beside the point, and it has nothing to do with how some posters are using it.
Its a free for all down in the cess pit you call home. Try staying down there.
Exactly! A case of selective vapours methinks.
I guess you've all told me, huh?

If you call me a c*nt or a front hole irl, depending on how many gin and tonics I've had, I'll either slap you in the face or give you a dick withering ass chewing. I don't appreciate being reduced to nothing but a sexual organ, as if that's all a woman is good for. Men who use it to label all women who "step out of line" and -- god forbid -- have the idea they should be able to vote are being misogynists of the first order.
You’d resort to violence in response to mere words?
No wonder you support Antifa!
I guess you've all told me, huh?

If you call me a c*nt or a front hole irl, depending on how many gin and tonics I've had, I'll either slap you in the face or give you a dick withering ass chewing. I don't appreciate being reduced to nothing but a sexual organ, as if that's all a woman is good for. Men who use it to label all women who "step out of line" and -- god forbid -- have the idea they should be able to vote are being misogynists of the first order.
Dick withering?

You sure have no problems when it comes to using the sort of language you object to, do you?
Exactly! Some of OL’s post would make a sailor blush - or wherever that saying is.
Such hypocrisy!
I guess you've all told me, huh?

If you call me a c*nt or a front hole irl, depending on how many gin and tonics I've had, I'll either slap you in the face or give you a dick withering ass chewing. I don't appreciate being reduced to nothing but a sexual organ, as if that's all a woman is good for. Men who use it to label all women who "step out of line" and -- god forbid -- have the idea they should be able to vote are being misogynists of the first order.
Dick withering?

You sure have no problems when it comes to using the sort of language you object to, do you?
You are totally not getting it.
It’s strange how very often you have to say that, OL.
Maybe you should wonder why?
I guess you've all told me, huh?

If you call me a c*nt or a front hole irl, depending on how many gin and tonics I've had, I'll either slap you in the face or give you a dick withering ass chewing. I don't appreciate being reduced to nothing but a sexual organ, as if that's all a woman is good for. Men who use it to label all women who "step out of line" and -- god forbid -- have the idea they should be able to vote are being misogynists of the first order.
------------------------------------------------------------ without being too graphic . I do not think that a 'front hole' is a sex organ is it . Front hole is left after surgery to remove the confused males FRONT POLE isn't it . Front Hole is only used for perverted purposes and urination as i guess OldLady .
I personally think we should ALL leave that term to the transsexuals. There is no reason to call anyone that.
Nope. Particular groups of people don’t OWN words, OL.
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Dear mods, could you please ban the words "dick" and "wither" at your earliest convenience. This is a grievous insult to all people who are members of the identity group "impotent-Americans".

Thank you.
I am still waiting for OL to give me a dick withering ass chewing cuz I called her the dreaded word. Oh. Wait. I don't have a dick. Maybe she can bombard me with vagina words.
Dear mods, could you please ban the words "dick" and "wither" at your earliest convenience. This is a grievous insult to all people who are members of the identity group "impotent-Americans".

Thank you.
That seems to be quite a thing for you, Dog. Did I hit a nerve?
And one of them refers to the female anatomy, beginning with C and ending with T. People get around the filter all the time by spelling it with a K, but hey, it's the thought that counts and I appreciate it.

Now a few of our more vile posters are using a new term to say exactly the same offensive thing: Front holer. I realize it would be difficult (impossible?) to create a filter for it, because "front" and "hole" are both words that are used in other ways, but could all the mods agree that if they are in a thread and see that term used that they will red - x it same as they would C*NT?
Why not just say, "cunt?" :dunno:

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