There are just some things whites need to learn

blacks just need to learn
and this is only public schools....private schools are mostly white with higher rates

Dear harmonica
The public schools are so screwed up,
you can't judge anyone for failing under that!

Compare with this school (that's now up to 7 years of all college bound students)
Chicago Charter School Sends 100% Of Students to College 5 Years in a Row - Your Black World

For five consecutive years, all of the graduates of Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy have been accepted at four-year colleges and universities.

The charter school has garnered national recognition for providing minority students with the academic skills necessary to be “college bound.” Last spring, 240 students had college acceptance letters in their hands before receiving their diploma. An accomplishment that Mayor Rahm Emanuel considers to be phenomenal. The Chicago mayor delivered a moving speech at the 2014 graduation, congratulating the students for their hard work and achievements.

As part of an Urban Prep ritual, when the high school seniors are accepted into college, they exchange their red tie with a red and gold tie.

“The tie represents to me moving on from a boy to becoming a young man and actually doing something with my life,” graduating senior Dumar Harris said.

While people all over the country are inspired and impressed with the accomplishments of the students at Urban Prep Academy, there are some who criticize the school, noting that there are many students that have come to the school, but do not graduate due to transferring and dropping out. But school administrators at Urban Prep Academy feel that fact should not diminish the accomplishments of the students that actually do graduate.
“Urban Prep is not for everyone, and those students may leave us,” school founder and CEO Tim King said. “But the fact that some students choose to leave us should not be used as a weapon against the students who have chosen to stay and have achieved this incredible accomplishment.”

And not only are those who choose to stay at the successful school rewarded for their hard work with at least one acceptance letter from a college, but many graduating seniors at Urban Prep have been accepted into multiple colleges and prestigious universities.

“I got into a lot of different schools, but right now, I’m thinking about four different choices,” student Keshawn Cathery said.

Derrick Little said, “I got into Georgetown University, which I will be attending in the fall.”

Orlando Magic star Dwyane Wade was so impressed with the news of the school’s continued success that he donated $10,000 to offset the cost of the prom for the 2014 graduating class.

We’ll all be waiting to learn if the Urban Prep Academy will make history again this year. Good luck to the graduating class of 2015!
I've yet to hear what IM2 thinks I should learn unless it's that white people are shit. Some are: they're called "Demokkkrats".

Only if he is also to accept the progress that has been made. He is not.
I think he does. But, everybody yells and screams, rather than actually listening.

You swing a stick at someone, don't be surprised if they respond in kind.

Put the stick down and start talking, you'll find out that IM2 is reasonable.


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Only if he is also to accept the progress that has been made. He is not.
I think he does. But, everybody yells and screams, rather than actually listening.

You swing a stick at someone, don't be surprised if they respond in kind.

Put the stick down and start talking, you'll find out that IM2 is reasonable.


go for it. I will just sit in the corner with all the "racist" whites and watch.
Only if he is also to accept the progress that has been made. He is not.
I think he does. But, everybody yells and screams, rather than actually listening.

You swing a stick at someone, don't be surprised if they respond in kind.

Put the stick down and start talking, you'll find out that IM2 is reasonable.


go for it. I will just sit in the corner with all the "racist" whites and watch.
Good idea.

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Only if he is also to accept the progress that has been made. He is not.
I think he does. But, everybody yells and screams, rather than actually listening.

You swing a stick at someone, don't be surprised if they respond in kind.

Put the stick down and start talking, you'll find out that IM2 is reasonable.


go for it. I will just sit in the corner with all the "racist" whites and watch.
Good idea.

blacks just need to learn
and this is only public schools....private schools are mostly white with higher rates

Dear harmonica
The public schools are so screwed up,
you can't judge anyone for failing under that!

Compare with this school (that's now up to 7 years of all college bound students)
Chicago Charter School Sends 100% Of Students to College 5 Years in a Row - Your Black World

For five consecutive years, all of the graduates of Chicago’s Urban Prep Academy have been accepted at four-year colleges and universities.

The charter school has garnered national recognition for providing minority students with the academic skills necessary to be “college bound.” Last spring, 240 students had college acceptance letters in their hands before receiving their diploma. An accomplishment that Mayor Rahm Emanuel considers to be phenomenal. The Chicago mayor delivered a moving speech at the 2014 graduation, congratulating the students for their hard work and achievements.

As part of an Urban Prep ritual, when the high school seniors are accepted into college, they exchange their red tie with a red and gold tie.

“The tie represents to me moving on from a boy to becoming a young man and actually doing something with my life,” graduating senior Dumar Harris said.

While people all over the country are inspired and impressed with the accomplishments of the students at Urban Prep Academy, there are some who criticize the school, noting that there are many students that have come to the school, but do not graduate due to transferring and dropping out. But school administrators at Urban Prep Academy feel that fact should not diminish the accomplishments of the students that actually do graduate.
“Urban Prep is not for everyone, and those students may leave us,” school founder and CEO Tim King said. “But the fact that some students choose to leave us should not be used as a weapon against the students who have chosen to stay and have achieved this incredible accomplishment.”

And not only are those who choose to stay at the successful school rewarded for their hard work with at least one acceptance letter from a college, but many graduating seniors at Urban Prep have been accepted into multiple colleges and prestigious universities.

“I got into a lot of different schools, but right now, I’m thinking about four different choices,” student Keshawn Cathery said.

Derrick Little said, “I got into Georgetown University, which I will be attending in the fall.”

Orlando Magic star Dwyane Wade was so impressed with the news of the school’s continued success that he donated $10,000 to offset the cost of the prom for the 2014 graduating class.

We’ll all be waiting to learn if the Urban Prep Academy will make history again this year. Good luck to the graduating class of 2015!
the white kids go to public schools also
I don't doubt it. What's he going to call the cops for?


LOL! Pathetic.

This is not about a disagreement on the internet. I have not run. I decided to ignore. Dale doesn't seem to understand what he would face if I took him up on his challenge. As for you, well you're a joke. You call me a racist because you can't face the truth. And in this thread you will learn the truth.
You stamping your feet and pouting doesn't make it true.

I call you a racist because you are. I don't fling that accusation around to people I disagree with; that's a leftist thing when you can't make a rational argument. Y'all have rendered the word damn near meaningless.

You call me a racist for accurately hold whites responsible for what they have done. It's a common right wing tactic used when you cannot dispute the evidence. I laugh at people like you and keep posting the evidence.
More non-whites than whites have owned black people throughout history.

But I guess blacks owned by whites were DOUBLE WAY MORE ENSLAVED than blacks owned by non-whites.

And of course, to buy something, someone has to sell it to you. Who sold black African slaves?

Black Africans, of course.
Where did the supply of slaves come from? First, the Portuguese themselves kidnapped some Africans. But the bulk of the supply came from the Nigerians. These Nigerian middlemen moved to the interior where they captured other Nigerians who belonged to other communities. The middlemen also purchased many of the slaves from the people in the interior . . . . Many Nigerian middlemen began to depend totally on the slave trade and neglected every other business and occupation. The result was that when the trade was abolished [by England in 1807] these Nigerians began to protest. As years went by and the trade collapsed such Nigerians lost their sources of income and became impoverished.
You're angry at the wrong people.

I am angry at the correct people because we are talking about America and the problem hasn't ended with slavery.

More than you know. You're still angry at the wrong people.

Conservatives believe you can succeed on your own, with no one's help. Liberals believe you have to have help from the government.

Who do you believe?
More non-whites than whites have owned black people throughout history.
Not here. We can only control here. Not Nigeria, etc.

That's kind of beside IM2's point.

There is no question that generations of black folks have been disadvantaged by government action against them.

Instead of yelling about why we shouldn't do something, why not start asking if there is something we can do?

There's no harm in that, is there?

Oh, there's something we can do, all right.

Stop voting Democrat.

Democrat plans and policies have all but destroyed the black nuclear family by encouraging single motherhood (and Democrat votes) in exchange for government handouts. Children of fatherless homes are far more likely to be troubled -- crime, mental health issues, unwed motherhood.

Stop voting Democrat, and end Democrat policies. That's what you can do to help black people.
The issue is that if black folks self-segregate, whites have no reason to care about them. People only really care about those in their communities or those who they know personally. If you are white and you know some black people who you like, you are more likely to care about issues that affect them that maybe you hadn't realized or thought of. Not that white people don't also self-segregate; it is human nature.
The issue is that if black folks self-segregate, whites have no reason to care about them. People only really care about those in their communities or those who they know personally. If you are white and you know some black people who you like, you are more likely to care about issues that affect them that maybe you hadn't realized or thought of. Not that white people don't also self-segregate; it is human nature.

IM2 is the biggest racist here.

“A lack of understanding regarding what racism actually is, the belief that White supremacy is “normal” in society, the inability to see the manifestations of racism because they do not experience them and are shielded by White privilege, as well as self-protection from the label that they fear most is why Whites call people of colour “racist” and from my experience, seem to take great pleasure in doing so when that person of colour is Black.”
Let me see here, I am going to wade through some 200 pages of STUFF created 7 years ago. On a thread created by a race baiting ideologue that calls people Aryans or racists if they simply disagree. Nah.
Let me see here, I am going to wade through some 200 pages of STUFF created 7 years ago. On a thread created by a race baiting ideologue that calls people Aryans or racists if they simply disagree. Nah.

You race bait. And you get called a racist because of your comments. If you don't want to read and discuss the information leave. Because in this thread we will examine issues that concern black people in this decade and not your ignorant racist opinion.
Let me see here, I am going to wade through some 200 pages of STUFF created 7 years ago. On a thread created by a race baiting ideologue that calls people Aryans or racists if they simply disagree. Nah.

You race bait. And you get called a racist because of your comments. If you don't want to read and discuss the information leave. Because in this thread we will examine issues that concern black people in this decade and not your ignorant racist opinion.
Too bad you can't see my eyes rolling at your reply...I live with human beings, in a rather crowded universe. And, much to your chagrin, some of my fellow travelers have dark melanin levels.
Let me see here, I am going to wade through some 200 pages of STUFF created 7 years ago. On a thread created by a race baiting ideologue that calls people Aryans or racists if they simply disagree. Nah.

You race bait. And you get called a racist because of your comments. If you don't want to read and discuss the information leave. Because in this thread we will examine issues that concern black people in this decade and not your ignorant racist opinion.
Here you go, calling people racist. Really? Race is a rather ephemeral thing . Its not really real... All humans share the same genetics. Whatever racism "IS", you sure are making a pastime out of finessing it. I think its like the red pill, a placebo.

All White people bad, ALL black people victims. You are mildly amusing in a weird way. Lets fight racism by bashing white people! There's an original thought, IM2. Nobody EVER though of that before. You are a unique individual...whipping a dead horse.

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