Their Highest Aspiration.

The mom fighting the good fight, against the Democrat insanity, you know the latest hoax, transgenderism, ....

....she continues:

7. “The summer before ninth grade, she announced that she was transgender.

Girls bragged about their different mental illnesses. They talked about which drugs do what. They talked about how they are really boys, not girls. They discussed “top surgery” (that is, having their breasts removed) and “packers” that create a bulge in one’s pants to imply the presence of a penis.

My daughter’s electronic devices were filled with TikTok videos and YouTubers talking about how great they feel now that they had “transitioned.”

There were messages in which strangers told her to kick my head in because I was a “transphobe” for refusing to call her a male name.

I let her know that I would never stop fighting for her.”

We must never stop fighting the Democrat insanity.
The mom fighting the good fight, against the Democrat insanity, you know the latest hoax, transgenderism, ....

....she continues:

7. “The summer before ninth grade, she announced that she was transgender.

Girls bragged about their different mental illnesses. They talked about which drugs do what. They talked about how they are really boys, not girls. They discussed “top surgery” (that is, having their breasts removed) and “packers” that create a bulge in one’s pants to imply the presence of a penis.

My daughter’s electronic devices were filled with TikTok videos and YouTubers talking about how great they feel now that they had “transitioned.”

There were messages in which strangers told her to kick my head in because I was a “transphobe” for refusing to call her a male name.

I let her know that I would never stop fighting for her.”

We must never stop fighting the Democrat insanity.

You're so full of stupidity and hate it's running from your ears.
As if your propaganda swayed one voter in the last election.
I educated my kids on the many negative aspects of america. Its served them well especially in the adversarial relationship between employer and employee. I don't buy into transgenderism but it's here. It has no effect on me nor my family. Just not a fight I'm interested in. What one does to their body is up to them. Not my business.
Until a "gender fluid" guy wearing a skirt rapes one of your daughters in the girls bathroom.
Then the school board tells you that didn't happen because tranny's are harmless.

Then they transfer the tranny to another school where he rapes another girl the same way.

This is what actually happened in Loudoun County, VA.
8. Each of us, as individuals, can expect no help from any collectivist entity.
We are on our own fighting to save our loved ones.

“We did not permit social transition, although we could not control the school setting. Unbelievably, our local Catholic high school refused to follow our edict.

I sat next to her while she “attended” school online via Zoom. I deleted YouTube from the smart TVs and locked up the remotes. I took every anime book from her room. I threw away all of her costumes. I banned any friend who was even the slightest bit unsavory.

I involved the police about the porn. I printed out the law and informed her that if anyone sent her porn, I would not hesitate to prosecute.

She hated me like an addict hates the person preventing her drug fix. I held my ground, despite the constant verbal abuse.

I let her know that I would never stop fighting for her.

After going through seven mental health professionals, I found an out-of-state psychiatrist who was willing to examine the causality for my daughter’s sudden trans identity.
I immersed myself in reading everything on the issue, talking to other parents and other professionals. I worked unceasingly to re-create the bond she and I used to share.

After a year and half of utter hell, my daughter is finally returning to her authentic self—a beautiful, artsy, kind and loving daughter.”
What I've Learned Rescuing My Daughter From Her Transgender Fantasy

If society isn’t as strong as this mother, civilization is doomed.
None of my kids or grandkids are trans. So describe exactly why I should worry about the issue. I will wait for your drivel.
Well they all have college degrees. So do I. So they were fortunate that the rule was once they turned 18 and graduated the ONLY viable path was college. NOTHING else. It served them well.
[for our Democrat pals, playing along at home- aspiration means hope or ambition. You’re welcome.]

…is to ‘identify’ as a victim, to become a victim. That desire can overwhelm logic, experience, and even reality.

So many seek an identity, being special, different….and that plays right into the hands of the Left.

1.One of the revelations due to capitalism, is advertising, a kind of manipulation such that people can be convinced, trained, to believe things that may or may not be true:

How Do Advertisements Persuade People? › business-finance › advertisements-persuade-people-99918578bee6692c
Advertisers also use explicit claims to convince people to buy their products and services. It is possible to prove existing claims via close examination or testing. If an advertiser says a product works in less than five minutes, this is an explicit claim. Repetition serves to reinforce a message in the minds of audience members.”

There is repetition, word of mouth, personal benefits….and monetary rewards, even!

2. Don’t miss the point that “political advertising” works similarly:
“In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that ‘it makes a statement about me.’
Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’ (Published 2007)

3. Which brings us to this bizarre phenomenon we are witnessing:

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs ... › cbnnews › us › 2018 › september › 4-000-explosion-in-kids-identifying-as-transgender-docs-perform-double-mastectomies-on-healthy-teen-girls
Charlene Aaron The number of people identifying as transgender is on the rise in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, including many children and teens. This year the American Academy of Pediatrics published findings that more teenagers are beginning to use "non-traditional gender terms" to self-identify.

Increasing rates of people identifying as transgender ... › 29346355
There has been a progressive increase in number of people identifying as transgender presenting to the clinic, particularly since 2010.

WHY ARE SO MANY FEMALES COMING OUT ... - Gender Health Query › increase-trans-females-nonbinary-dysphoria
In 36.8% of the friendship groups described, the majority of the members became transgender-identified. The most likely outcomes were that AYA mental well-being and parent-child relationships became worse since AYAs "came out".

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens ... › us › blog › culture-mind-and-brain › 201811 › why-is-transgender-identity-the-rise-among-teens
Transgender identity* is characterized by experiencing distress with, or an inability to identify with one's biological sex, usually prompting a desire to live one's life as the opposite sex ...

The Explosion In Queer Sexuality Among Kids Is Not A ... › 2021 › 03 › 01 › the-explosion-in-queer-sexuality-among-kids-is-not-a-natural-trend
March 1, 2021 A new Gallup poll published on Feb. 24 shows 1 in 6 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT. These results represent a remarkable jump from 2017, when 4.5 percent of Americans identified as...

Transgenderism…It’s not real. Don’t believe the Democrats: men don’t become pregnant.

The mass psychosis is the result of Leftist propaganda and rewards of fame and status.

And, as is the aim of nearly all Leftist plans, it destroys lives, cultures and nations.

[for our Democrat pals, playing along at home- aspiration means hope or ambition. You’re welcome.]

…is to ‘identify’ as a victim, to become a victim. That desire can overwhelm logic, experience, and even reality.

So many seek an identity, being special, different….and that plays right into the hands of the Left.

1.One of the revelations due to capitalism, is advertising, a kind of manipulation such that people can be convinced, trained, to believe things that may or may not be true:

How Do Advertisements Persuade People? › business-finance › advertisements-persuade-people-99918578bee6692c
Advertisers also use explicit claims to convince people to buy their products and services. It is possible to prove existing claims via close examination or testing. If an advertiser says a product works in less than five minutes, this is an explicit claim. Repetition serves to reinforce a message in the minds of audience members.”

There is repetition, word of mouth, personal benefits….and monetary rewards, even!

2. Don’t miss the point that “political advertising” works similarly:
“In fact, more than half of the Prius buyers surveyed this spring by CNW Marketing Research of Bandon, Ore., said the main reason they purchased their car was that ‘it makes a statement about me.’
Say ‘Hybrid’ and Many People Will Hear ‘Prius’ (Published 2007)

3. Which brings us to this bizarre phenomenon we are witnessing:

4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs ... › cbnnews › us › 2018 › september › 4-000-explosion-in-kids-identifying-as-transgender-docs-perform-double-mastectomies-on-healthy-teen-girls
Charlene Aaron The number of people identifying as transgender is on the rise in the United States of America and the United Kingdom, including many children and teens. This year the American Academy of Pediatrics published findings that more teenagers are beginning to use "non-traditional gender terms" to self-identify.

Increasing rates of people identifying as transgender ... › 29346355
There has been a progressive increase in number of people identifying as transgender presenting to the clinic, particularly since 2010.

WHY ARE SO MANY FEMALES COMING OUT ... - Gender Health Query › increase-trans-females-nonbinary-dysphoria
In 36.8% of the friendship groups described, the majority of the members became transgender-identified. The most likely outcomes were that AYA mental well-being and parent-child relationships became worse since AYAs "came out".

Why Is Transgender Identity on the Rise Among Teens ... › us › blog › culture-mind-and-brain › 201811 › why-is-transgender-identity-the-rise-among-teens
Transgender identity* is characterized by experiencing distress with, or an inability to identify with one's biological sex, usually prompting a desire to live one's life as the opposite sex ...

The Explosion In Queer Sexuality Among Kids Is Not A ... › 2021 › 03 › 01 › the-explosion-in-queer-sexuality-among-kids-is-not-a-natural-trend
March 1, 2021 A new Gallup poll published on Feb. 24 shows 1 in 6 Gen Z adults identify as LGBT. These results represent a remarkable jump from 2017, when 4.5 percent of Americans identified as...

Transgenderism…It’s not real. Don’t believe the Democrats: men don’t become pregnant.

The mass psychosis is the result of Leftist propaganda and rewards of fame and status.

And, as is the aim of nearly all Leftist plans, it destroys lives, cultures and nations.

"Amy Schneider’s Winning Streak Ended After Being Asked To Name The Gender That Has Two X Chromosomes
January 27th, 2022 -

BURBANK, CA—Trans woman Amy Schneider's winning streak on Jeopardy has ended. Despite holding the record for Jeopardy’s highest-earning female contestant ever, Schneider was defeated after being confounded by the clue, ‘this gender has two X chromosomes.'

“I knew I was in trouble as soon as I saw the category of ‘Grade School Biology’,” said Schneider. “I avoided the category until the very end, as basic biology has never been my strong suit.”
Many in the audience saw the disaster coming a mile ahead. “What was Amy thinking betting so much in Final Jeopardy under that category?” said Daniele Dacus, a fan of Amy’s. “You never bet that high on such a complicated, theoretical subject, where so little of that field is understood.”

Sources claim that the host even gave a clue that ‘this is one of 2 genders’, but Amy still did not get the question correct. Amy started to answer the question by writing, “What is different and unique to each person based upon how they identify, because gender is a complex subject with no definitive answ—.” but ran out of room. Consequently, Rhone Talsma was declared the winner by writing "What is Female?"
At publishing time, Rhone Talsma has been asked to renounce his win or else be labeled a transphobic bigot for the rest of his life."

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