The worst terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center

I’ve said it for years. Glad to see that the rest of the America is finally waking up. The SPLC is the #1 domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. over the past 25 years.

The #1 domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center:
Amid that fallout, a former employee called the SPLC’s premier product—a “hate map” that plots mainstream conservative and Christian groups alongside Ku Klux Klan chapters—a “highly profitable scam,” and employees gathered to form a union.
The nightmare continues for this organization of libel and slander. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of dirt-bags.
The #1 domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today is the Southern Poverty Law Center. These fascists are destroying lives for the “crime” of not bowing to their extremist left-wing ideology…

the root of our countries issues starts there.
BTW, Did you all hear Obammy admit that demofks want government to control our lives. He said as plain as day while moaning about Trump.

Hey demofks, we don't want any government assistance in our lives. so fk off.
The #1 domestic terrorist threat in the U.S. today is in total turmoil and financial disarray, and it is glorious.
After Hamas terrorists slaughtered 1,139 people in Israel in gruesome terrorist attacks on Oct. 7, 2023, the Southern Poverty Law Center remained silent on the issue for nearly a month.

When the SPLC finally released its own statement, it condemned Hamas but also accused Israel of targeting “Palestinian civilians.” The SPLC then stealth-edited the statement after The Daily Signal drew attention to it.
Evil always turns on itself. It’s so great to see these extremists turning on each other.

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