The world's largest Muslim-majority country is a Covid time-bomb


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
I sure hope we have closed the doors to Indonesian travelers. (sarcasm)

The world’s fourth most populous country is a COVID-19 ‘time bomb’ if nothing changes​

the world’s fourth most populous country — may face massive COVID-19 outbreaks if health officials do not take immediate action, reports Reuters. Already, the country of 270 million people has one of Asia’s highest COVID-19 caseloads.

  • Experts have called Indonesia a “coronavirus time bomb,” per The Telegraph.
  • The country will face an “explosion of cases” if further measures are not taken, according to CNN.
Cases have been rising in Indonesia over the last few weeks and beginning to strain local health systems, reported ABC. Jakarta, the country’s capital, has emerged at the epicenter of the outbreak.

How bad is Indonesia’s current coronavirus outbreak?​

Thursday, Indonesia reported over 200 coronavirus deaths and almost 9,000 new infections, the highest single-day of COVID-19 cases since late February, said ABC. Last week, the country’s positivity rate was 35.8%.

  • Kudos, an area in central Java, saw cases skyrocket by 7,594% within days, said CNN. Local hospital capacity reached 90%
  • To date, Indonesia has recorded almost 1.9 million COVID-19 cases and over 52,000 fatalities, reports ABC.

"according to CNN"......then it must be true. .. :lol: :lol:
I'm going to go out on the limb here and say that Indonesia will prove them all wrong by letting natural immunity dominate The recovery rather than human tampering.

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