The World Through Arab Eyes

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Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
Most Americans US receive a highly biased accounting of how hundreds of millions of Arabs view the United States and its influence on events in Palestine. Professor Shibley Telhami has some insights into the "special relationship" between the US and Israel that the corporate media would rather ignore:

"My journey into understanding Arab hearts and minds began as the cold war ended and just as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was emerging as the perceived winner of the devastating Iraq-Iran war that dominated the 1980s.

"To be exact, it started with a trip to the region that took me to Baghdad in early June 1990, just two months before Iraq’s army invaded Kuwait.

"I had taken a leave from teaching political science at Ohio State University to serve, through a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship, as advisor to Congressman Lee Hamilton, then chair of the House Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East.

"I would tour the region that spring and summer to research a report for Hamilton on the implications of developments in the region for the global balance of power.

"The Arab governments and people I met and interviewed on that trip were clearly apprehensive about an impending era of American dominance, without the counterweight of the Soviet Union.

"To their minds, America now would be free to intensify its support for Israel, leaving Arabs still more vulnerable. Ever since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the United States had been the principal supplier of cutting-edge weapons to Israel, a substantial provider of economic aid, and Israel’s protector at the United Nations.

"Indeed, the majority of cases in which the United States employed its veto power at the UN Security Council during the cold war had related to Israel.

"The prevailing sentiment was that American support for Israel stood in the way of compelling Israel to withdraw from the Arab territories it occupied in 1967—and that in the post-cold-war era, this would be even more the case.

The World Through Arab Eyes by Shibley Telhami
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

The US took over from His Majesty after WWII in the Middle East.
His Majesty first proposed a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, a few years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets.
Today Israel buys billion$ of US weapons and the instability in the Middle East it creates with those arms helps divert billions of Arab oil dollars to bankers in London and New York. IMHO, once the global economy is no longer addicted to Arab oil, the US will dump Israel faster than South Africa a generation ago.
Most Americans US receive a highly biased accounting of how hundreds of millions of Arabs view the United States and its influence on events in Palestine. Professor Shibley Telhami has some insights into the "special relationship" between the US and Israel that the corporate media would rather ignore:

"My journey into understanding Arab hearts and minds began as the cold war ended and just as Iraq’s Saddam Hussein was emerging as the perceived winner of the devastating Iraq-Iran war that dominated the 1980s.

"To be exact, it started with a trip to the region that took me to Baghdad in early June 1990, just two months before Iraq’s army invaded Kuwait.

"I had taken a leave from teaching political science at Ohio State University to serve, through a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship, as advisor to Congressman Lee Hamilton, then chair of the House Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East.

"I would tour the region that spring and summer to research a report for Hamilton on the implications of developments in the region for the global balance of power.

"The Arab governments and people I met and interviewed on that trip were clearly apprehensive about an impending era of American dominance, without the counterweight of the Soviet Union.

"To their minds, America now would be free to intensify its support for Israel, leaving Arabs still more vulnerable. Ever since the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, the United States had been the principal supplier of cutting-edge weapons to Israel, a substantial provider of economic aid, and Israel’s protector at the United Nations.

"Indeed, the majority of cases in which the United States employed its veto power at the UN Security Council during the cold war had related to Israel.

"The prevailing sentiment was that American support for Israel stood in the way of compelling Israel to withdraw from the Arab territories it occupied in 1967—and that in the post-cold-war era, this would be even more the case.

The World Through Arab Eyes by Shibley Telhami

Telhami's OPINION piece does not support the conclusion that Americans "receive a highly biased accounting of how hundreds of millions of Arabs view the United States."
In fact, I'd say we have a clear view of how many in the Arab World view us.
That the US has so often employed our UN veto in support of Israel may be a function of the UN's obsession with Israel and the fact that the 56 nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation spends much of its time promoting anti-Israel action at the UN.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?
There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Perhaps there is more than 1 reason. Typing "why does the US support Israel" into GOOGLE will provide you with a whole day's worth of reading.
The simple answer might be that the US supports Israel because the vast majority of Americans do.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?
There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Perhaps there is more than 1 reason. Typing "why does the US support Israel" into GOOGLE will provide you with a whole day's worth of reading.
The simple answer might be that the US supports Israel because the vast majority of Americans do.

Propaganda makes the vast majority of Americans come out in support of Israel because they're too stupid to see what's really going on.
A lot like a pig being led to the trough - it won't argue because no one told it there's better food in the next room.
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One has to ask, why does America support Israel?
There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Perhaps there is more than 1 reason. Typing "why does the US support Israel" into GOOGLE will provide you with a whole day's worth of reading.
The simple answer might be that the US supports Israel because the vast majority of Americans do.

Not quite right.
Propaganda makes the vast majority of Americans come out in support of Israel because they're too stupid to see what's really going on.
A lot like a pig being led to the trough - it won't argue because no one told it there's better food in the next room.
XXXXXXX The Arabs have the best propaganda machine in the world, but Americans (unlike you ex British people who converted and are now living in Indonesia) are fully aware now that Islam is not a religion of peace, especially when the Muslims have no problems murdering other Muslims who belong to different sects. Why not tell us how nicely the Shiites and Ahmadis are treated in Southeast Asia. By the way, folks, no doubt Freddie would like to see all the non Muslims feel that the better food would be to convert to Islam just as he did. As an aside, the Ahmadi Muslims are not well treated in Freddie's country either, and they are not treated well by Muslims even in England where the call is out to kill them. In fact, the Ahmadis say that the only place they feel safe is in America. Tell us, Freddie, what do the Sunnis have against the Ahmadis? They appear to be quiet, peace-loving people.

PAKISTAN: Ahmadis killed and gravely wounded in attacks; police ask for fictional 'No Objection Certificate' to prevent Ahmadis from praying ? Asian Human Rights Commission
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America supports Israel because Israel represents American interests in a place where Americans are essentially hated. The Israel bashing that goes on here seems to always forget that little gem. By standing behind Israel THEY take most of the flak for our actions there and allow us a military presence without actually having a military presence. With Israel, we can do a lot of things without actually doing them as Israel does them for us.

All alliances on a national level are created for some mutual benefit. Israel is no different. It gives us that presence that we do not want to have to do ourselves and is FAR cheaper than setting one up ourselves.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Why did Great Britain support Poland in WW2? Israel is not perfect, but it is surrounded by thug countries. Should we abandon it just to appease them? If it wasn't for their oil, we should tell them to go pound sand.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Why did Great Britain support Poland in WW2? Israel is not perfect, but it is surrounded by thug countries. Should we abandon it just to appease them? If it wasn't for their oil, we should tell them to go pound sand.

If it was not for their oil (the Arabic countries oil), we would not be supporting Israel.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Why did Great Britain support Poland in WW2? Israel is not perfect, but it is surrounded by thug countries. Should we abandon it just to appease them? If it wasn't for their oil, we should tell them to go pound sand.

If it was not for their oil (the Arabic countries oil), we would not be supporting Israel.
Oh I don't know about that. The U.S. has plenty of its own oil. Meanwhile what everyone seems to forget is if it was not for Western know-how, those Arabs countries with oil would still be living in tents. Look at what oil has brought this family. Imagine living like he does (and then think about how many are starving to death in the Muslim world)..

Prince Alwaleed And The Curious Case Of Kingdom Holding Stock - Forbes
Why did Great Britain support Poland in WW2? Israel is not perfect, but it is surrounded by thug countries. Should we abandon it just to appease them? If it wasn't for their oil, we should tell them to go pound sand.

If it was not for their oil (the Arabic countries oil), we would not be supporting Israel.
Oh I don't know about that. The U.S. has plenty of its own oil. Meanwhile what everyone seems to forget is if it was not for Western know-how, those Arabs countries with oil would still be living in tents. Look at what oil has brought this family. Imagine living like he does (and then think about how many are starving to death in the Muslim world)..

Prince Alwaleed And The Curious Case Of Kingdom Holding Stock - Forbes

The amount of oil that we have is irrelevant. It is a global commodity therefore the oil in other nations (even those that we get no oil from at all) have very strong impacts on our economy. That is a simple fact.
Not quite right.
Propaganda makes the vast majority of Americans come out in support of Israel because they're too stupid to see what's really going on.
A lot like a pig being led to the trough - it won't argue because no one told it there's better food in the next room.

Speaking of "pigs at the trough" way back in the pre 2001 era
I did ------based on invitation----attend several mosques. The
"KHUTBAH JUMAAT" was delivered in english since the mosques
in question catered mostly to southeast asians. I have never
witnessed propagandaist filth so eagerly consumed in my life as
was the garbage strewn on the carpet during the "khutbahjumaat"'

no matter how vile the filth----not a murmur of protest----in fact--
people sitting on the floor------smiled and nodded at every vile word---
many in the presence of innocent little kids
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If it was not for their oil (the Arabic countries oil), we would not be supporting Israel.
Oh I don't know about that. The U.S. has plenty of its own oil. Meanwhile what everyone seems to forget is if it was not for Western know-how, those Arabs countries with oil would still be living in tents. Look at what oil has brought this family. Imagine living like he does (and then think about how many are starving to death in the Muslim world)..

Prince Alwaleed And The Curious Case Of Kingdom Holding Stock - Forbes

The amount of oil that we have is irrelevant. It is a global commodity therefore the oil in other nations (even those that we get no oil from at all) have very strong impacts on our economy. That is a simple fact.
I am quite aware of that. Does this mean we have to jump up and kiss the Arabs' backsides? Maybe you can tell us why the rich Arabs are using a tremendous amount of oil money on their own extravagant lifestyles and building all these expensive edificdes while their fellow Muslims in Somali are dropping dead in the roads of starvation? Not only that but they are the money men in back of the huge mosques in Europe and the Western Hemisphere plus handing out thousands and thousands of Korans (probably awaiting for people to convert to Islam). In fact, you can search way back in Google for an article entitled Quicksands of Poverty in which you will find that common Arab people in Saudi Arabia are actually hurting,
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

The US took over from His Majesty after WWII in the Middle East.
His Majesty first proposed a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, a few years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets.
Today Israel buys billion$ of US weapons and the instability in the Middle East it creates with those arms helps divert billions of Arab oil dollars to bankers in London and New York. IMHO, once the global economy is no longer addicted to Arab oil, the US will dump Israel faster than South Africa a generation ago.

This makes absolutely NO sense to me, none. I d not see how the supposedly 'Israeli-caused' instability in the ME diverts petrobillions to London & NYC. What I do see is OPEC raking in billions from the US & Europe for their oil....they don't seem to be hurting for money. But the masses of their people are destitute, and one has to wonder WHY.

If Palestinians, Arabs, or Muslims insist upon rejecting US friendship unless the US unilaterally ends our alliance with Israel - then I think they have a problem. And if the US accedes to their 'wishes' - then I know we (=US!) have a problem.

Marge---you make an excellent point which NOW AND THEN seems to pop
out among the intelligentsia of many muslim countries----some which are actually
the MOST virulently both anti-israel and anti-jew----
Long ago-----Iran was ok Iranian muslims I knew HAPPILY used EL AL --
to fly to Iran and there was a Pakistani who questioned Pakistan's continued
animosity to Israel as in "we are not arabs" but it never lasts----the more
disconnected muslim countries are from jews and Israel----the MORE
anti-semetic they become Decades ago-----the most virulently anti semetic
muslims I encountered------were from southeast asia-----specifically from areas
that had no jewish populations for centuries----like Northern India and Pakistan
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

The US took over from His Majesty after WWII in the Middle East.
His Majesty first proposed a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, a few years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets.
Today Israel buys billion$ of US weapons and the instability in the Middle East it creates with those arms helps divert billions of Arab oil dollars to bankers in London and New York. IMHO, once the global economy is no longer addicted to Arab oil, the US will dump Israel faster than South Africa a generation ago.

This makes absolutely NO sense to me, none. I d not see how the supposedly 'Israeli-caused' instability in the ME diverts petrobillions to London & NYC. What I do see is OPEC raking in billions from the US & Europe for their oil....they don't seem to be hurting for money. But the masses of their people are destitute, and one has to wonder WHY.

For the same reason tens of millions of citizens in the richest country in history are currently living below the poverty line.

"For last year, the official poverty line was an annual income of $23,021 for a family of four. By total numbers, roughly 46.2 million people remained below the poverty line, unchanged from 2010. That figure was the highest in more than half a century when records were kept. The 15 percent poverty rate was basically unchanged from 1993 and was the highest since 1983."

U.S. Poverty: Census Finds 46.2 Million Impoverished As Median Income Drops

Rich Jews, Muslims, and Christians are becoming richer primarily from arms sales, oil sales, and the laundering of illegal drug profits. Israel is ground zero of the arms trade in the Middle East, and the instability it produces in the region with US weapons affects the price of oil and how oil profits are distributed. Otherwise Israel would not exist as a Jewish state in historical Palestine.
One has to ask, why does America support Israel?

There must be a reason but what exactly is it?

Because they are the only country in the Middle East that doesn't plan terrorist attacks against us?

Because Jews don't capture Americans, and cut off their heads and broadcast it on YouTube?

Because they are the only people in the Middle East that actual do something about terrorists around them?

Because they don't whine and moan like a bunch of wussies about someone taking their lands, they just man up and defend it.

That reason enough to support them?
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The US took over from His Majesty after WWII in the Middle East.
His Majesty first proposed a Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1917, a few years after the Royal Navy switched from coal to oil to power its fleets.
Today Israel buys billion$ of US weapons and the instability in the Middle East it creates with those arms helps divert billions of Arab oil dollars to bankers in London and New York. IMHO, once the global economy is no longer addicted to Arab oil, the US will dump Israel faster than South Africa a generation ago.

This makes absolutely NO sense to me, none. I d not see how the supposedly 'Israeli-caused' instability in the ME diverts petrobillions to London & NYC. What I do see is OPEC raking in billions from the US & Europe for their oil....they don't seem to be hurting for money. But the masses of their people are destitute, and one has to wonder WHY.

For the same reason tens of millions of citizens in the richest country in history are currently living below the poverty line.

"For last year, the official poverty line was an annual income of $23,021 for a family of four. By total numbers, roughly 46.2 million people remained below the poverty line, unchanged from 2010. That figure was the highest in more than half a century when records were kept. The 15 percent poverty rate was basically unchanged from 1993 and was the highest since 1983."

U.S. Poverty: Census Finds 46.2 Million Impoverished As Median Income Drops

Rich Jews, Muslims, and Christians are becoming richer primarily from arms sales, oil sales, and the laundering of illegal drug profits. Israel is ground zero of the arms trade in the Middle East, and the instability it produces in the region with US weapons affects the price of oil and how oil profits are distributed. Otherwise Israel would not exist as a Jewish state in historical Palestine.

That's not a 'reason': it's Marxist party line, akin to typical 'conspiracy theory'. The fact is, however bad things are in the US - by ANY measure! - the situation elsewhere is far worse.

I find the 'reasoning' specious and the 'conclusions' non sequiturs. Seriously, the mantra of 'class warfare' is not the only possible explanation - but when you've only got a hammer, everything starts looking like a nail.

You appear to be suggesting that governments (arms), businesses (oil), and criminals (drugs) are all happily co-operating with one another and that that is 'the system'. I don't doubt that there's 'untoward' co-operation - but a) I do not see 'the system' as having been set up for that purpose and b) I do not think it is beneficial to 'the system'.

In short, I think your model is severely flawed, and that is why your 'conclusions' are garbage.
Israel did NOT 'create' the political instability in Egypt: decades of heavy-handed central planning and failure to provide jobs for hundreds of thousands of college graduates did that - among other INternal factors.....

Same goes for Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Libya..... In each of those nations there were injustices and inequities which Israel could not possibly have effected.

The UN-affiliated studies of 'the Arab world' have shown that there are very severe problems, and pointed out the purely INternal causes - chief of which appears to be a patriarchal 'macho' culture which severely restricts and oppresses women and stifles innovation.
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