The Whole Mueller Probe is Disgracefully Partisan and Incestuous


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Now this: Wife of demoted DOJ official worked for firm behind anti-Trump dossier.

ā€œA senior Justice Department official demoted last week for concealing his meetings with the men behind the anti-Trump ā€˜dossierā€™ had even closer ties to Fusion GPS, the firm responsible for the incendiary document, than have been disclosed, Fox News has confirmed: The officialā€™s wife worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 election.ā€
If only Trumpā€™s people hadnā€™t promised so much to Russia, and Russia worked so hard to get Trump elected, you guys wouldnā€™t even have to be thinking about this. Oh well :itsok:
ā€˜Journalism for rentā€™: Inside the secretive firm behind the Trump dossier..

ā€œThe small firm has been under intense public scrutiny for producing the 35-page document known as the Trump dossier. Senior executives summoned to testify before Congress in October invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, and the firm is resisting a congressional subpoena for bank records that would reveal who has paid for its services.ā€

The records would also reveal what journalists it was paying.

But wait, thereā€™s more:

"The firm has played an unseen role in stories that dominated headlines in recent years.

In the years before it produced the dossier, records show, Fusion worked to blunt aggressive reporting on the medical-device company Theranos, which was later found to have problems with its novel blood-testing technology. It was also hired to ward off scrutiny of the nutritional supplement company Herbalife, which ultimately paid $200 million to distributors to settle claims by regulators.

In another case, the firm sought to expose what it called ā€œslimy dealingsā€ by a competitor of a San Francisco museum proposed by filmmaker and ā€œStar Warsā€ director George Lucas. And it dug up information about domestic disputes involving a former mayor of Beverly Hills, Calif., as part of an investigation into a proposed real estate development that the mayor supported. . . .

ā€œI call it journalism for rent,ā€ Simpson, 53, said in August of last year at the Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival and Symposium in the District, where he described Fusionā€™s work on a panel titled, ā€œInvestigations With an Agenda.ā€ . . .

Fusion insists that the firm does not engage in public relations work or advertise its media connections to prospective clients. But Fusion executives have interceded with former colleagues in media when their clients came under scrutiny, records and interviews show. . . . He was candid about the money involved. Explaining why he left journalism, he joked: ā€œWe donā€™t use the word ā€˜sold out.ā€™ We use the word ā€˜cashed in.ā€™ā€‰ā€
If only Trumpā€™s people hadnā€™t promised so much to Russia, and Russia worked so hard to get Trump elected, you guys wouldnā€™t even have to be thinking about this. Oh well :itsok:
ā€˜Journalism for rentā€™: Inside the secretive firm behind the Trump dossier..

ā€œThe small firm has been under intense public scrutiny for producing the 35-page document known as the Trump dossier. Senior executives summoned to testify before Congress in October invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination, and the firm is resisting a congressional subpoena for bank records that would reveal who has paid for its services.ā€

The records would also reveal what journalists it was paying.

But wait, thereā€™s more:

"The firm has played an unseen role in stories that dominated headlines in recent years.

In the years before it produced the dossier, records show, Fusion worked to blunt aggressive reporting on the medical-device company Theranos, which was later found to have problems with its novel blood-testing technology. It was also hired to ward off scrutiny of the nutritional supplement company Herbalife, which ultimately paid $200 million to distributors to settle claims by regulators.

In another case, the firm sought to expose what it called ā€œslimy dealingsā€ by a competitor of a San Francisco museum proposed by filmmaker and ā€œStar Warsā€ director George Lucas. And it dug up information about domestic disputes involving a former mayor of Beverly Hills, Calif., as part of an investigation into a proposed real estate development that the mayor supported. . . .

ā€œI call it journalism for rent,ā€ Simpson, 53, said in August of last year at the Double Exposure Investigative Film Festival and Symposium in the District, where he described Fusionā€™s work on a panel titled, ā€œInvestigations With an Agenda.ā€ . . .

Fusion insists that the firm does not engage in public relations work or advertise its media connections to prospective clients. But Fusion executives have interceded with former colleagues in media when their clients came under scrutiny, records and interviews show. . . . He was candid about the money involved. Explaining why he left journalism, he joked: ā€œWe donā€™t use the word ā€˜sold out.ā€™ We use the word ā€˜cashed in.ā€™ā€‰ā€

Seems they are very good at their jobs. What is the problem with that?
So what? It is asinine and childish to think that people must be 100% unbiased to do their job correctly.

Trump sure is working very hard to try to discredit those investigating him. He must be very worried about what theyā€™ll find.

Casting aspersions on Mueller, Comey, the entire FBI and the DOJ, attacking the MSM every day as ā€œfake newsā€, and levelling false allegations at Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party on a daily basis makes Trump look guilty as hell.

Funny how the Clintons didnā€™t go around calling the 17 investigations against them ā€œwitch huntsā€. Nor did they call Ken Starr a partisan hack, or try to discredit the investigations against them. They just went about their business and waited for the system to clear them of wrong doing.

The last President who bitch whined about an investigation being a witch hunt, who fired those investigating him and who disparaged the media reporting on the investigation was Nixon. And he was guilty.

Coincidence? I think not.
these traitorous assholes are siding with the fucking KGB over their own country's Federal Bureau of Investigation. :cuckoo:
Incestuous, Intertwined, Connected...Conspiratorial....?

Mueller: Director of the FBI / Special Counsel
Evidence he hid evidence about Russian Crimes in 2009
Tutor of Comey
Protected Hillary From Bribery Indictment
Colluded / Worked with Obama to aid / abet Russians

Comey: Director of the FBI
ProtƩgƩ of Mueller
Wife Took Clinton Cash
Hid Russian Interference, attempts to hack Govt Officials/agencies
Protected Hillary from Indictment / Charges
Colluded / Worked with Obama to aid Russia / commit crimes against Trump
GPS Fusion / Purchase of Fake Dossier

McCabe: Deputy Director of the FBI
Wife Took Cash from Hillary
Protected Hillary from Indictment / Charges
Kicked Off Mueller's Team for Anti-Trump Communications
Delayed Testimony before Congress (not ready to do so)

Strzok: FBI Agent
Changed the language of Hillary Server final report, prevented Hillary from being charged with a crime
Agent on Mueller's team part of interview with Flynn that resulted in Flynn indictment for lying to FBI
Removed from Mueller's team in midst of an affair due to extremely biased communications with another FBI Agt already removed form Mueller's team.

Comey, Hillary, DNC, Obama all connected to the Dossier / Dossier funding / illegal use...

Evidence provided shows Hillary threatened the IG....

....and MORE...all under Obama

Bruce Ohr: of the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Forces
Ohr had met with Christopher Steele, author of the Trump dossier and also with Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS. Today Rosen has a follow-up report indicating Ohrā€™s wife actually worked for Fusion GPS during the 2016 campaign
Mueller has several folks on the payroll who are connected to Clinton and Democrats. I can't support this 'investigation.' Time to wrap it up.
Mueller has several folks on the payroll who are connected to Clinton and Democrats. I can't support this 'investigation.' Time to wrap it up.

Pretty much everyone is connected either to the Dems or to the Repubs. It would be impossible to field a team in DC of people that were not connected to one side or the other.

Being connected to one side or the other does not mean you cannot do your job correctly.
trumptards all heil their desperate naked emperor.. he is above the law, believe him! :salute:

Trump sure is working very hard to try to discredit those investigating him.

I agree.

All he has to do is just sit back and do nothing.

After a year of multiple investigations by Obama-employed, Hillary-worshipping, DNC-Donating, Clinton-employees, Liberals, and snowflakes the Democrats have NOTHING...

...while Democrats from Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey, Holder, Lynch, Clapper, Brennan, Koskinen, etc have been exposed through provided evidence to have committed a veritable plethora of crimes ranging from
Hiding crimes committed by Russia
Illegal possession, handling, transportation, destruction of classified
Aiding / Abetting Russian Crimes
Violations of both Federal Records and FOIA Acts
Leaking Classified
Illegal Unmasking
Felony Perjury
Obstruction of a Federal Investigation
Violating a Federal Subpoena
Illegal spying on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, and USSC...

and many, many more...

The media has publicly sabotaged and surrendered every ounce of credibility it has ever had, continuously retracting / correcting their fake news stories...

Mueller has had to fire 2 of his team members for (MORE) evidence his team is extremely biased and riddles with conflicts of interest - most, including him, need to be investigated by Special Counsels...

Trump is working WAY HARDER than he has to. The corrupt / criminal / fake news / seditious Liberals are destroying themselves from within....
Mueller has several folks on the payroll who are connected to Clinton and Democrats. I can't support this 'investigation.' Time to wrap it up.

Pretty much everyone is connected either to the Dems or to the Repubs. It would be impossible to field a team in DC of people that were not connected to one side or the other.

Being connected to one side or the other does not mean you cannot do your job correctly.

Anyone connected to the Clintons, should have never been allowed to take part in the investigation. Period, end of story. The investigation is compromised. Time to wrap it up.

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