The Virginia Tech Massacre, April 16th, 2007 Another Step In Removing USA Gun Rights

Howard Fineman to Democrats On Guns: 'You Gonna Do Something Now?!'
Posted by Geoffrey Dickens on April 23, 2007 - 16:28.
Newsweek's Howard Fineman's first instinct when he heard about the Virgina Tech shootings was to call up Capitol Hill and ask members for gun control legislation. On this weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show, the Newsweek reporter admitted "the first thing he did" was call the Democrats to demand: "Okay, you gonna do something now?!"

The following conversation occurred on the April 22nd edition of The Chris Matthews Show:

Chris Matthews: "Let's go to a more familiar terrain for us all: policy and politics. Just a week ago, the NRA held its national convention. Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre warned the members of the NRA that the Democratic Congress will threaten gun freedoms. Quote, this is Wayne LaPierre: 'Today, there is not one firearm owner whose freedom is secure.' Polls do show a majority of Americans now want gun access restricted. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi this week is working on a bill that would prevent gun access by the mentally ill. Congressman John Dingell of Michigan is negotiating with the NRA right now on this, to try to tighten up the laws, give states enough money so they can find people like Cho, who've been through this system, been identified, and make sure they don't buy guns. Is that gonna work?"

Howard Fineman: "I think it might. As a political reporter, of course, the first thing I did was call the Hill and find out from the Democratic leadership, 'Okay, you gonna do something now?!' And the answer I was told, bluntly by Democratic leaders on the Hill, is ‘We are not going to touch it in the macro sense, but this question-"

Matthews: "What do they mean by that? They're not going to address the Second Amendment issue?"

Fineman: "They're not, they're not going to go straight at the Second Amendment issue. If you look at the Electoral College map, you see Ohio, you see West Virginia, you see Pennsylvania, you see Wisconsin, they're not going to do it. Their whole modern mentality is built on avoiding that issue. But John Dingell, who is smart, as a Democrat and an NRA guy, is trying to draw the NRA into at least this one small incremental thing about making sure that mental health records and other state police records-"

Matthews: "Yeah."

Fineman: "-get into the Insta-Check system. What happened in Virginia is, they have Insta-Check, this guy had no criminal record. He had a mental record, which they knew nothing about. By law, they should've known about that. They should've known about it."

Matthews: "Will the Democrats pay a price for the, and I've heard this, that Hillary Clinton has made it, has assured that Dingell's, especially, John Dingell, that there's not going to be any Second Amendment issue in this upcoming campaign. They do not want this to be the fight."

Fineman: "Now, there was a dignified conversation."
Along with memories of Satanic rituals, many SRA survivors recall being subjected to programming sessions by the cult; this lead to mind control by the cult. The Los Angeles County Task Force on Ritual Abuse 2 described programming as follows:

"Mind control is the cornerstone of ritual abuse, the key element in the subjugation and silencing of its victims. Victims of ritual abuse are subjected to a rigorously applied system of mind control designed to rob them of their sense of free will and to impose upon them the will of the cult and its leaders."

Elements of mind control programming are often believed to include:
bullet A Satanic (or similar) religious cult, sometimes involved in criminal activities. Alternatively, a secret federal government agency or men's fraternal organization is involved.

The cult contains many civic leaders: local government office holders, police, judges, doctors, Christian clergy, etc. Many members attend Christian churches on Sunday and put on Satanic robes at other times. The cult needs to develop robot-like behavior in children so that when they mature, they will take over the organization of the group and continue the abuse into the next generation.

The cult tests children at a young age. Those who are have an average or low ability to dissociate are killed in ritual sacrifices; those who can readily dissociate are retained for programming.
By a highly sophisticated program of physical, emotional and sexual abuse, the children are taught to dissociate. When they are unable to handle the pain and terror, their mind drifts elsewhere to a safe place. They become able to block out the abuse. Eventually, the dissociation becomes so complete that multiple personalities are created.

These alternative personalities (or alters) are a natural defense mechanism within the brain of a child when they are confronted with more abuse than they can handle. Each alter adsorbs some of the memories of the abuse. The child will eventually have a single dominant personality which is in control most of the time, and is unaware of the programming and of the presence of the alters. However, control can be transferred to an alter for intervals of time.

These alters are programmed to perform certain specific functions. For example:

Return the survivor to the cult upon command for further abuse or programming, commit suicide if the survivor discloses information that might threaten the safety and security of the cult, disrupt therapy, through thought-stealing, mind scrambling, emotional outbursts or distancing from the therapist, burn, cut or otherwise mutilate the body, send status reports back to the cult, etc.
Neswald et al lists a number of typical ritual abuse programs. Along with alter programming, certain triggers are established that will cause a particular alter to emerge and perform their pre-programmed function. These triggers may be a word, sound, color, picture, time, date, hand sign, etc., or a combination of events.

Exorcist and fundamentalist Christian Bob Larson writes: "For example, and [sic] SRA survivor may be programmed so that every time he sees the color red a self-mutilating alter will come out and cut the body."

As part of its programming, the child is required to kill animals and/or infants, and to feel guilt for the murder. This reinforces their low self-image and feelings of hopelessness and lack of control and power.

As an adult, the survivor is unaware of the programming and SRA. They do not realize that they are suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) or Dissociative Identify Disorder (DID). Recollections of abuse are locked up in the alters' memories.

One of her alters is recalled periodically by the cult for further abuse and programming. This often occurs on "call-back" years, at ages 27, 30, 33 etc. when the survivor feels that she must either return or kill herself. She might be recalled for an entire weekend of abuse; on Monday morning her memories are a complete blank, although her physical condition would be dreadful.

A few adults are driven by emotional problems to seek therapy. Under hypnosis and other suggestive treatments, awareness of the alters and of the cult abuse and programming can emerge. Suicide ideation and successful suicides are relatively common among individuals recovering memory of SRA and of programming.
A woman named Cathy O’Brien is said to be one of the only vocal and recovered survivors of the Central Intelligence Agency’s MKULTRA Project "Monarch mind control operation".

It is an account in Cathy’s own words of what happened to her child, Kelly, again and again:

“Kelly became violently physically ill after her induction into the Satanic Sexual Abuse “Neighborhood” and from every sexual encounter she had with them thereafter. She ran 104-6 degree temperatures, vomited and endured immobilising headaches for an average of three days (as is consistent with high voltage trauma). These were the only tell-tale evidences aside from the scarring burns left on her skin. Houston forbade me to call a doctor and Kelly forbade me to comfort her pitifully complaining that her head “hurt too bad even to move.” And she did not move for hours on end. Kelly often complained of severe kidney pain, and her rectum usually bled for a day or two after she had been sexually abused. My own mind-control victimisation rendered me unable to help or protect her. Seeing my child in such horrible condition drove my own wedge of insanity in deeper perpetuating my total inability to affect her needs until our rescue by Mark Phillips in 1988.

“Kelly’s bleeding rectum was but one of many physical indicators of paedophile perversions. I have overheard people speak blatantly of their sexual abuse of her on many occasions. They used this and threats to her life to ‘pull my strings’ and control me. The psychological ramifications of being raped by a paedophile Stamost are mind-shattering enough, but reportedly they further reinforced their traumas to Kelly’s mind with sophisticated NASA electronic and drug mind-control devices. They also instilled the ‘Who ya gonna call?’ and ‘I’ll be watching you’ binds on Kelly, further reinforcing her sense of helplessness. The systematic tortures and traumas I endured as a child now seem trite in comparison to the brutal physical and psychological devastation that the Satanists inflicted on my daughter”
Their stories are so fantastic that few believe them and they are frightened of going to the police because they know that the Satanic network includes top police officers, judges, civil servants, media people, politicians, and many others who control our “free” society. Questions like “Who are you going to tell” and “Where are you going to run are used to break the spirit of people. Their sense of hopelessness makes them think there is nothing they can do to seek justice, so they give up and stop trying.

Also, as so many of them have said, they are drugged and programmed to take part themselves in the ritual murder and torture of other children. This is videoed and played to them when they are back in a conscious state. They are so horrified at what they have done and so terrified of the consequences that they dare not speak to the authorities.

The stories of the people I’ve talked to and the accounts of others I have read tell of events that are beyond comprehension, or, at least, they would be if they were not actually happening. Drinking blood, eating the flesh of dead bodies, thousands of adults and children buried in deep graves, the murder of people on camera for the so called “snuff” videos, the story is just appalling.
One mother told a television documentary in the Dispatches series on Channel Four in Britain of how she was forced to place her new born baby on a Satanic altar and push a knife through its heart. A Satanist then had sex with the baby’s dead body. This is happening in your country now!

The Cult of the All Seeing Eye can continue with its global dictatorship in all its grotesque forms because many people don't want to be bothered about what is going on in the World and who is trying to control their lives and those of their children. They are so pressured by debt and fear that they keep their heads down and their eyes closed; or they are more concerned about the price of beer, the latest “scandal” on the television soaps, or how their soccer team is doing.

Michael Aquino, the All Seeing Eye representative at the heart of the US Government’s psychological warfare against its own population, once told Cathy O’Brien: “95% of the people want to be led by the other 5% and the 95% do not want to know what is really going on in government”. How sad that this is actually true.''
It's easy to run like scared little children. then to face the horrors of what really is happening in life, but we have to face it, because one day, it might be your child that gets abducted.
More recently, new evidence points to the continuous use of so-called trauma-based programming techniques to accomplish the same goal. This includes the deliberate induction in involuntary human subjects - in essence, human guinea pigs.

Here are the characteristics of someone who has (DID) Dissociative Identity Disorder whether they developed it on their own or whether it was induced into them through fear or brainwashing.

The psychiatrists' bible, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV, p. 487), characterises it by:

A. The presence of two or more distinct personality states;

B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behaviour;

C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness;

D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.

No matter what name is assigned to the problem, however, to create this condition by conscious intent is an atrocity so depraved that trauma-based mind-control programming remains the de facto Secret Holocaust of the 20th century. Known as the Monarch Project, it has been verified and corroborated by numerous survivors like Cathy O'Brien, author of TranceFormation of America, Brice Taylor, author of Starshine, and K. Sullivan, author of MK.

The Franklin Cover-up, attorney John W. DeCamp's groundbreaking book about high-level pedophilia, also describes the sordid details of Monarch. "Drugs are not the deepest level of government-sponsored evil," he writes. "I think the lowest level of Hell is reserved for those who conjured up and carried out the 'Monarch Project'. 'Monarch' refers to young people in America who were victims of mind-control experiments run either by US government agencies such as CIA or military intelligence agencies."
DeCamp's client, Monarch abuse survivor Paul Bonacci, has a story which parallels the victimology of O'Brien, Taylor and Sullivan - an extensive cross-corroboration of perpetrators and their methodology. It's simply "the production of a horde of children in whom the soul is crushed, who would spy, whore, kill and commit suicide", in the words of investigative reporter Anton Chaitkin, quoted by DeCamp in his book.

Recovering Monarch victims speak of ongoing trauma through "ritual abuse", also known as "satanic ritual abuse" because of the identifiable iconography of a belief structure associated with Satanism or Luciferianism. By using drugs, hypnosis, torture and electroshock, the Monarch criminal perpetrators have produced new and succeeding generations of victims.

This is not science fiction, but science fact. DID involves the creation of personality "alters": alternative personalities or personality fragments which can be used for specific tasks - usually for illegal activities like delivering drugs or other black-market activities (mules), messages (couriers) or killings (assassins). These alters, or soul fragments, are segregated and compartmentalised within the victim's mind by the repeated use of stun guns, drugs and hypnosis, which isolates the memories of their experiences.

An alter can be accessed by anyone who knows the "codes" or "triggers". These triggers, which induce an altered or trance state in a programmed victim, can be anything including telephone tones, nursery rhymes, dialogue from certain movies or hand signals.
According to Springmeier and Wheeler, whose 468-page book has become a reference in the field, "...the basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called 'alters' can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas form a protective shield of secrecy that prevents the abusers from being found out and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their system of alters is being used."

''The mind-control programming, however, has not worked according to plan. In fact, the perpetrators, in their arrogance and hubris, never dreamed that their methods could fail. The retrieval of survivors' photographic-like memories of actual abuse incidents, including images, sounds and smells, constitutes a major exposure of human rights abuses. These victims bear witness to the secret atrocities of the so-called New World Order.''
Deadly accuracy, disturbing revelations suggest outside involvement in VA Massacre, cocktail of brainwashing from prozac, violent video games contributed to carnage:

Seung-Hui Cho was a mind-controlled assassin, whether you believe he was under the influence of outside parties or not, the fact is that the cultural brainwashing of violent video games and psychotropic drugs directly contributed, as it does in all these cases, to the carnage at Virginia Tech on Monday morning.

Gun grabbers are already exploiting the tragedy to disarm future students from the opportunity of being able to defend themselves against deranged killers, but the media circus is completely silent when it comes to the laying blame at the feet of a deadly cocktail of mind-warping drugs and bloodthirsty shoot-em-ups.

Outside of the obvious culpability of the factors we see in every mass shooting - video games and "antidepressant" drugs, numerous red flags concerning The Virginia Tech events are beginning to suggest that Cho was more than a heartbroken nutcase with an axe to grind.

Charles Mesloh, Professor of Criminology at Florida Gulf Coast University, told NBC 2 News that he was shocked Cho could have killed 32 people with two handguns absent expert training. Mesloh immediately assumed that Cho must have used a shotgun or an assault rifle.

"I'm dumbfounded by the number of people he managed to kill with these weapons," said Mesloh, "The only thing I can figure is that he got close to them and he simply executed them."

Mesloh said the killer performed like a trained professional, "He had a 60% fatality rate with handguns - that's unheard of given 9 millimeters don't kill people instantly," said Mesloh, stating that the handguns Cho used were designed for "plinking at cans," not executing human beings.

Cho was certainly no slouch, in the two hour gap between the first reported shootings and the wider rampage that would occur later in the morning, during which time the University completely failed to warn the students despite having loudspeakers stationed throughout the campus, Cho had time to film a confession video, transfer it to his computer, burn it onto a DVD, package it up, travel to the post office, post the package, and travel back to his dorm room to retrieve his guns and then travel back to the opposite end of the campus to resume the killing spree. The almost inconceivable speed of Cho's actions become more suspicious when we recall initial reports that there were two shooters.
The cultural mind control of certain violent video games and mind-altering psychotropic drugs were themselves a cocktail of brainwashing that directly contributed to the carnage, as they do in nearly all these cases.

From the very first reports of the shootings we predicted the killer would be on prozac, would have recently been in psychiatric care and would have regularly played violent video games and that has precisely turned out to be accurate in all three instances.

"Several Korean youths who knew Cho Seung Hui from his high school days said he was a fan of violent video games, particularly a game called "Counterstrike," a hugely popular online game in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns," reports Newsmax citing the Washington Post.

"In December 2005 -- more than a year before Monday's mass shootings -- a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented "an imminent danger to self or others." That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care," reports ABC News, " but despite the court identifying the future killer as a risk, they let him go.

Investigators believe that Cho Seung Hui, the Virginia Tech murderer, had been taking anti-depressant medication at some point before the shootings, according to The Chicago Tribune.
Columbine shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, as well as 15-year-old Kip Kinkel, the Oregon killer who gunned down his parents and classmates, were all on psychotropic drugs. Scientific studies proving that prozac encourages suicidal tendencies in young people are voluminous and span back nearly a decade.

Jeff Weise, the Red Lake High School killer was on prozac, "Unabomber" Ted Kaczinski, Michael McDermott, John Hinckley, Jr., Byran Uyesugi, Mark David Chapman and Charles Carl Roberts IV, the Amish school killer, were all on SSRI psychotropic drugs.

Since these deadly drugs are prevalent in almost all mass shooting incidents, where is the call to ban prozac? Why is the knee-jerk reaction always to attack the 2nd Amendment rights of Americans to self-defense, a right that was exercised in January 2002 when students subdued a shooter at another Virginia university before he could kill more than three people because they were allowed guns on campus?

Why are the deeper reasons behind what motivates young men to kill pushed aside while control freaks demand that law-abiding citizens be disarmed of the only thing that can protect them from such madmen?
Questions about the sequence of events during the VA Tech killings, as well as the profile of the killer are arousing increased suspicion.

There have been numerous calls and e mails alerting us to the fact that VA Tech is pulling links from its website concerning their relationship with the CIA. Reports from November 2005 confirm that the CIA was active in operating recruitment programs based out of VA Tech. Several professors from VA Tech are involved in government programs linked with NASA and other agencies.

Wikipedia also pulled a bizarre recently taken photograph of Cho wearing a U.S. Marines uniform.


Not only does this show that Cho had a friend (counter to what the Media would have us believe), but it also provides evidence that Cho was not the reclusive freak that people are trying to paint him out to be.

Such details only fan the flames of accusations that Cho could have been a Manchurian Candidate, a mind-controlled assassin.
The CIA's program to create mind-controlled assassins that could be triggered by code words, MK ULTRA, is not a conspiracy theory, it's a historical fact documented by declassified government files and Senate hearings. President Bill Clinton himself had to apologize for the program before he left office.

On the Senate floor in 1977, Senator Ted Kennedy said, "The Deputy Director of the CIA revealed that over thirty universities and institutions were involved in an 'extensive testing and experimentation' program which included covert drug tests on unwitting citizens 'at all social levels, high and low, native Americans and foreign."

One such victim of these experiments was Cathy O'Brien, who immediately after the shootings re-iterated the revelations in her latest book, that Blacksburg Virginia is a central location for mind control programs that are still ongoing today.
CIA mind control programs can be tracked back to the 1950's and Project BLUEBIRD, later renamed ARTICHOKE. From blogger Kurt Nimmo;

“BLUEBIRD was approved by the CIA director on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE included a great deal of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers, and the Manchurian Candidate,” writes Colin A. Ross, MD. “ARTICHOKE documents prove that hypnotic couriers functioned effectively in real-life simulations conducted by the CIA in the early 1950’s. The degree to which such individuals were used in actual operations is still classified…. BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE were administered in a compartmented fashion. The details of the programs were kept secret even form other personnel within the CIA…. The BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE materials establish conclusively that full Manchurian Candidates were created and tested successfully by physicians with TOP SECRET clearance from the CIA…. As well as being potential couriers and infiltration agents, the subjects could function in effect as hypnotically controlled cameras. They could enter a room or building, memorize materials quickly, leave the building, and then be amnesic for the entire episode. The memorized material could then be retrieved by a handler using a previously implanted code or signal, without the amnesia being disturbed. Hypnosis was not the mind control doctors’ only method for creation of controlled amnesia, however. Drugs, magnetic fields, sound waves, sleep deprivation, solitary confinement, and many other methods were studied under BLUEBIRD and ARTHICHOKE.”
Researchers into supposed "lone nut" assassinations time and time again run across evidence pointing to CIA mind control experimentation. The best example is Sirhan Sirhan, Bobby Kennedy's assassin. Sirhan was found to be in a completely trance-like state after pulling the trigger and couldn't even remember shooting Kennedy when asked about the incident days later. Sirhan's lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, has presented convincing evidence that Sirhan was under mind control.

Either way you cut it, Seung-Hui Cho was a victim of brainwashing and mind control. The right questions are not being asked and the finger of blame is being pointed in the wrong direction, ensuring that another tragedy like the VA Tech Massacre is almost guaranteed.

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