The view from LONDON...democracy doesnt work in the US.

I wonder what percentage of males cut or shave their pubic hair....

I would also like a breakdown of these figures in jesus freak regions of the united states of terrorism.

I would also like to know the motivation behind each cut and shave.




Well you're European, you should know more about body hair than the rest of us. So why are you asking any of us?
Actually, not having to shave some of the bodily hairs and still getting dates is quite nice, saves time to say the least.
I actually think the "male-body-hair-shaving" is a feminist conspiracy to make men spend more time in the bathroom.

Best (loony) wishes,


Besides that, East Germany decisivly beats the UK in Atheism, however Buddhism is quite on the rise and may soon eclipse catholocism.
I'm not going to buy the no religion in Europe thing Michael. What about the ABC tour of Europe ("Another Bloody Cathedral"). :lol:

But seriously, while I agree the UK isn't a religious nation in the sense that the US is a religious nation, religion is still important there. I mean, even the parliament won't kick off without prayers. Granted, after praying they then proceed to kick the shit out of each other, but nevertheless they do pray for guidance.

I spent the first part of my life and my schooling in the UK. I went to a couple of Catholic schools and a LCC (as it then was) comprehensive school. I couldn't go to the religious assemblies and I couldn't attend religious instruction lessons, all of which happened at the school. I don't know if that's still the case, I'm talking quite some years ago, but that's how it was.
I'm not going to buy the no religion in Europe thing Michael. What about the ABC tour of Europe ("Another Bloody Cathedral"). :lol:

But seriously, while I agree the UK isn't a religious nation in the sense that the US is a religious nation, religion is still important there. I mean, even the parliament won't kick off without prayers. Granted, after praying they then proceed to kick the shit out of each other, but nevertheless they do pray for guidance.

I spent the first part of my life and my schooling in the UK. I went to a couple of Catholic schools and a LCC (as it then was) comprehensive school. I couldn't go to the religious assemblies and I couldn't attend religious instruction lessons, all of which happened at the school. I don't know if that's still the case, I'm talking quite some years ago, but that's how it was.
i'm begining to think michael is a poser

You think that the iraqi mothers and orphans are laughing at the US terrorism given free reign by religious extremism in the US?

Religious fundamentalism in the US is the single biggest scourge of the modern world. The single biggest threat to peace in the world today.

get your facts straight limey. we're not in Iraq for religious reasons; we're there for oil.

if you're going to be an idiot you might as well whine about something more credible than American religious fundamentalism.
I wonder what percentage of males cut or shave their pubic hair....

I would also like a breakdown of these figures in jesus freak regions of the united states of terrorism.

I would also like to know the motivation behind each cut and shave.




I guess you really are a homo. i had my suspicions but you just confirmed it.

there are a lot of things to wonder about in this world but male pubic grooming has never crossed my mind.

it's OK to be gay you know, you don't have to take out your repressed anger on us here.
Having you back is fun, silly. You're such a passionate guy.

Is that a marriage proposal?

What exactly am i back from?

You think that I am some former poster?

May I assure you that you are utterly mistaken.

I am a new member and I will not tolerate terrorism from they wearing a stetson or a long flowy robe.
Not at all.

Do you know what the greatest threat to world peace today is?

I don't know, but I'll take a guess...the thirty or fourty places at war with their neighbors or having civil wars right now, perhaps?

It is religious fundamentalism in the US.

No, that's just the greatest threat to the American way of life.

It is so warped and bizarre... that a supposed first world nation harbours so many stone age freaks.

Rock of ages freaks would be the more accurate metaphor, I think.

It is EXTREMELY dangerous... just ask the 100,000 plus Iraqi women and children massacred..because these nuts gave a free licence to BUSHTEAM>.

Dead Iraqis tell no tales, sport.

The tragic irony is that BUSHTEAM invented this fictional islamic fundamentalism... when everyone is realising now just how sick that was.....that it is the christian nuts in the US who are the real terrorists and threat to the world.

The Bush team invented Islamic fundamentalism?

I had no idea the Bush team was anywhere near that old, or that they had Mohammad on their team since the mid 8th century, either.

You know there so many REAL complaints one could field about the Bushites, Michael.

Making up goofy complaints about them, making up complaints that aren't credible just doesn't seem like it's worthy of your time.

That there are Islamic extremists who seek to overthrow governments in the Islamic world, and who seek to destroy the hegemony of the West? That seems fairly apparent to most of us, regardless of our political bent.

That Bush uses those radical extrmeists to push through his agenda, also obvious to many of us.

What is not obvious (because it simply is not true) is that Islamic fundamentalism is the invention of the neo-cons.

I think, at worse, the problem is calling what those people believe in Islamic fundamentalism.

It's not fundamentalism, it's the same old Islamacism we've known and loved for centuries writ large.

This clash of Islam with the West is nothing new.

It basically went on from the mid 8th century until the 18th century, and died down for a while when the West began expanding its influence throughout the world and the Ottoman empire's powers waned.

But ever since 1917 when the West betrayed the Arabs, it's been reviving, and now, fueled with the cash that come from oil, it's on the rebound and seeking to get the West entirely out of favor with the Arab world.

The Arab brotherhood, an organization which has been around since the early 20th century has been out there attempting to unite the Arab Islamic world all along.

This latest development, that one we are now calling Islamic Fundamentalism is just the latest act in a play that's been on the world stage for a long, long time.
I don't know, but I'll take a guess...the thirty or fourty places at war with their neighbors or having civil wars right now, perhaps?

No, that's just the greatest threat to the American way of life.

Rock of ages freaks would be the more accurate metaphor, I think.

Dead Iraqis tell no tales, sport.

The Bush team invented Islamic fundamentalism?

I had no idea the Bush team was anywhere near that old, or that they had Mohammad on their team since the mid 8th century, either.

You know there so many REAL complaints one could field about the Bushites, Michael.

Making up goofy complaints about them, making up complaints that aren't credible just doesn't seem like it's worthy of your time.

That there are Islamic extremists who seek to overthrow governments in the Islamic world, and who seek to destroy the hegemony of the West? That seems fairly apparent to most of us, regardless of our political bent.

That Bush uses those radical extrmeists to push through his agenda, also obvious to many of us.

What is not obvious (because it simply is not true) is that Islamic fundamentalism is the invention of the neo-cons.

I think, at worse, the problem is calling what those people believe in Islamic fundamentalism.

It's not fundamentalism, it's the same old Islamacism we've known and loved for centuries writ large.

This clash of Islam with the West is nothing new.

It basically went on from the mid 8th century until the 18th century, and died down for a while when the West began expanding its influence throughout the world and the Ottoman empire's powers waned.

But ever since 1917 when the West betrayed the Arabs, it's been reviving, and now, fueled with the cash that come from oil, it's on the rebound and seeking to get the West entirely out of favor with the Arab world.

The Arab brotherhood, an organization which has been around since the early 20th century has been out there attempting to unite the Arab Islamic world all along.

This latest development, that one we are now calling Islamic Fundamentalism is just the latest act in a play that's been on the world stage for a long, long time.

Islamic fundamentalism is a minor phenomena.... exaggerated 1000000x by BUSHTEAM... to scare thick americans and to push through their agenda.

They have however subsequently tried their hardest to encourage muslims to rise up and oppose attrocities committed by US terrorists in Iraq.

BUSHEAM NEED AN ENEMY... so yes they invented and nurtured one.
I am curious where Gordon Brown stands on US foreign policy. Is he part of the conspiracy?
Rock of ages freaks would be the more accurate metaphor, I think.

The view from London and perhaps most of Europe is that the US is split right down the middle.

The US is a dichotomy in many areas... most notably... it has an educated minority and a vast swathe of uneducated masses in the midwest and south.

Generally speaking, am i correct in assuming that the Democrat voters tend to be educated and reasonable and the Republican voters tend to be brainwashed religious nuts who are very easily such inventions as the "war on terror" (only believed in the US)....ohhhh be very afraid of the big bad terrorist..only a backward simpleton like GW can protect you!

Has it not come to a stage now ...where in a country that a substantial number of people believe in creationism...adam and steve etc and the world is 6000 years old.. that selective democracy should be enforced?

ie.. thick americans should not be allowed to vote. It was this way years ago and also in third world countries...and surely any country that has religion is third world? especially this evangelical stone age nonsense. Thick americans must be denied the vote.

After all this thick mass of religious nuts was created so that the repulicans could get into power....create fear ... and justify a huge industrial war machine from which they could personally become billionaires.

Islamic fundamentalism is a minor phenomena.... exaggerated 1000000x by BUSHTEAM... to scare thick americans and to push through their agenda.

They have however subsequently tried their hardest to encourage muslims to rise up and oppose attrocities committed by US terrorists in Iraq.

BUSHEAM NEED AN ENEMY... so yes they invented and nurtured one.

Your view of America, coming from someone in America who is an pretty much all correct.

Intelligence= The average IQ for the nation is below 98. Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, actually have lower average IQ scores than some third world nations.

Religion= 79.5% of the nation follows some form of Christianity, another 5% other religious origins.

Leadership= 43 white male presidents in a row. Of which only 1 was not affiliated with some branch of Christian umbrella belief system. (JFK-catholic)

Money=Average housholds make 46 thousand a year, married couples make almost 70 thousand a year. Sept, as a whole we spend far more than we make which falls under the category of thick headeness too (housing market, fuel innefficient vehicles, volatile jobs) We spend our money on really stupid things. (we do work hard though)

Television=Out of all countrys, by far we watch the most television. Usually some form of reality show, or intelligence sucking entertainment. Average american spends 4 hours a day watching television.

The best thing about Americans though, is they are free. Free to watch TV, spend money, worship the great cosmic teapot in the sky, Be gay, Say whatever, own whatever, drive whatever and ofcourse, the opportunity to be whatever you want......Although alot of baggage comes along with freedom, for the minority of Americans (myself) who are thriving, learning as much as possible, accepting everyones lifestyle, not wasting time with bibles, not wasting sundays on gibberish, not overspending, not driving hummers, not using weapons because I can, not killing for sport, not wanting to go to war, forgiving those who hate us.....For some of us, freedom outweighs any thickheaded-ness that may come along with it. We learn to live with the great apes of the nation so that we may become something greater.
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The view from London and perhaps most of Europe is that the US is split right down the middle.

The US is a dichotomy in many areas... most notably... it has an educated minority and a vast swathe of uneducated masses in the midwest and south.

Generally speaking, am i correct in assuming that the Democrat voters tend to be educated and reasonable and the Republican voters tend to be brainwashed religious nuts who are very easily such inventions as the "war on terror" (only believed in the US)....ohhhh be very afraid of the big bad terrorist..only a backward simpleton like GW can protect you!

Has it not come to a stage now ...where in a country that a substantial number of people believe in creationism...adam and steve etc and the world is 6000 years old.. that selective democracy should be enforced?

ie.. thick americans should not be allowed to vote. It was this way years ago and also in third world countries...and surely any country that has religion is third world? especially this evangelical stone age nonsense. Thick americans must be denied the vote.

After all this thick mass of religious nuts was created so that the repulicans could get into power....create fear ... and justify a huge industrial war machine from which they could personally become billionaires.

Actually your demographic is almost totally backwards.

1) The vast majority of democratic voters are the uneducated, unskilled working poor or poorly educated union and hourly wage earners, who vote for anyone they feel will give them handouts.

The rest are either,

2) Intellectual elite, most academians with advanced degrees that live in the bubble world of the theoretical

3) The super wealthy who are on a guilt trip.

Republicans are actually mostly educated with two and four year degrees. They tend to be entrepenuers, small businessmen, and corporate salaried workers in the professions, like accounting, IT, legal, management. The day of the right wing evangelical movement as a political force pretty much died in the 1980's after Reagan. they are not much more than a fringe group now.

The large denomination in the country is Catholic and that group leans Democratic.
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Your view of America, coming from someone in America who is an pretty much all correct.

Intelligence= The average IQ for the nation is below 98. Utah, Mississippi, Alabama, actually have lower average IQ scores than some third world nations.

Religion= 79.5% of the nation follows some form of Christianity, another 5% other religious origins.

Leadership= 43 white male presidents in a row. Of which only 1 was not affiliated with some branch of Christian umbrella belief system. (JFK-catholic)

Money=Average housholds make 46 thousand a year, married couples make almost 70 thousand a year. Sept, as a whole we spend far more than we make which falls under the category of thick headeness too (housing market, fuel innefficient vehicles, volatile jobs) We spend our money on really stupid things. (we do work hard though)

Television=Out of all countrys, by far we watch the most television. Usually some form of reality show, or intelligence sucking entertainment. Average american spends 4 hours a day watching television.

The best thing about Americans though, is they are free. Free to watch TV, spend money, worship the great cosmic teapot in the sky, Be gay, Say whatever, own whatever, drive whatever and ofcourse, the opportunity to be whatever you want......Although alot of baggage comes along with freedom, for the minority of Americans (myself) who are thriving, learning as much as possible, accepting everyones lifestyle, not wasting time with bibles, not wasting sundays on gibberish, not overspending, not driving hummers, not using weapons because I can, not killing for sport, not wanting to go to war, forgiving those who hate us.....For some of us, freedom outweighs any thickheaded-ness that may come along with it. We learn to live with the great apes of the nation so that we may become something greater.

I never understand when americans chant this mantra? You were making so much sense up until this.... and now i am worried that you too have become part of this brainwashed.... "we are free.. .the greatest nation on earth nonsense".

I never hear brits or Irish or germans or italians or swedes or icelanders or swiss or austrians or australians or danes or norwegians or belgians or spanish or any of virtually any other country... of which all our much freer and democratic than the US...chant this weird mantra....

Are all americans somehow under the impression that they are the only free nation on earth? Is it because none of you have ever travelled and so dont see that most countries are much freer and more prosperous than you?
Try to start a small business in those countries. The mass of government red-tape, labor laws and such make it virtually impossible to start up businesses of any size. As a business owner, it is my money that makes the business possible and should be able to hire and FIRE at WILL. I take all the risk so I get to make the rules. That's how it works here but not in most of Europe. The inability to fire and lay off workers in Europe means they don't hire which is why Europe's unemployment rate is almost always DOUBLE than in America. We are FREE here to run our businesses pretty much as we see fit. And we are FREE to carry guns and do quite a few things that are highly restricted in Europe. And we get to keep a lot more of what we earn here. Marginal tax rates approach 90% in some of those countries.

And most of those countries are smaller than a lot of our states.....have relatively homogeneous populations, and lack many of the social problems having such a large and diverse population causes.
Try to start a small business in those countries. The mass of government red-tape, labor laws and such make it virtually impossible to start up businesses of any size. As a business owner, it is my money that makes the business possible and should be able to hire and FIRE at WILL. I take all the risk so I get to make the rules. That's how it works here but not in most of Europe. The inability to fire and lay off workers in Europe means they don't hire which is why Europe's unemployment rate is almost always DOUBLE than in America. We are FREE here to run our businesses pretty much as we see fit. And we are FREE to carry guns and do quite a few things that are highly restricted in Europe. And we get to keep a lot more of what we earn here. Marginal tax rates approach 90% in some of those countries.

And most of those countries are smaller than a lot of our states.....have relatively homogeneous populations, and lack many of the social problems having such a large and diverse population causes.

Reasonably well argued.. you do make some good points....regarding employment law and business practice.. however...unemployment being higher in Europe??? are you sure? Besides this is not what is meant... in the churned out mantra..... we are free.........

UK has a very similar system to the US and is by far the sick man of terms of healthcare, education, crime, social unrest.

The majority of european nations have a much higher stanadard of living than the US... but i agree, this is probably because they are smaller and easier to manage... but salaries, holidays, healthcare, education make the US look positively third world... so I would rather have a touch more government interference for the paybacks..which are MASSIVE.

free to own a gun? No one wants to own a gun if Europe... apart from the criminals and the nuts... .why would anyone want to own a gun? very bizarre.

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