The vetting of National Guard troops in Washington is very similar to hitler demanding loyalty oaths from his military


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
940 has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Redirect Notice

The Vetting Process is to make sure that we don't have any Party of the Rump Taliban being sent. The test is the oath. Fail that and you are finished in the Military. We already know that some Cops and a few Active Duty Military did fail that oath on Jan 6th. They aren't told to overthrow the Government. They are there to protect the legally elected Government. But you Party of the Rump Taliban/ISIS can't understand that since your loyalty isn't for the Nation but for your Clown Leader. The oath of allegiance to your Orange Individual 1 has been successful but any and all oaths to America you have failed at. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Redirect Notice

The Vetting Process is to make sure that we don't have any Party of the Rump Taliban being sent. The test is the oath. Fail that and you are finished in the Military. We already know that some Cops and a few Active Duty Military did fail that oath on Jan 6th. They aren't told to overthrow the Government. They are there to protect the legally elected Government. But you Party of the Rump Taliban/ISIS can't understand that since your loyalty isn't for the Nation but for your Clown Leader. The oath of allegiance to your Orange Individual 1 has been successful but any and all oaths to America you have failed at.
They all swore an oath to protect the Constitution. No other “loayalty” oath has ever been required.

Obviously soldiers that swore an oath to protect the Constitution terrify Biden and his handlers. I wonder why.
Jewish con artists like Representative (of Israel) Cohen and assorted low IQ blacks and browns in Congress and elsewhere promoting this Europhobism need to be reprimanded. Obviously voting them out is impossible since we know voter fraud is never going to be eradicated. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Redirect Notice

The Vetting Process is to make sure that we don't have any Party of the Rump Taliban being sent. The test is the oath. Fail that and you are finished in the Military. We already know that some Cops and a few Active Duty Military did fail that oath on Jan 6th. They aren't told to overthrow the Government. They are there to protect the legally elected Government. But you Party of the Rump Taliban/ISIS can't understand that since your loyalty isn't for the Nation but for your Clown Leader. The oath of allegiance to your Orange Individual 1 has been successful but any and all oaths to America you have failed at.
They all swore an oath to protect the Constitution. No other “loayalty” oath has ever been required.

Obviously soldiers that swore an oath to protect the Constitution terrify Biden and his handlers. I wonder why.

Just keep making shit up, Achmed. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Redirect Notice

The Vetting Process is to make sure that we don't have any Party of the Rump Taliban being sent. The test is the oath. Fail that and you are finished in the Military. We already know that some Cops and a few Active Duty Military did fail that oath on Jan 6th. They aren't told to overthrow the Government. They are there to protect the legally elected Government. But you Party of the Rump Taliban/ISIS can't understand that since your loyalty isn't for the Nation but for your Clown Leader. The oath of allegiance to your Orange Individual 1 has been successful but any and all oaths to America you have failed at.
It still isn't sinking into your head----------what the biden regime is doing is fascist. And two, sure seems like most everyone supported trump----still. Biden still has few supporters-----ergo there is no way he won an election.
The next four years would be hilarious if I haven’t lived eight years of this shit when Obama was President...

Fact is they have to be vetted and you are upset that someone like you will not be allowed to pull off some terrorist act while Biden is sworn in...

You STILL don’t get it. Yes, the Democrats twisted the process in their favor. They pushed mail-in ballots under the guise of protecting people from COVID, despite these same folks going to the grocery stores, etc. They knew mail-in balloting was ripe for fraud and difficult to prove in a court of law. Now they are vetting the military to make sure they are on the “good side”. guys are so lost. It is quite sad. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

Redirect Notice
sounds more like similar to entnazifizierung.

maybe russia should swoop in and claim all the intelligent trumplings in an operation called paperclip.

oh wait, there is no one to claim.

You STILL don’t get it. Yes, the Democrats twisted the process in their favor. They pushed mail-in ballots under the guise of protecting people from COVID, despite these same folks going to the grocery stores, etc. They knew mail-in balloting was ripe for fraud and difficult to prove in a court of law. Now they are vetting the military to make sure they are on the “good side”. guys are so lost. It is quite sad.
And you fully ignore my post. Understandable. Sad. has been pointed out to you many times....the leftwingers are taking steps to foist a totalitarian system of government on America.

What can we do? What is the best way to resist this democratic attack on the American way of Life?

When I was in the Illinois National Guard in the 1980's, we had these guys who were members of a small Communist Cult at UIC who were in my Battalion. So I'd run into these assholes on drill and then run into them again on Campus passing out literature. I don't think any of them actually attended any classes.

So I pointed this out to some of my superiors, and they were like 'Meh, no big deal". The Guard was more interested in keeping a headcount than worrying about whether or not these guys might shoot their officers in the back.

They finally threw these fools out when they showed up in uniform in another state when the Michigan Guard was called out to keep order during a labor strike. (Yeah, kind of stupid to show up with your unit patch and names on your uniforms.)

So, um, yeah, probably a good idea to vet the guardsmen, if we had time to do it effectively, before deploying them to a hot zone. The problem is, of course, we really don't have time to do that.
You STILL don’t get it. Yes, the Democrats twisted the process in their favor. They pushed mail-in ballots under the guise of protecting people from COVID, despite these same folks going to the grocery stores, etc. They knew mail-in balloting was ripe for fraud and difficult to prove in a court of law. Now they are vetting the military to make sure they are on the “good side”. guys are so lost. It is quite sad.

Both sides twisted the process in their favor. Republicans in Red States purged voter rolls, slowed down mail delivery, etc., rewrote the laws to make it harder for ex-felons to vote after the voters in Florida restored their voting rights.

As for the guard, they aren't going to check the SOcial Media feeds of 23,000 guardsmen to see which ones are MAGA nuts. They should. They just don't have time.

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