The Vagina Monologues


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
What a crock of crappola!

One of the most interesting monologues was “The Little Coochi Snorcher that Could.” The individual giving the monologue went on for several minutes, describing all of the awful things that happened to her privates as a child, until she finally couldn’t bear to remember that she even had a vagina.

However, when she was sixteen, she met a successful 24-year-old business woman who took her in and had her spend the night. “She makes me play with myself in front of her,” goes the story. By having sex with the minor, the woman demonstrated to this child that she should not be ashamed of her body, but should embrace who she is.

The reporters who covered this event couldn't help but wonder: if the older individual had been male, would the audience have been so delighted at the story?

That has to be on the top 10 list of stupidest things I've ever heard. The whole thing is stupid and most woman I know think it is too.
Originally posted by krisy
That has to be on the top 10 list of stupidest things I've ever heard. The whole thing is stupid and most woman I know think it is too.

I AGREE!:clap1:
Vagina monologues.

Hmmm. Perhaps I need to get out more, but I've never heard one of those critters talk.

Although I have heard of one that was so big that it produced an echo.
Originally posted by Merlin1047
Vagina monologues.

Hmmm. Perhaps I need to get out more, but I've never heard one of those critters talk.

Although I have heard of one that was so big that it produced an echo.

:clap: :clap: You got me laughing my ass off,Merlin!!!!
It gets worse. I'll have to go dig up the article if you want the source, but the same school board in Massachussetts (of all places) that turned down "West Side Story" as an appropriate high school play due to racial stereotypes had their high school put on "The Vagina Monologues" as a school play this past year.

I tried posting a protest to this on a more liberal board before I found this one, and no matter how many times I tried to explain myself, I was dismissed as being critical of this play because I was a chauvanist who opposed women's rights. Even if you love "The Vagina Monologues," it is not appropriate for a high school audience.

On follow up, I heard an interview where a woman was asked if she was comfortable with the portrayal of a 16-year in a sexual relationship with an older woman (old enough for statuatory rape), and she replied that 24 was not "an older woman." Disgraceful.

If I ever suggest moving to Massachussetts, could one of you please come to my house and beat some sense into me? (no offense to people from there, I just hate the politics)
Originally posted by freeandfun1
What a crock of crappola!


Talk about having your head up your ass, I mean vagina.

To see perverted stuff like this pushed in the schools is just indicative of how far and how low the left agenda will go. These people must be stopped!
Originally posted by Hobbit
On follow up, I heard an interview where a woman was asked if she was comfortable with the portrayal of a 16-year in a sexual relationship with an older woman (old enough for statuatory rape), and she replied that 24 was not "an older woman." Disgraceful.

What if it was her daughter? :rolleyes: Why isn't it rape when it's two women? I think that's a perfectly resonable question.
Harrington forcefully and angrily declared that women should be allowed to wear such attire without being thought of as sex objects. “I declare these streets, any streets, my vagina’s country!” she cried.

:wtf: Uh. Okay.

How ridiculously stupid.

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