The utter failure of Greta Thunberg


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
This 16 year old girl delivers a message to the U.N., is an utter failure because her speech was truly awful. Here I present a couple of links showing how irrelevant she is, a fodder for warmists morons, but a laughingstock for the rest of the world, from Watts Up With That?

A Line-By-Line Response to Greta Thunberg’s UN Speech

Guest Blogger / 15 hours ago September 24, 2019

A climate skeptic answers the fiery rhetoric of the Left’s star climate alarmist


Opinion by JACQUES VOORHEES (from his Facebook page)

Note: Greta’s speech is reprinted below. Her quotes are in italic, mine follow each quote. If it turns out there were errors in transcription—as seems likely—I’ll try to update with corrections. I apologize for the snarky tone, but if a 17-year-old can dish it out, I think she can take it.


Greta Thunberg & Allies File Climate Complaint Against 5 Countries (Not China)

From Breitbart

Swedish teen climate alarmist Greta Thunberg and 15 other children filed a complaint with the United Nations on Monday, accusing five countries of inaction on combatting so-called climate change.

The complaint, filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child, accuses Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey of failing to fulfill their obligations to act against climate change, placing them in violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a three-decade-old human rights treaty which sets out the “civil, political, social, and cultural rights of children.



Science illiterates who are not old enough to vote, Children wants to dictate to adults who have long ago known the issues the children whine about. Her whine was dead on arrival since everything she babbled about has long ago been talked about.

They have no standing to make these idiotic demands, go back to school and learn to develop critical thinking skills.

Planetary Savior you are NOT!

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Cool it------she is a kid, cute, intelligent and a bit naïve and a TOOL -----she reminds me of AOC. In fact, she is a bit like Shirley Temple-------except Ms. Temple was
handled by COMPARITIVELY ETHICAL PEOPLE (that's Hollywood---try not to
choke to death----but hollywood moghuls, COMPARED TO SOME OF OUR
DISGUSTING POLITICIANS----were paragons of VIRTUE as was Ms
Temple, herself----I would take Louis Mayer and Jack Warner---OVER THE SCUMMY CLINTONS------and jerks like Soros, and Bernie idiot-schmuck
This 16 year old girl delivers a message to the U.N., is an utter failure because her speech was truly awful. Here I present a couple of links showing how irrelevant she is, a fodder for warmists morons, but a laughingstock for the rest of the world, from Watts Up With That?

A Line-By-Line Response to Greta Thunberg’s UN Speech

Guest Blogger / 15 hours ago September 24, 2019

A climate skeptic answers the fiery rhetoric of the Left’s star climate alarmist


Opinion by JACQUES VOORHEES (from his Facebook page)

Note: Greta’s speech is reprinted below. Her quotes are in italic, mine follow each quote. If it turns out there were errors in transcription—as seems likely—I’ll try to update with corrections. I apologize for the snarky tone, but if a 17-year-old can dish it out, I think she can take it.


Greta Thunberg & Allies File Climate Complaint Against 5 Countries (Not China)

From Breitbart

Swedish teen climate alarmist Greta Thunberg and 15 other children filed a complaint with the United Nations on Monday, accusing five countries of inaction on combatting so-called climate change.

The complaint, filed with the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child, accuses Argentina, Brazil, France, Germany, and Turkey of failing to fulfill their obligations to act against climate change, placing them in violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a three-decade-old human rights treaty which sets out the “civil, political, social, and cultural rights of children.



Science illiterates and not old enough to vote children, wants to dictate to adults who have long ago known the issues the children whine about. Her whine was dead on arrival since everything she babbled about has long ago been talked about.

They have no standing to make these idiotic demands, go back to school and learn to develop critical thinking skills.

Planetary Savior you are NOT!

Did she lose her temper?
She sure seems mal-developed for a 16 year old. What are they feeding her besides bullshit?
She sure seems mal-developed for a 16 year old. What are they feeding her besides bullshit?

That is the reason they picked her, plus her parents are far left Antifa activists.

She looks MUCH younger than she really is. She looks ten, when she is really almost SEVENTEEN. She has Asperger's and can be easily programmed to recite their propaganda verbatim and very well.
She sure seems mal-developed for a 16 year old. What are they feeding her besides bullshit?

That is the reason they picked her, plus her parents are far left Antifa activists.

She looks MUCH younger than she really is. She looks ten, when she is really almost SEVENTEEN. She has Asperger's and can be easily programmed to recite their propaganda verbatim and very well.
Her parents are ACTORS and it shows in the fake tears and outrage the little bimbo feigned.
Watch the Orange Bullies pile up on Greta. Kudos beotchez. And by the way sunset, Greta's speech was much better and enlightened than DJTs red meat polecat stump speech.
Her speech had no facts nor reality, just hysterical claims to scare people over nothing.
I did not think anyone could be more annoying or less relevant than David Hogg. However that is before I saw Greta
Watch the Orange Bullies pile up on Greta. Kudos beotchez. And by the way sunset, Greta's speech was much better and enlightened than DJTs red meat polecat stump speech.
I can understand people defending a 16 year old. I can also understand people being disgusted at watching a 16 year old used as a prop. As far as her speech being enlightened, I hope you're kidding. It was pretty much a child regurgitating nonsense.
Watch the Orange Bullies pile up on Greta. Kudos beotchez. And by the way sunset, Greta's speech was much better and enlightened than DJTs red meat polecat stump speech.
I can understand people defending a 16 year old. I can also understand people being disgusted at watching a 16 year old used as a prop. As far as her speech being enlightened, I hope you're kidding. It was pretty much a child regurgitating nonsense.

True..she is just a kid. A kid who has been diagnosed with OCD and Aspberger's syndrome...a kid that has been so twisted by the climate anxiety instilled within her by her parents that she believes she can see CO2 in the atmosphere with the naked eye.

She is being used by her parents and her handlers for political purposes. I would be damned interested in seeing her parent's income tax filings from before and after the Greta "sensation". I would wager that in addition to using her for political purposes, they are making a tidy bit of change off of the systematic psychological abuse of their child as well.
From American Thinker is this thoughtful comparison to Joan of Arc, showing that Greta doesn't offer anything useful and helpful to the people she screams at:

Greta the Angry

September 26,2019

By Deana Chadwell


Those who are befuddled and beleaguered by climate nonsense look to Greta Thunberg as if she were another Joan of Arc. Those of us who live in reality see her as being hopelessly mired in the arrogance of untruth. Yes, Greta’s childhood has been stolen from her, but it isn’t America that’s done that – it’s her parents who have allowed her to be prostituted in this manner. It is the leftist politicians and their ilk who are milking her youth and gullibility and her hunger for acceptance who have stuck her up on a tilting pedestal. I’m as uncomfortable watching her as I am seeing a parent mistreat a child in public. Humiliation is coming at her like a locomotive and no one is yanking her off the tracks.

Let’s explore this comparison with the French teenager who was martyred in her attempt to free France from English control. She was a devout, if untutored and illiterate, Christian. She was, from the age of 13 until her death at 19, sure she saw visions of saints who told her what she must do. She was amazingly successful. Her followers, who included King Charles VII, believed in her -– a young girl in the 15th century! –- and allowed her to command their troops in battle.



The comparison between two teen girls shows a stark divide between what they think and do.

Greta is all fluff and loud noise, doesn't offer anything useful and berates us for being alive, and seems to believe she does have only 11 years to live. She spreads FEAR to children, who will also be tied down by it, as I quote from the article:

"Greta is terrified. She seems to really believe that she will be dead in 11 years. Her fear is palpable, so much so that she is infecting thousands of other unstable young people, and fear is only useful for fleeing or fighting. Fear never produces tangible improvements –- only ill health and anger."

Joan of Arc went out of her way to fight for her country bravely died for it. She did it to save France, she did it to save the King, she did it out of love.
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