The US has information that indicates Moscow has prepositioned a group of terrorists to conduct a false-flag operation in eastern Ukraine


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The US has information that indicates Moscow has prepositioned a group of terrorists to conduct a false-flag operation in eastern Ukraine
The official said the US has evidence that the operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces.
The allegation echoes a statement released by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense on Friday, which said that Moscow special services are preparing provocations against Moscow forces in an attempt to frame Ukraine. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan hinted at the intelligence during a briefing with reporters on Thursday.

"Our intelligence community has developed information, which has now been downgraded, that Moscow is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating the pretext for an invasion," Sullivan said on Thursday. "We saw this playbook in 2014. They are preparing this playbook again and we will have, the administration will have, further details on what we see as this potential laying of the pretext to share with the press over the course of the next 24 hours."

The Shelling of Mainila (Finnish: Mainilan laukaukset, Swedish: Skotten i Mainila, Russian: Ма́йнильский инциде́нт, romanized: Máynil'skiy intsidént) was a military incident on 26 November 1939 in which the Soviet Union's Red Army shelled the Soviet village of Mainila (Russian: Ма́йнило, romanized: Máynilo) near Beloostrov. The Soviet Union declared that the fire originated from Finland across the nearby border and claimed to have had losses in personnel. Through that false flag operation, the Soviet Union gained a great propaganda boost and a casus belli for launching the Winter War four days later

very nasty development, How NATO/USA/Ukraine and our allies ´d act in order to stop Moscow´s terrorist - false-flag attacks ?
First don't believe our intelligence agencies
Second certainly don't believe CNN.
Of course, but that the belligerent power will do a false-flag operation is a given. The least plausible I can think of is WWI --- Germany goosestepped two million troops over the border of Belgium and said tiny Belgium had provoked them, some way. Nobody believed that one!

Pretty much everyone does it. Remember the Maine! And Tongkin Gulf.

That messaging got messed up immediately, however, with the breaking news that Ukraine has been hit with a big cyberattack against the government. Gee, could it possibly have been Russia doing that?

None of any of this is important except that it does seem likely with all this hoopla that Russia is getting ready to invade.

At least it will distract us from Covid ----------
CNN and the CIA two choice sources of!

But Russia is pushing a false narrative?

Well that should not bee too hard considering that they speak the same language and Ukrainians will switch sides at the drop of a ruble....But no, let's all panic so the war mongers can try to boost Tater's poll numbers.
Fuck all that noise.
Well that should not bee too hard considering that they speak the same language and Ukrainians will switch sides at the drop of a ruble....But no, let's all panic so the war mongers can try to boost Tater's poll numbers.
Fuck all that noise.
I so don't care. Actually, after all the son-of-Biden stuff, I think Ukraine OUGHT to be under the control of Russia. I guess our worthless CIA thinks it's time to get us all het up because they have some reason to think Russia is about to pull the trigger. Or anyway, the White House thinks it's time to distract us from all those "Biden Approval Sinks to 33%" "Biden has worst 48 Hours of Any President Ever" stories.
I so don't care. Actually, after all the son-of-Biden stuff, I think Ukraine OUGHT to be under the control of Russia. I guess our worthless CIA thinks it's time to get us all het up because they have some reason to think Russia is about to pull the trigger. Or anyway, the White House thinks it's time to distract us from all those "Biden Approval Sinks to 33%" "Biden has worst 48 Hours of Any President Ever" stories.
Oh you wait, if a Russian even farts in the Ukraine's general direction "Tater The Putz"'s bunch will act like it's the end of the fuckin' world.....I can hear the sabers rattling all the way out here some 60 miles away.
First don't believe our intelligence agencies
yes I know you do believe to KGB, move to Moscow you ivan lover

The US has information that indicates Moscow has prepositioned a group of terrorists to conduct a false-flag operation in eastern Ukraine
The official said the US has evidence that the operatives are trained in urban warfare and in using explosives to carry out acts of sabotage against Russia's own proxy forces.
The allegation echoes a statement released by Ukraine's Ministry of Defense on Friday, which said that Moscow special services are preparing provocations against Moscow forces in an attempt to frame Ukraine. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan hinted at the intelligence during a briefing with reporters on Thursday.

"Our intelligence community has developed information, which has now been downgraded, that Moscow is laying the groundwork to have the option of fabricating the pretext for an invasion," Sullivan said on Thursday. "We saw this playbook in 2014. They are preparing this playbook again and we will have, the administration will have, further details on what we see as this potential laying of the pretext to share with the press over the course of the next 24 hours."

The Shelling of Mainila (Finnish: Mainilan laukaukset, Swedish: Skotten i Mainila, Russian: Ма́йнильский инциде́нт, romanized: Máynil'skiy intsidént) was a military incident on 26 November 1939 in which the Soviet Union's Red Army shelled the Soviet village of Mainila (Russian: Ма́йнило, romanized: Máynilo) near Beloostrov. The Soviet Union declared that the fire originated from Finland across the nearby border and claimed to have had losses in personnel. Through that false flag operation, the Soviet Union gained a great propaganda boost and a casus belli for launching the Winter War four days later

very nasty development, How NATO/USA/Ukraine and our allies ´d act in order to stop Moscow´s terrorist - false-flag attacks ?
Hardly a surprising move. Hitler did it in Poland and we did it in Vietnam.
Oh you wait, if a Russian even farts in the Ukraine's general direction "Tater The Putz"'s bunch will act like it's the end of the fuckin' world.....I can hear the sabers rattling all the way out here some 60 miles away.
I'm sure, but why would we care? It's simply not in our national interest to tangle with Russia over Ukraine, considering Europe plainly just doesn't care either. Biden may make a big deal of any action to distract us from his failures.
Oh you wait, if a Russian even farts in the Ukraine's general direction "Tater The Putz"'s bunch will act like it's the end of the fuckin' world.....I can hear the sabers rattling all the way out here some 60 miles away.
Biden will do whatever Putin tells him to do.

Putin's security zone in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan or new Soviet Union? | To the point​

Putin wants to turn back the clock. He has been insisting that the West should provide moscow with far-reaching security guarantees – or face the consequences if it doesn’t. So, what exactly does Moscow want? And how should the West respond? Are Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan Putin's backyard?

Perhaps Putin should ask himself why all former Warsaw Pact members and many USSR Republics ultimately aligned themselves with the West, he may just learn something about Muscovy .
Azerbaijan was also Moscow ’s backyard but Turkey came and put its whole body in. The same goes to Kazakhstan, I really see Moscow ’s panic with the rest of the Central Asian countries as it is losing its influence and grip. They will all eventually fall to the influence of Turkey, china , India , won’t happen immediately but it will happen

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