The Union is Not a Suicide Pact - The Federal Government is Corrupt, So Let’s Dismantle it and Start Again

A hard coup d'état is needed. The rest can sort itself out by and by.
I disagree.

In that circumstance someone who already has influence in the system will likely replace those in power and that result could be much worse. The whole system just needs to collapse in on itself, and it will, so that all those involved are scourged and crucified by a feral enraged public body.

Think Mussolini about 2 million times.

We're going to need a natural tea beverage sort of flush that has us doubled over in tears committing environmental crimes in a toilet to rid ourselves of this mess.

The more I look around, the sooner I see it coming and the worst part is that it should have happened 30 years ago when most people could have avoided the suffering that looms.
Nobody is suggesting we dismantle the government. The idea is that at some point we have to remove the rotten apples in the government. Essentially, it is the same thing as the left wanting to remove Trump from office because "Duh, he bad oranGe man." There is absolutely nothing wrong with our constitutional government structure. But when the scumbags exceed constitutional authority and otherwise abuse their authority for political and financial purposes, and there is not effective way to curtail this, then something has to be done for the sake of preserving the republic and the constitution.
That may mean slicing off some territory. There are regions in this country that are dominated by people who don't like this country. Their political influence over the rest of the country needs to be eliminated. Their purpose is to marginalize our nation and society, destroy our culture, and replace it with a morbid dystopian global shithole.

The Union is Not a Suicide Pact - The Federal Government is Corrupt, So Let’s Dismantle it​

If you stop right there, I’ll listen to your proposal.
You dipshits realize that every 2-4 years you get to start a revolution at the voting booth. Just vote in better candidates instead of those GOP whackos.
You dipshits realize that every 2-4 years you get to start a revolution at the voting booth. Just vote in better candidates instead of those GOP whackos.
But you are perfectly fine with your DNC whackos. We get it.

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